Everyone wanted to see what the girl's reaction was after Chen Jinhu said this.

Everyone was eagerly waiting, only Qin Lie was eating with chopsticks.

It may be the first time that the girls have been yelled at by others, and they have been stunned for a long time.

And finally, the first girl seemed to have reacted. The girl was drinking tea with a cup in her arms, but after listening to it, she couldn't help it. She picked up the water cup and poured the tea over, drenching Chen Jinhu's face.


The girl said loudly: "You are crazy, come so far to scold us, you have a hole in your brain?"

Then there was the second girl, who was eating cake. Seeing that the girl in front had spilled all the water, she couldn't hold back for a while, and the plate of cake greeted Chen Jinhu's face from a distance.



Then one after another attack followed, what cake attack, fruit attack, slap attack, all took turns hitting Chen Jinhu.

Chen Jinhu couldn't stand it for a while, so he could only run away.

That big stride back and forth, even on the basketball court, has never run so fast.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone at the dining table was laughing backwards and forwards, tears bursting, Jiang Lei covered his stomach with a smile, and had already gone under the dining table.

Ye Yuqing couldn't help laughing too. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "Oh, it's ridiculous, Qin Lie, why are you so bad, let him scold so many girls, it's weird not to be beaten."

"This person is also stupid. He actually believes that you are helping him pick up girls. Hahahaha, it's really hopeless."

Qin Lie is also laughing, saying: "It's a big adventure, it must be exciting to be fun, but it's true that I help him pick up girls."

"Come on." Ye Yuqing said, "It's okay for you to fool him, but it's okay to fool me. Why are you helping him pick up girls like this? It's fine if those girls don't kill him."

Qin Lie said, "It doesn't matter, you will wait and see what I do."

Ye Yuqing let out a sigh. Anyway, she definitely didn't believe it.

At about this time, Chen Jinhu was finally run over by the girls. While cleaning up the tea, cake and fruit on his body, he angrily shouted at Qin Lie: "Brother Lie, I rely on you, you cheat me, you are not Said this can help me pick up girls, I was beaten so much, how to pick up?"

Jiang Lei next to him laughed stupidly, finally got up from under the table, and said with a smile: "Jin Hu, you are really a tiger when you say that you are a tiger, you believe it if Brother Lie is making fun of you, although you think with your head. It's impossible at once, who will go up to pick up girls and scold them first?"

"Brother Lie!" Chen Jinhu roared at Qin Lie and said, "Didn't you say that you never cheated on me, wouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Qin Lie laughed enough, and then he continued: "Okay, that was just the first step, I'll introduce you to the second step right now."

Saying that, Qin Lie picked up a plate of mutton kebabs that had just been grilled from the dining table, there were probably dozens of skewers, walked over to Qin Lie and handed the plate to him, saying: "Okay, Take this plate of barbecue with you now and apologize to them."

"And this..." Then, Qin Lie pointed to a flower basket on the edge of the venue. The flower basket was deliberately placed here to decorate today's venue. Inside was a bunch of very bright red roses, about fifty or sixty in size. Dodo's appearance.

Qin Lie specifically instructed him: "There are also flowers here, you can take a handful of them, and now count how many girls there are there, you will take one less rose than the total number, remember, There must be one less."

"Ah?" Chen Jinhu, the arrogant man, was completely screwed up by Qin Lie's actions.

He knew that Qin Lie was indeed teaching him how to strike up a conversation with the girl, but he still didn't understand why it had to be one less flower than all the girls, wouldn't it be bad to just take so many roses, so everyone apologized.

Qin Lie continued: "Jin Hu, you remember, you go look at those girls, which one is the one you want to date the most, send out all the roses, leave the one alone you don't give, and then you Ask her for WeChat again, say you owe her a rose, add a WeChat, give it to her later, and then you will have unexpected gains."


"I rely on!"

"So it is!"

Many people did not understand the same as Chen Jinhu, but after Qin Lie explained the whole set of operations, everyone exclaimed.

I sighed that Qin Lie was awesome, said Qin Lie was a lover, and said he was too good.

Only Chen Jinhu, a straight man of steel, didn't understand it. He touched the back of his head and asked, "Is this really okay?"

Jiang Lei and Li Tianlin started to push him from behind. While pushing, he said, "go ahead. Brother Lie really taught you all the housekeeping skills this time. There is absolutely no problem with this wave!"

"That's right, if you can't get back to that girl's WeChat, then it's your own problem!"

"Go, go, go and pursue your happiness!"

Everyone urged, Chen Jinhu chose the roses and slowly passed over there.

In fact, Qin Lie's operation is very simple. The first step is to let Chen Jinhu scold people, mainly to make those girls have mood swings and let them notice Chen Jinhu.

Of course, this program works well.

It's definitely not feasible to strike up a conversation with a girl like this in normal times, but today it is possible.

Why, because it's a big adventure, there's a reason.

And then doing this can also make the girl over there notice that Chen Jinhu's identity is the VIP invited by Murong Huanyu today.

To be clear, most of the staff there are working in Murong's house, and their status is generally lower than that of Murong Huanyu.

Today Murong Huanyu entertained guests, and Chen Jinhu and Murong Huanyu sat at the same table for dinner.

This proves that Chen Jinhu's identity is not ordinary, and the girls will have a feeling of admiration for him.

Now Chen Jinhu apologized in the past, which not only resolved the misunderstanding, but also allowed him to leave a good impression in the hearts of the girls.

As for Rose's set of operations, it's not to make them feel good, it's to deliberately flirt.

Everyone else has it, but you don't. Are you angry?

When you were angry, I suddenly asked for your phone number and owed you a rose.

The rose is a very ambiguous prop. I still owe you one, and I will pay you back in the future. The subtext is, I want to have an intersection with you, and it is the intersection of male and female emotions.

At this time, the expression is subtle and will not embarrass the girl, and at the same time she tells the girl one thing: you are the special one.

How can a girl like this be so flirtatious?

In addition, Chen Jinhu is not ugly at all, his figure is good, and there is no problem with the hardware conditions. As long as he follows Qin Lie's routine, he can definitely win it successfully.

This is the master!

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