Woodrow is confident about Skull and Bones' information hiding.

Only absolute henchmen would know the exact location of the base.

Even the other research members of the research base, the way they came to the base was to pick them up in a special car, wearing headgear throughout the whole process, and not giving them the opportunity to record their route at all.

Moreover, their base is located in the hinterland of the vast Mojave Desert, and the entire Mojave Desert covers an area of ​​200,000 square kilometers.

The area of ​​the apprentices occupied by the base is less than one hectare. They are very deep vertically, and the real area is not much.

So finding their base in the Mojave Desert is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In the vast desert, there is no edge at a glance, standing in one place, the surrounding scene is exactly the same.

Ordinary people will get lost in less than half an hour if they don't have the tools instructed to go in.

Skull and Bones relies on the desert as a natural shelter and has not been discovered by other organizations in the world.

And now, the two biggest enemies of their organization, the Kyushu Bureau and the FBI, have all come here. Who gave the news?

Or which core member of the club has defected?

Flossa is the second person besides him. This person is hyperactive, likes to take drugs, and is even more fanatical than him about establishing world power. There is no way that Flossa will betray.

Woodrow thought for a while and didn't expect anyone in the organization to betray.

Others don't know the exact location of the base, so who leaked this information?

Suddenly, a person appeared in Woodrow's mind.

Han Qi of the Kyushu Bureau is his mortal enemy. The Skull and Bones Society has so many enemies all over the world. Why didn't the anti-terrorist teams from other countries come over, but it was China?

And recently, Skull and Bones has indeed just accepted a new core member of Huaxia - Qin Lie.

Originally, they wanted to use Qin Lie's influence in China to push the forces of the Skull and Bones into China.

This person was always followed by Blaze, and he didn't pay much attention.

He and Qin Lie only had one match that day, and he also felt that this person met the requirements of Skull and Bones.

Others did not go further to check.

Now that I think about it, it seems that there was intelligence that Qin Lie was very close to the Jiuzhou Bureau in Huaxia.

If they want to transport some medicines and some research members into Huaxia, they will be intercepted by the Kyushu Bureau every time.

Thinking about it now, it is very likely that Qin Lie has been tipping off.


Thinking about this, Woodrow went berserk!

In an instant, all the swear words he could think of were used on Qin Lie.

He really did not expect that the one person he wanted to use was actually an undercover agent sent by the Kyushu Bureau to them. Now the core technology of the organization has been given out, and the location of the base has been exposed.

The Kyushu Bureau and FBI acted at the same time, and the Skeleton Club was facing extinction.

Flossa recently worked at the base in Alaska, but a lot of their core research results were at this base, and when the base was destroyed, all their previous efforts were destroyed.

As I said earlier, in fact, Woodrow is a person with his own beliefs.

He feels that this world is dirty and incorrect, and all governments in the world are sick. He wants to establish a controllable world government, rule the world, and change the current filth.

Although his ideas are crazy, he is willing to give everything for his pursuit.

He will never allow his years of operation to be destroyed in one fell swoop.

After thinking about this, he immediately gave the order to the mercenary captain of his base: "Arthur, take your people up to meet me, stop this group of dogs to die on the first three floors of the base, and I will dispatch genetically modified soldiers. To assist you in combat, it is up to you whether the base can be kept this time or not!"

In this way, the people of Skull and Bones and the coalition forces of China and the United States launched a fierce confrontation in the underground base.

The intensity of this battle was even more intense than the intensity of Qin Lie and Yan Wangdao's siege of Yehun before.

The biggest reason is that the Skull and Bones Society has not only raised a regiment of mercenaries, but even about fifty genetically modified fighters. Even if these fighters are still half-finished products, their combat power far exceeds that of ordinary humans.

These fighters caused great trouble to Han Qi and their advance.

Fortunately, the elites from the FBI, the elites from the Kyushu Bureau, and the top fighters of the Marine Corps came here this time. Their individual combat effectiveness may not be as good as that of the transformed fighters, but in terms of cooperation, they have left those fighters a few streets away.

The genetically modified warriors caused some trouble for Han Qi and the others, but they did not change the outcome of the matter.

According to the previous plan, FBI and their US forces mainly attacked from the front, while Han Qi and others dropped all the way from the elevator to the bottom, and then fought from the bottom all the way up.

The forces of both sides sandwiched Woodrow and others in the middle, constantly compressing their living space.

That night, the entire Skull and Bones base was filled with turmoil, and gunshots continued.

After a night of fierce fighting, the team of Han Qi and Tuyes sandwiched Woodrow on the tenth floor, which was the floor where their research center was located.

Woodrow organized their team, and still resisted in the tenth floor.

It's just that Woodrow, whose heart is higher than the sky, has been suppressed without a chance to breathe. He himself knows that his deadline is approaching. After learning that the leader of the Kyushu Bureau is his mortal enemy Han Qi, he knows that he will not survive today.

But he is still not reconciled, and he is not reconciled that the empire he created with his own hands will fall like this.

When the gunshots continued outside, he called Flossa in grief and anger.

Flossa was lucky this time, and just went to the base in Alaska because of the shift of the base's center of gravity.

They had planned to move the research center to the base in Alaska, but it was too late.

It's just that this incident allowed Frossa to escape. Woodrow knew that he was going to die, and he was going to give Frossa his whole life.

When the call was connected, Flossa had already known about it, and was very emotional: "Woodrow, don't worry, I'm rushing back with the team now, hold on, let's kill those dogs together. Mother-in-law."

Woodrow has almost given up on the idea himself.

Alaska is too far from here, and even if Flossa came back, the daylily would be cold.

Woodrow isn't thinking about that right now, but something bigger.

He persuaded Flossa: "Flossa, you don't have to come here, it's too late, listen to me, now you are our only hope for Skull and Bones.

I can die, but the spirit of Skull and Bones will continue. All the research results of genetic modification have been transferred when you went to Alaska last time. Now you go back to Alaska and transfer these things. "

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