Red Thorn took out the note and told Qin Lie, "This should be the last time I will give you information."

Qin Lie glanced down and asked, "What is this?"

The red thorn horse said: "This is Xuanyuan Tianci, and the Xiao family, the number of armed forces brought to the magic capital this time, and the address where they settled after arriving in the magic capital."

Qin Lie then took a closer look at it.

The information given on the red thorn's note is very clear, and the first line above it says so.

Xuanyuan Tianci's ordinary armed forces, the number of people: between 235 and 275 people, the destination: Modu Shang Business Hotel, the distance from Shijia Village: 5.8km.

The second row is again: overseas mercenaries, the number of people: about 350 people, the destination: Chongming Hotel, the distance from Shijia Village: 3.9km.

There are still a few rows left, with similar formats, namely the Xiao family's ordinary armed forces and the Xiao family's army, as well as a strange team code name x.

This note from Red Thorn actually wrote all the armed forces brought by Xuanyuan Tianci on it.

How many people, where do they live, how far is it from the playing field, blah blah blah…

Although the information is simple, it is very important.

As the old saying goes, know yourself and your enemy, and you will be in danger in a hundred battles. The information given by Red Thorn seems to be just some simple numbers and positions, but it reveals other very important content.

For example, what is their total number, and after knowing the power they brought out, how much defense of their hometown is left.

Knowing how far away they live from the playing field, it is possible to figure out how long it will take them to get there in the first place if something goes wrong.

And the route they need to go through along the way can probably be calculated.

"Heh, hehe..." Qin Lie laughed when he saw these contents, looked at Red Thorn and said, "Red Thorn, you can do it, you can find so many detailed contents, this thing is very important to us. ."

Hongthorn didn't smile, but said to himself: "When he came to see me last time, he brought a computer, and he took a shower in it later, so I copied the data on his computer, and there were these arrangements."

After Qin Lie heard it, he thought about it and said, "He came to find you and brought a computer, this..."

The red thorn said directly: "I know what you are thinking, and I thought it was a trap at first, but after arriving in the magic capital, I went to these addresses and checked them one by one, and there are indeed their people in every place. , it shouldn't be fake."

"Ok!" Qin Lie snapped his fingers.

Since the red thorn is arranged by yourself, you can trust her. As for the true and false, you can check it yourself when the time comes.

But this is a little strange, and it is something Qin Lie can't understand: "The other teams are fine, but what does the x in this team mean?"

After listening to it, Red Thorn also shook his head: "I don't know exactly what happened, it was written like this on his computer, I just copied it down.

Then I went to the place where X lived, and I found that many of X's troops were not from Xuanyuan Tianci or those in the Xiao family before, but basically they were strangers, and I hardly knew these people know. "

"Really?" This made Qin Lie's mind a little more doubtful, Unit X, I don't know what kind of unit it is.

That's really an uncertain factor.

Having seen Xiao Mei and Gu Chen during the day, that was already an uncertain factor.

At this moment, another unknown armed force came, which was not expected by Qin Lie.

Before the big competition, you have to do a good research.

"Okay." Qin Lie nodded and said, "Then I can check the rest by myself. It's hard work. After three days, I will abide by the agreement and send you out of Huaxia. Then you will be able to get rid of the shadow bestowed by Xuanyuan."

"Thank you." Red Thorn said sincerely.

Qin Lie: "It should be me who wants to say thank you. You have given me a lot of information during this time. The end of Xuanyuan's heaven is coming, so I should send you out."

"Yes." Red Thorn said, "A person like Xuanyuan Tianci shouldn't be living in this world, he won't be able to bounce around for long."

"I can feel it myself, Xuanyuan Tianci's temper has become more and more irritable recently, and only when the situation is out of his control will he get so out of control, I think he can't hold it anymore. ."

Qin Lie nodded without saying anything more on this matter.

After all, the relationship between the two is still secret and cannot be seen by others.

After handing over the information, Qin Lie and Red Thorn left the jungle one after the other.

Hong pierced a windbreaker and came over. When he went out, he buttoned the windbreaker's hat on his head, as if hiding in the darkness, and left the jungle directly.

Qin Lie, on the other hand, waited for another five minutes after the Red Thorn went out first.

After a little attention to see if there was anyone around, he found that it was safe, so he walked all the way back to the family village.

After passing the security check, we went all the way back to the villa where our team belonged.

But unfortunately, neither of them found out. After they both left, a figure slowly walked out from the depths of the jungle.

After the figure came out, he looked at the direction where the red thorn was leaving on the left, and looked at the direction in which Qin Lie was leaving on the right. The corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a wicked smile, his hands were in his pockets, and he slowly walked towards Shijia Village. go in.

And this person is none other than Xiao Xingyao.


Qin Lie still didn't know that the information about his meeting with Red Thorn had been grasped by Xiao Xingyao.

What he now considers is the credibility of the information given by the Red Spurs.

After returning to the villa, Qin Lie took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Lei outside Shijia Village, and told Jiang Lei, "Jiang Lei, I will send you a photo on my mobile phone later. There are several addresses on the photo. There are some armed forces of the Xiao family living in the address, you can find a few unfamiliar brothers in the team, go to these hotels and check to see if there are people from the Xiao family living there."

"Okay." Jiang Lei agreed immediately, "I will arrange for the brothers to do it right away."

"Okay." Qin Lie urged, "Remember to tell the brothers, if you go to inquire, just inquire, don't startle the snake, it is us who will suffer after exposure."

"I know." Jiang Lei replied.

Qin Lie finally said: "Jiang Lei, tell the brothers instead of me, this family competition should be the most difficult and dangerous task we have ever had, so the brothers should be prepared.

We may be facing an opponent that we cannot reach at this level. This time will be very tiring and dangerous, but if we win the final victory, we will ascend to another level in the future. is ours. "

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