Xuanyuan Tianci looked at Xiao Xingyao with a mysterious look, and became a little interested in the things in his mobile phone.

After glancing at him, he took the phone and glanced at it.

But just a glance, Xuanyuan Tianci's brows suddenly wrinkled.

Xiao Xingyao said: "Hehe, brother, it seems that you have not figured out what kind of person is staying by your side..."

"Just this person, are you afraid that Qin Lie may not know all his actions?"

"A person who is so vigilant can't even find this?"

While listening to Xiao Xingyao's words, Xuanyuan Tianci looked at the screen of the mobile phone and cursed angrily: "Grass!"

Because on the phone screen, it was nothing but the video of Qin Lie and Red Thorn standing together.

In the woods, Xiao Xingyao not only saw it, but also took a picture of the two of them together.

Although the content of the conversation between the two cannot be heard clearly, the picture is real.

Red Thorn has always been a confidant around him, even the person beside him, how can he not be angry when this picture appears now?

Xuanyuan Tianci's anger rushed to Tianling Gai almost instantly.

He gritted his teeth and asked Xiao Xingyao, "Where did you take this scene?"

Xiao Xingyao smiled and said, "It's in the undeveloped woods outside Shijia Village. In order to capture this clearly, I also used night vision mode."

"What are you doing in the woods?" Xuanyuan Tianci asked.

Xiao Xingyao then said: "To tell you the truth, big brother, this little girl beside you is called Red Thorn, and it was trained by the old man and the others.

I noticed her when I was a child, and when I grew up, I got better and better and my figure got better and better. I wanted to make her my woman.

But then the old man gave you the red thorn, and I was a little unhappy. I came back from outside today and saw her outside the woods. I wondered if he came to see you.

I wanted to go to the woods to play with her, but guess what, Qin Lie walked in before I even started. It was even more exciting than I thought, so I quickly recorded the process. Well, now I am sending this video to you non-stop. "

Xuanyuan Tianci watched the video Xiao Xingyao gave back and forth three or four times, and finally grabbed the phone in his hand, making a clicking sound.

Xiao Xingyao looked at it and said quickly, "Brother, hey brother, tap it, I found someone else to customize this phone, it's 58,000, tap it, don't break it for me."

Xuanyuan Tianci threw it away, and then returned the phone to Xiao Xingyao.

Xiao Xingyao said: "Brother, now you have to figure it out, the arrest operation against Ning Kun was not Qin Lie's luck at all, this bitch gave you false information and let you go to the trap. of.

I just said, no matter how bad the combat effectiveness of the person we are looking for, they can't end up being wiped out by the whole army.

Undercover and undercover, grandma's, this plot is even more exciting than a spy war movie! "

At this moment, Xuanyuan Tianci was so angry that he couldn't hold back the fire in his heart.

Red Thorn, a confidant who he sent to Qin Lie's side to perform undercover tasks, a person who has been with him for many years and who believes that he is absolutely loyal.

As a result, Qin Lie had already rebelled and became an undercover agent beside him.

This bitch, I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup was poured into by Qin Lie, and regardless of the friendship between his master and servant over the years, he dared to betray himself and make himself look like a fool.

It is also because of her that she claimed credit in front of Henry Zhang several times, but in the end it became her own failure.

The few times he was trained as a dog by Henry Zhang, it was all because of the false information provided by the bitch Red Thorn.

Thinking about it this way, a lot of weird things during this period of time can be explained.

No wonder he kept urging her to investigate Ning Kun's whereabouts, but the whereabouts remained like a mystery, and no matter how he looked, he couldn't find it.

It's not that her subordinates are weak, it's that she doesn't plan to help herself at all.

"good very good!"

Xuanyuan Tianci gritted his teeth, his emotions exploded.

A small character, a dog who was raised by his side, actually rode on his face at this time.

Such a dog thing, what's the point of keeping her?

Xuanyuan Tianci Xu narrowed his eyes and stared at the void for a long time.

In the end, he couldn't bear the humiliation and anger that he was being played with, and left the martial arts field, but instead of returning to Villa No. 1, he rushed out of the family village and went straight to a place.


At this time, in the Chunyuan Hotel, Hongthorn returned to the room and lay down after taking a shower.

She was in a good mood today. After all, Qin Lie gave a positive answer.

Three days later, Qin Lie arranged for her to leave Huaxia. From then on, she no longer had to look at Xuanyuan Tianci's face and endure Xuanyuan Tianci's abuse.

With Qin Lie's arrangement, she felt that she could completely get rid of Xuanyuan Tianci's tail and live a completely new life from now on.

In just three days, the 20-year nightmare will end, how could she be unhappy?

After making the bed, she even looked at the lights in the hotel and thought it looked a lot better.

Sure enough, there is a difference between a hopeful life and a hopeless life.

She began to fantasize about which country Qin Lie would arrange for her to go to and what kind of life she would live.

Will it be like in the movie, lying quietly on the beach in Hawaii, wearing a beautiful swimsuit, and then basking in the sun leisurely.

Or go to Northern Europe, there are ice ski resorts all year round to go skiing and feel the frenzy of life.

She felt that as long as she could leave Huaxia and Xuanyuan Tianci's control, her life would be better than it is now.

Red Thorn has fallen into longing for a better life.

However, everything that could have been achieved was terminated because of that Xiao Xingyao's video.

Just when Red Thorn was imagining, suddenly, the door of her hotel was almost kicked open by brute force.

With a bang, the door hit the wall with a loud bang.

Hearing this sound, he jumped up from the bed and looked nervously at the door.

What frightened her was that the person who broke in this time was none other than the nightmare of her life, Xuanyuan Tianci!

She had an ominous premonition in her heart at that time, because he saw Xuanyuan Tianci's expression, which was fiercer than ever before!

She was thinking about what happened.

He quickly got up and asked, "Master, what's the matter with you, is there something wrong with you coming to me so late?"

But Xuanyuan Tianci was expressionless, and only two words answered her: "Bitch!"

After saying this, Xuanyuan Tianci didn't talk nonsense, and slapped the red thorn directly in the face!

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