Qin Lie was shaken, and when Jiang Lei's right dodge went out, his body also flashed to the right.

This exposed the space in front of him.

Jiang Lei seized the gap, quickly crossed the three-point line, and ran all the way to the depths of the inside line.

Seeing this, many people on the sidelines showed surprised expressions, and their hearts were over. If Qin Lie was all thrown over, how could he prevent him from rushing!

Jiang Lei's speed is not slow, and his offensive ability has also opened the eyes of today's people.

Including Xing Feng, also felt that it was not good, mainly because there was not enough time now, and there were only forty seconds left in total.

Seeing Jiang Lei running from a distance, he could only move a few more steps forward, put his hand on his crotch, and stand on the only road that Jiang Lei must pass.

He didn't dare to defend, for fear of being penalized by another foul - that would be the end of the game.

Jiang Lei's goal was directly related to the outcome of the entire game, and everyone's hearts were raised.

On Qin Lie's side, he didn't give up. Although Jiang Lei swayed him, his reaction was very fast. After Jiang Lei rushed over, he quickly turned around to follow him to see if he could remedy it.

And Jiang Lei's speed was mentioned at the beginning. After he changed the speed, his speed was almost on par with Qin Lie.

Qin Lie turned around and chased after him. He started slowly, but now he can barely keep up.

Jiang Lei was in front of Xing Feng, probably at the free throw line, and jumped into the air!

His jumping ability is very strong, although he is only 1.8 meters tall, but after he jumped up, he seemed to fly up in the air, and the height of his knees almost flew to Chen Jinhu's face.

This time he actually used the most secure way to score, dunk!

Moreover, his jumping ability is amazing. Even in the NBA, only a few players with extremely high talent can do it.

This time Jiang Lei not only made a one-handed dunk, he even had to make a one-handed dunk across a Chen Jinhu.

Everyone was shocked and sighed that Jiang Lei's physical fitness was good.

More importantly, this time he took off and dunked. Isn't this ball going to be sent to the goal frame?

Two points and one take, with thirty-five seconds left in the end, at most two offensive opportunities, can you pull it back?

At that time, if you want to win money, it is as hard as the sky.

Xing Feng was under the basket and saw Jiang Lei flying over in front of him. He knew it was over, and this time he couldn't stop him from scoring no matter what.

However, many people ignored Qin Lie, who had been following Jiang Lei in.

Qin Lie saw that Jiang Lei was about to score a dunk, and immediately behind Jiang Lei, he also jumped in place.

And this jump is even more terrifying than Jiang Lei's. Jiang Lei's jumping ability is strong and he can jump high, but it is still in the category of "jump".

But Qin Lie was different. After he took off, he jumped into the air like a wild goose, jumping higher than Jiang Lei and farther than Jiang Lei.

If you look at it from his point of view, he is looking down at Jiang Lei completely at this time. Although Jiang Lei is jumping high, he is under him. As long as his hand is out, he can touch the ball in Jiang Lei's hand. .

In this way, Qin Lie came first, and even touched the rebound before Jiang Lei.

When Jiang Lei volleyed and dunked against the basket, he also slapped Jiang Lei's ball abruptly.


Qin Lie slapped the basketball on the board with force, the basketball bounced on the backboard, and then bounced back quickly, a super big hat, buckled on Jiang Lei's face.

Blocking is the most dramatic action on the basketball court at any time.

Because of a person's block, he indicates that this person is stronger than the opponent, and only the person who crushes can do this.

In the last minute, Qin Lie threw a must-go goal to the back of the field and blocked him with a big cap, which almost ignited the entire field!


The people on the edge of the venue were completely boiling.

Whether it was supporting Qin Lie or Chen Jinhu, they all jumped up at once, and some people waved their clothes vigorously, pushing the atmosphere of the entire stadium to its peak.

Qin Lie's morale was boosted, and Xing Feng and Qi Tianchang's moods also boiled over.

The success of this wave of defense means that they have the power to counterattack.

Moreover, a block from Qin Lie drew the basketball directly to Qi Tianchang's face.

Qi Tianchang was in a great mood at the moment, and his dribbling skills had improved a few levels. He dribbled the ball all the way to the front court, leaving Li Tianlin behind.

When you get to the basket, facing an undefended rebound, you hit the ball directly with a layup.

55 to 55 tied!


This time, the audience is boiling again. This is the first time that Qin Lie and his team have tied the score since the opening game. The score is tied, and there are about 28 seconds of attack time left. It depends on the final round of the two sides. attack.

For this reason, the intensity of the game is far beyond everyone's imagination, and the players on the court can't control so many tactics. They now rely on a conditioned reflex to play.

If the brain can't keep up, then look at the basic skills of the hard core.

In the last twenty-eight seconds, Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei's attacking round.

Like last time, after Jiang Lei got the ball, he still delayed the attack time.

In theory, as long as the 24 seconds of this attack are filled and the goal is scored, they will compress the time to only four seconds left.

And for four seconds, they hardly gave them any chance to attack, and they could win.

After Jiang Lei got the ball, he dribbled the ball in place to delay time. This time, he pulled even harder, and only suddenly left when there were six or seven seconds left.

At the three-point line, it was another speed change. I wanted to shake Qin Lie away like last time, but Qin Lie didn't get fooled this time and didn't give him a break.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiang Lei could only pull up and jump in place, as if to make a three-pointer.

Qin Lie also jumped immediately to block his sight.

But who would have thought that this time Jiang Lei did not throw by himself, he faked a real pass, and a long pass passed the ball to Chen Jinhu.

Chen Jinhu made a backhand move and the ball went directly into the frame, Xing Feng didn't even have time to defend.

57 to 55, Chen Jinhu and the others took the lead again.


This time, Chen Jinhu slapped his own chest fiercely and roared out.

Now that everyone has fully invested in the game, this goal also made Chen Jinhu excited.

One goal determines the world, and when this goal goes down, the game is almost a foregone conclusion.

There were only four seconds left, two points away, and they were almost invincible as long as they defended Qin Lie with all their strength and gave Qin Lie no chance to attack.

Moreover, four seconds is not a long time, and Qin Lie has no chance!

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