After a while, Su Xiaoxiao brought Ye Yuqing and others over.

At this time, Qin Lie had already cut the grouper into pieces and cleaned them. Ye Yuqing and the others took one piece and transported the whole grouper back to the camp.

Qin Lie roughly estimated that this ichthyosaur grouper weighed about 250 pounds.

Compared with other ordinary fish, this size is definitely a giant, but it can only be regarded as quite satisfactory in the whole dragon family, because he has seen fishermen catch a super dragon of more than 400 kilograms before. It is said that the largest dragon grouper can even grow up to seven or eight hundred pounds!

"Qin Lie, how are we going to eat this dragon grouper?"

Seeing the fish in front of him, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help drooling.

"Don't worry, I'll prepare first, and we'll have a full dragon banquet at noon."

Qin Lie replied with a smile, then fry the wild prickly ash that he had picked before, add some salt and pepper to it, then cut open the fish head, sprinkle it with sea salt and spices to marinate it.

At noon that day, Qin Lie made a fish skin with salt and pepper, a fish head soup, a pan-fried fish, and a steamed fish.

Don't look at the 200 jins of the dragon grouper, but the meat is not woody at all, and it tastes very tender.

In fact, Qin Lie most wanted to use this dragon to make a fish with pickled cabbage, but there was no pickled cabbage here, so he could only cook it simply with the materials he had on hand.

Because the fish head was too big to cook in one pot, Qin Lie could only divide it into two pots. In the end, everyone was full and the soup was not finished.

Qin Lie didn't waste such a nutritious fish head soup, and put the rest of the soup in the cave, ready to drink it at night.

Time flies, and another two days have passed.

For the past two days, Su Xiaoxiao went to the beach for an hour every morning and afternoon, just to see if there were any ships passing by.

The result is self-evident, every time it is a disappointment.

But she still had hope, and she believed that one day a ship would pass by to find them and take them out of this hellish place.

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to find treasures with Sister Yuqing and the others. Be careful in the camp. If you encounter other survivors, you must be more attentive, and don't trust others at will."

Beside the bonfire, Qin Lie told Su Xiaoxiao and the others in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Brother Qin, we are not the kind of silly and sweet we used to be. If anyone dares to think about us, we will greet him with a machete!"

Su Xiaoxiao said very solemnly.

In the past, she was inexperienced and innocent, but the time she lived on the desert island had made her really grow up, and she had already understood the truth of the sinister human heart.

Therefore, although she is still kind-hearted, she will never trust anyone easily.

"We are actually quite safe in the camp, but you, be careful."

Su Tiantian continued.

There are dangers in the forest, Qin Lie and the others are definitely not easy to walk. If they are not careful, they may die in Huangquan!

"Well, I know, I'll be careful."

Qin Lie naturally knows how dangerous it is to walk through the virgin forest, but he has made a lot of preparations in the past few days. In addition, he has rich experience in wild survival. As long as he doesn't kill himself, he can still take Ye Yuqing and the others safely. returned.

The group chatted for a while, and in order not to affect tomorrow's actions, everyone went to bed early.

The next day, the sky was high and the weather was clear and cloudless, and the weather was not generally good.

After breakfast, Qin Lie set off with Ye Yuqing, the others, and Misty Hair.

Along the way, Qin Lie and the others looked at the map while looking for the corresponding pattern in the forest. In addition, the forest was not all flat, and they had to climb a hill from time to time. The speed of progress was not fast, and it was only a few minutes before noon. Kilometers only.

Qin Lie was not in a hurry. After eating the dry food he brought with him, he took everyone to rest in the shade for an hour before continuing to set off.

After turning over a hill in front of them, a large river blocked their way.

"Looks like we're on the right track."

Qin Lie said after looking at the map.

On the map, there is a long curved line running across the entire map, clearly pointing to the river in front of you.

"Qin Lie, rest for a while before crossing the river?"

Ye Yuqing suggested.

The river in front of them was about five meters wide. Although they didn't know the depth, the river was fast and it was not easy to cross.

"Alright, everyone, just find a place to rest for a while, and cross the river in 20 minutes. I'll go check the depth of the river first."

Qin Lie replied, then walked to the river below to take off his shoes and socks, rolled up his trousers, picked up a long bamboo pole and entered the river.

The river water was slightly cold, and Qin Lie, who was already sweating, felt a sense of coolness.

"It's comfortable, I really want to take a bath."

Qin Lie, who was in the water, sighed.

"Wang Wang Wang."

The stray hairs on the shore suddenly shouted at Qin Lie, and ran down to take Qin Lie's shoes away.

"You stray dog, what are you doing with my shoes."

Qin Lie shouted at the miscellaneous hair.

But Qin Lie responded with a few dog barks.

However, one person and one dog could not understand the language. Qin Lie didn't know what Momo was calling, so he simply ignored it and continued to walk to the other side of the river.

The water was only about half a meter deep at the beginning, but after only taking two steps, the water was already waist-deep. Before it reached the middle of the river, Qin Lie was completely submerged.

Moreover, the water flow under the water surface is more turbulent, which adds a lot of difficulty to crossing the river.

Qin Lie thought for a while, and temporarily retreated to the shore.

"This river is still quite deep. After a while, you will tie the ropes to each other's hands and let's cross the river together."

Qin Lie said to Ye Yuqing and the others.

He is strong and strong, and should be able to swim to the other side in one breath, but Ye Yuqing and the others are women after all. If some precautions are not taken, it will be very dangerous if they are washed away by the river.


Ye Yuqing and the others naturally had no objection, and took out the rope that Qin Lie twisted with cloth and tied it to their respective wrists.

After resting for a while, Qin Lie transferred all the heavy items in Ye Yuqing's bamboo basket to him, and he started to prepare to cross the river.

At this moment, Misty suddenly grabbed Qin Lie's trouser leg and pulled him back at the same time.

"What are you doing, bastard?"

Qin Lie asked with a puzzled face.

"Wang Wang Wang."

Za Mao let go of his mouth, then ran to the distant high ground and shouted at Qin Lie.

"If you want to go back, you son of a bitch, go back, I don't have time to play with you."

Qin Lie remembered that Momo seemed to be afraid of water. He didn't dare to follow Momo when he went swimming in the sea before, so he ignored it and re-entered the river.

Ye Yuqing and the others followed closely behind.

Only Za Mao was lying on the shore alone, pacing back and forth from time to time.

It's just that Qin Lie was concentrating on crossing the river and didn't care about it at all.

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