Qin Lie finally heard it, Xiao Xingyao and Henry Zhang came here today to deliberately splash himself with dirty water.

Then, last night, Kong Yuntian just happened to find him. Kong Yuntian died this morning. He also had a video of his conversation with Kong Yuntian in his hand. How could there be such a coincidence in this world.

Qin Lie even suspected that their Xiao family did this, and then deliberately pulled himself into the water.

Of course, this is just a suspicion, and Qin Lie has no concrete evidence.

After Xiao Xingyao released the video, Kong Zhaohui became even more angry.

He pointed at Qin Lie from a distance and said, "Qin Lie, what explanation do you have now?"

Qin Lie spread his hands and didn't think about explaining anything at all: "It doesn't matter, whatever you think, I made the corpse in front of my door, and only you can come up with such a simple and crude logic.

It doesn't matter, there will be surveillance video coming soon, you can see how this corpse got to the door of my villa, I don't want to give any explanation. "

The moment Qin Lie finished saying this, Chen Jinhu came in from outside the crowd.

Chen Jinhu's expression was not relaxed. After he walked back, he solemnly shook his head to Qin Lie. Qin Lie was surprised and whispered, "What do you mean?"

Chen Jinhu also responded in a low voice: "Brother Lie, there was a problem with their monitoring system last night, especially the camera at our door. It started at eleven o'clock last night and ended at three in the morning, and the pictures were all black. What? nothing!"

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately turned to look at Xiao Xingyao, the corner of Xiao Xingyao's mouth raised, making him more certain.

This was clearly a premeditated frame-up. There was no problem with other surveillance cameras, but the surveillance camera at his door was broken, and then the body was delivered to his door during the period of failure.

Is there such a blatant act?

If Qin Lie started, only 20% thought that this was done by the Xiao family.

So now there are 60 percent or more ideas.

His subordinates, Tony Lee, can paralyze all the surveillance of Wilson's company, and it is absolutely easy for them to handle a camera like this at his door.

But what are they doing this for?

By doing this, he directly brought the conflict between himself and Kong Zhaohui to the highest point, so that the Kong family could not help but directly attack him?

The Xiao family finally couldn't hold back their thoughts. Are they going to start making a fool of themselves?

Qin Lie and Chen Jinhu were talking to each other, Kong Zhaohui was still watching, and their attitude became more and more fierce: "How about Qin Lie, what about the surveillance video, the evidence that can prove your innocence, where is the thing?"

Qin Lie sighed and said the truth: "The surveillance camera is broken, and the body was not monitored when it came over."

"Haha!" Kong Zhaohui laughed, "The camera is broken, damn it, you tell me the camera is broken? The camera is not broken at other times, but it was broken yesterday. You treat us as fools, right?"

Qin Lie was speechless: "Then if he is broken, he is broken. What does it have to do with me? If there is a problem, you have to go to the security room!"

"Okay Qin Lie!" Xiao Xingyao suddenly started to talk nonsense again, "Don't argue, just admit it, you deliberately broke the camera, and then after you killed Yuntian, you deliberately made his Put the corpse in front of your door, use an anti-logic to clear your suspicions, a big man, dare to do it and dare not admit it?"

"Xiao Xingyao!?" Qin Lie yelled, "You're going to talk nonsense here again, believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth to pieces!"

"Yo yo yo..." Xiao Xingyao was very arrogant now, and he said, "What are you doing so excited, I have been told? Also, you are just one of my defeated men, what right do you have to shout in front of me. "

"Qin Lie!" Kong Zhaohui continued to roar, "If you don't explain the whole thing today, you won't want to let go today."

Qin Lie sighed: "What am I explaining, I have made everything clear, what do you want me to explain?"

Kong Zhaohui said: "Based on our relationship, it would be good if we didn't fight each other, why did my son Yuntian suddenly look for you? How can we still chat so well? What did you two stand together and talk about last night? where?"

Qin Lie also said loudly, "Kong Zhaohui, let me tell you, not everyone is as careful as you are, your son is ten thousand times better than you in terms of character.

Don't think that I don't know what you have in mind when you participate in the big competition, but let me tell you, your son Kong Yuntian wants to participate in a big competition well, he wants to compete well! "

"Do you want to know what he said to me yesterday?" Qin Lie said excitedly, "Yes, there is nothing you can't know. Kong Yuntian came to me yesterday and said that he met Xiao Xingyao for the first time and felt that Xiao Xingyao's strength had grown. Too fast, not normal.

Yesterday I played against Xiao Xingyao, and I also lost, and for the sake of fairness, Kong Yuntian came to talk to me, saying that there was something wrong with Xiao Xingyao's progress, and he followed Xiao Xingyao and heard Xiao Xingyao say that his body has gone through genetics The transformation has been strengthened!

He came to me just to let me know this so I don't belittle myself, that's all he chatted with me yesterday.

To be honest, Kong Yuntian is upright and fair in his heart, he is a gentleman, but I can't figure out how he has such a brainless father like you!

And he told me that he would continue to follow up with Xiao Xingyao, report Xiao Xingyao to the organizer of the family competition, disqualify Xiao Xingyao, and ask for my assistance! "

"Do you understand?" A wave of Qin Lie's words threw directly at Kong Zhaohui's face, and finally said, "I am very suspicious now, Xiao Xingyao's father and son heard what your son said yesterday, and then they shot and killed your son, and finally remarried. Damn me!"

"Otherwise, is it too ostentatious for his body to appear at the door of my house, am I that stupid?"

After Qin Lie finished speaking, Kong Zhaohui didn't speak, but Xiao Xingyao started beeping again.

"Qin Lie, what the fuck, you are so awesome."

Xiao Xingyao said: "I didn't expect you to be able to bite back. Your mouth is really harder than a dead duck. Is there any basis for what you said? Your on-the-spot reaction ability is good.

Qin Lie looked at him rudely and said coldly, "Okay Xiao Xingyao, what is the truth of this matter, who did what, everyone knows, what kind of drama are you playing in front of me?"

"What?" Xiao Xingyao sneered, "You think you should push the matter to me, right? Do you have any evidence?"

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