The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1681 Ginger Is Still Old And Spicy

The golden knife faced Qiu Liyuan from a distance, and Qin Lie said loudly, "So, I'm coming!"

Qiu Liyuan also took out his own matching knife, the edge of the knife was facing the ground, and the other hand was behind his back as agreed, he was still very confident: "When you are ready, let's start!"

"Okay!" With that, Qin Lie's body sank and he was ready to start.

Then, he roared: "Elder, this junior will be offended."

After he finished speaking, he jumped on the spot, and the whole person rose into the air.

After a huge arc, he held the knife in both hands and slashed at the top of Qiu Liyuan's head.

This knife, with Qin Lie's weight and all the strength in Qin Lie's body, slashed towards Qiu Liyuan frantically.

With just one move, Qin Lie showed all his strengths.

Qin Lie has his own considerations. He never fights recklessly, he is using his brain.

Because Qiu Liyuan said, he only used one hand during the entire battle.

Then the strength of his hand is definitely not his opponent, and he can definitely surpass him in strength.

So the first move, Qin Lie will find Qiu Liyuan to fight for strength.

As long as Qiu Liyuan's flaws can be played out, Qin Lie can start from the flaws and make mistakes all the way to Qiu Liyuan, so that he can slowly gain the upper hand and win the duel.

Originally, there was no problem with this idea, but after all, the opposite was Qiu Liyuan, a swordsman master with extremely rich practical experience.

How could he not have thought of Qin Lie's intentions.

Qin Lie knows that his advantage lies in strength, how could he not see this disadvantage? ?

Facing Qin Lie's slash from the sky, Qiu Liyuan had no intention of fighting him at all.

Qin Lie has no focus in the air, and basically just changes the attack position.

Qiu Liyuan just flicked to the side, and directly avoided Qin Lie's attack.

After dodging Qin Lie, Qin Lie slashed into the air, revealing the space behind him for Qiu Liyuan.

Qiu Liyuan snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "If you want to fight, fight well. What's the point of having to engage in these bells and whistles?"

Saying that, he was merciful. He could have slashed Qin Lie's back with a knife, but he just knocked over with the hilt.

But what he didn't expect was that even though Qin Lie had already split, he still reacted.

He raised the knife behind him with a backhand, and blocked Qiu Liyuan's blow with a "clang".

Originally, Qiu Liyuan thought that he could stagger Qin Lie, but because of Qin Lie's block, the two bounced off each other and pulled back a distance.

Qin Lie paused for a while, then stood still and said, "Old man, you are showing mercy. Being kind and gentle is a taboo in the military. You taught me this."

"Hahaha..." Qiu Liyuan smiled, "Good boy, you have educated me, okay, since you want me to do my best, then I will do my best to show you!"

After speaking, this time Qiu Liyuan took the initiative.

The movements under his feet were fast, and the movement of the whole person was extremely strange.

This person, like a gust of wind, came to Qin Lie's side lightly, raised his hand and fired a knife. His knife's attack route was also very strange.

Qin Lie didn't know how he did it, the blade actually slashed from the bottom up from his armpit.

This angle is very tricky, and Qin Lie is hard to guard against.

Fortunately, Qin Lie responded quickly, and immediately raised his hand to resist, holding the handle of the knife with one hand and pressing the back of the knife with the other hand, which would block the knife.

Qiu Liyuan is in his 60s, and the strength in his hands is still very domineering. Qin Lie raised his hand to block it, and his mouth was numb.

This was just Qiu Liyuan's initial attack, and then, Qiu Liyuan played out his sword skills.

Qin Lie really didn't expect that after Qiu Liyuan chopped the knife from the bottom up, he quickly adjusted his direction, bowed his body, drew back the big knife, and then slashed from the side.

Qin Lie was startled again, and hurried to block the knife again.

After finally blocking the knife, Qiu Liyuan let his knife out of his hand and flew behind Qin Lie, and he went behind him with a strange pace, picked up the handle of the knife, and slashed again with his backhand.

Qin Lie was too busy, so he could only follow Qiu Liyuan's rhythm to resist.

To sum up, Qiu Liyuan's attack is very fierce, powerful, and the angle is tricky, and there are many changes in his moves. Often there are six or seven types of changes in just one move.

After Qin Lie resisted one of his attacks, he had no idea how to use his next move.

This caused Qin Lie to defend almost passively, following Qiu Liyuan's offensive rhythm.

Coupled with the tight rhythm of the chaotic cloak knife technique, once the attack starts, it will be like a gust of wind and rain, and Qin Lie is very difficult to defend.

Let's just put it this way, Qiu Liyuan's attack now is almost the same as Qin Lie's ten tennis launchers, and his attack speed is similar when he launches tennis balls at the same time.

And there are more changes and more unexpected, so Qin Lie can't breathe, and he can't find the interval of counterattack at all.

Everyone watched, and their expressions became nervous involuntarily following the situation on the field.

Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai glanced at each other and saw worry in each other's eyes.

Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot. Even if Qiu Liyuan only attacked with one hand, Qin Lie was caught off guard and had no chance to counterattack.

It is conceivable that if Qiu Liyuan had two hands, he would have more moves, and his attack would be more mysterious. Maybe Qin Lie had already lost by now.

But Qin Lie can still resist at the moment, and it feels like it's only a matter of time before losing the final duel.

Everyone sighed, feeling that Qin Lie was going to end with regret today.

Qin Lie was also in a hurry, and he knew that this was not the way to go.

Blindly following Qiu Liyuan's move, although his defense is tight, his physical strength is constantly being consumed in the process.

The consumption of physical strength will also mean the decline of mental strength.

Once you don't concentrate, your defense will be flawed.

And if there are flaws in the defense, Qiu Liyuan can seize his flaws, attack to the end, and make a final decision.

Qin Lie knew that to win this match, he had to regain the initiative to attack.

That's what he's worried about now.

Qiu Liyuan's attacks were too intensive to give him a chance to counterattack at all.

He has been waiting, has been waiting...

As for Qiu Liyuan, looking at Qin Lie's rush to deal with his own attack, he couldn't help reminding: "Boy, you forgot I told you, when your duel is passive, how do you take the initiative back?"

Of course Qin Lie remembers this, but now Qiu Liyuan's attack is perfect, and he can't find any flaws.

How to counter this?

Qin Lie waited while defending, waiting for the moment when he could counterattack.

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