Qin Lie listened and watched from a distance, thinking it was funny.

These straight men are really straight. Even the subordinates of Murong Huanyu's family have so many girls to flirt with, and there are a lot of places with good scenery. As a result, they chose a sport only for men - basketball .

Among these people, except Jiang Lei who is married, the others are really single by their strength.

But Qin Lie wasn't interested in this, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, you can play by yourself, I'm busy here."

Chen Jinhu said: "Don't, brother lie!"

"You used to always accompany your sister-in-law, and you usually get tired of being together for a long time. Today, I will come over to play for a day. The sisters-in-law are having a good time chatting without you. Come and play with us. "

Ye Yuqing was dissatisfied when she heard this, she retorted: "Jin Hu, I'm not happy with what you said, what does it mean to accompany us enough usually, he usually hangs out with you, okay?

He spends a lot more time with you than with us, doesn't your conscience hurt when you say this? "

"Haha, haha..." Ye Yuqing and Chen Jinhu couldn't be bothered, so after being reprimanded, Chen Jinhu scratched the back of his head and said, "That, Sister Ye, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, it's mainly because we are short of people, even 3v3. I can't even fight, it's almost meaningless."

Qin Lie glanced at them, it was true.

Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei, Li Tianlin, and Xingfeng's group of four, the four of them have been together the longest and have the best relationship.

The rest of Shentu Aoshi, Han Shiyu is not so familiar with, Murong Huanyu will not talk about it, sitting in a wheelchair.

Qin Lie glanced at Shentu Aoshi and Han Shiyu and pushed them out: "Brother Shentu, brother Han, how about you two help make up the number of people?"

After Shentu Aoshi heard it, he immediately took two steps back and said: "No, you let me practice martial arts and I can still play a few rounds, forget basketball, not at all."

Qin Lie looked at Han Shiyu, but Ya's answer was more concise: "+1."

Qin Lie saw that neither of them knew how, plus he only had five, which was still not enough for 3v3.

So he continued: "Jin Hu, you see, it's not that I'm not helping you. It's true that even adding me is not enough. How do you play five, and practice shooting in half court?"

As a result, at this time, Qi Tianchang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly came over, raised his hand and said, "If there is really a shortage of people, I can barely make it. Although it's a bit of a meal, don't dislike it."

Chen Jinhu burst into a happy smile and regained his confidence: "brother lie, look, God destined you to get together, sister Ye Zi, you agree."

"Let's do it or else." In order to please Ye Yuqing and the others, Chen Jinhu suddenly changed his words, "We will play 3v3 with six people later. Brother Lie is the first team, we are the first team. If Brother Lie loses, you can let him play with us. In two hours, if Brother Lie wins, we will wear these barbecue skewers for our sister-in-law today!!"

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Ye Yuqing and the others, but Chen Jinhu's words immediately pulled Ye Yuqing and the others into the battlefield.

When Ye Yuqing heard it, there was actually such a good thing. She turned around and looked at Su Xiaoxiao Aoi Yingzi, each seeing hope in the other's eyes.

They are the kind of highly professional women, and doing housework is utter torture for them.

So when they heard that someone could help them get things done, their eyes flashed right now.

Qin Lie was still thinking about what reason to use to respond to Chen Jinhu's invitation, but Ye Yuqing said at the time, "Qin Lie, fight them!"

"Ah?" Qin Lie looked back at her in surprise, "Don't you agree with us?"

"Fight, why don't you fight." Ye Yuqing, "If you win, you can help us lighten the burden."

"What if I lose?" Qin Lie said.

Ye Yuqing: "It doesn't affect us if we lose."

Qin Lie: "..."

Having said that, there is really nothing else to say, so Qin Lie has no choice but to agree: "Let's go then..."

Speaking of Qin Lie's basketball, it's still at a certain level.

I also participated in the college team when I was in college, but only at the level of a bench player.

Occasionally play off the bench, but to say how awesome it is, it's not that bad.

Now it depends on Chen Jinhu's level, so it doesn't mean that he has the certainty of winning.

Qin Lie followed Chen Jinhu and the others to the basketball court, and Ye Yuqing and others also followed because of their interests.

The environment of the basketball court is really okay. The courts are all wooden floors. There are iron nets around to prevent the ball from running far. All the rule lines are still very clear. Running on it with sneakers has a certain amount of ups and downs, so Doesn't hurt knees either.

The stadium experience is really good, so the problem of the team is left.

The current members are Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei, Li Tianlin, Xing Feng and Qi Tianchang.

When Qin Lie asked about the team, Chen Jinhu took the lead and asked the others, "Come on, let's talk about it, how much experience do you have in sports? How is your basketball level?"

When talking about this, Jiang Lei seemed to become very confident. He raised his hand and said, "I used to participate in the army solo competition when I was in the army. I am the solo champion in East China."

When Qin Lie heard this, it was over. Isn't this a proper super expert?

Jiang Lei used to be a soldier, how many soldiers are there in the East China area, all the soldiers are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there are definitely not a few basketball masters. He can still win the solo championship, which is indeed very valuable.

Li Tianlin also said the same: "Then I'm worse than Brother Lei. I used to be on the county team in high school. I also won the mvp in the city's competition, and I played No. 5."

After Chen Jinhu heard what Li Tianlin said, he said: "This is too awesome, everyone is a master, I'm just average, I don't have any military region teams, county teams like you, but I started playing basketball when I was ten years old. It’s been more than twenty years now, so it’s still a bit of a level!”

This is the most awesome of the three self-introductions.

The rest of Xing Feng is very simple: "I started playing around the age of eighteen, and I played for ten years, but it was intermittent, and I didn't practice much."

Qi Tianchang said: "I, I'm just reluctant to play. I'm a crowd. If I'm not good at dribbling and shooting, I just need to be a tool for passing the ball."

The basic introduction of personnel is completed.

After listening to their respective introductions, Chen Jinhu immediately said, "Okay, then I will be with Jiang Lei Tianlin, brother Lie, you and Qi Shaoye and Xing Feng. Is this arrangement okay?"

Qin Lie gave Chen Jinhu a middle finger after listening to it!

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