"Of course." Qin Lie promised him.

Qin Lie really didn't want to tell anyone, he just wanted to confirm his thoughts.

Gu Song also shook the paddle fan, and at the same time, he shook the rocking chair and spoke slowly.

"If you want to talk about why the Gu Family Army is so powerful, you need to look at it from two points of view."

"On the one hand, there is indeed the modified technology you mentioned, and this technology has been used by the ancients for many years."

"Gene modification?" Qin Lie asked directly here.

Gu Song said: "If you want to ask about technical matters, I'm just a Gu family member, and I can't control those technical matters. I don't know if it is genetic modification. I only know that there is a special research institute that specializes in the human body. Reinforced stuff."

"But other than that." Gu Song said, "Although we have a specialized research institute, we also have our own training system and screening system before entering this institute."

"Every year, we screen children under the age of 12 with extremely high physical strength from all over the country and put them into our training camps for training."

"We will train them until they are 18 years old, and then we will conduct layer-by-layer assessments and competitions."

"And the first-level assessment alone will take us two years, and the second-level assessment will last for another two years!"

"As for the assessment items, you only need to ask the Gu family troops who have participated in the assessment, and they will all say that it is hell. If you ask them to do it again, they would rather die."

Qin Lie listened carefully and was memorizing these things.

He felt that he would definitely use these things in the future.

Gu Song went on to say: "We started from selecting those children who were in good health, to training and growth in the training camp, and then to the four-year double assessment. Among the children who died in the early training, 6% Ten, the remaining 40%, and 80% will choose to leave after the age of 18.

In the end, 90% of the people who enter the assessment will die in the assessment. Those who can't persist in the process, and the remaining 10% will account for 80%, so they can finally experience a complete training. And the people who are assessed are already less than one thousandth. These people are the best of the real people, the king of the kings! "

Qin Lie was terrified when he heard it, and the horror in his heart was layer after layer.

Such a strict selection and elimination mechanism, I am afraid that it is absolutely impossible to achieve such difficulty in any army in any country in the world.

The few who can stand out in the end must be the elite of the elite, and their combat power is already the top of the human race.

Do you think this is over?


Gu Song continued: "Only those who have passed these assessments have obtained the qualifications to enter the research laboratory for body modification.

These people have passed the assessment, and they have to face the most hurdle, that is, body modification. "

Qin Lie listened and asked in a low voice, "Is the process of body modification difficult too?"

"It's so much more difficult, it's simply not something that humans can bear," Gusong said.

"Minghui personally told me that during the transformation process, he seemed to have 10,000 nails all over his body that were driven into the inside of his body. At the same time, it was like a knife was scratching his internal organs, and in the end the wound was completely healed. Throwing it into alcohol when it's healed is so painful, it's almost like tearing the whole body apart."

"And the elites are already one in ten thousand. Ninety percent of them can't survive this transformation, and only one tenth of them can survive."

"If the person who passed the training and assessment just now is one in ten thousand, then the person who can pass the body transformation is one in a hundred thousand, or even one in a million."

"The reason why the Gu Family Army is so strong in combat, do you understand now?"

After listening to Gu Song's description, Qin Lie set off a huge wave in his heart.

Just from the elimination rate and death rate described by Gu Song, you can already see how difficult it is for the Gu family army to make a combat member.

That's just a pale number.

If you have experienced all the tasks in person, the difficulty must be thousands of times more difficult than what you have heard now!

No wonder the Gu family's armed forces are so powerful, this is the real elite of the elite, the superman of the superman.

It is estimated that all the members of the ancient family army are like abusing themselves, right?

Since then, I have been moved by myself and feel that I have trained hard for two months against the great family, but in front of these people, it is not even a fart.

"Amazing!" Qin Lie said sincerely, "Training and transformation, I can now understand where their combat power comes from."

"Then how many people are in the Gu family's army now?" Qin Lie became curious and couldn't help but ask.

But this already involved the secrets of the Gu family, and Gu Song didn't tell him: "It's not convenient for me to tell this."

"Uh..." Qin Lie paused for a while, then changed the question and asked, "Then, where did those who chose to quit in the middle of it all go in the end?"

"I've left, I've left Gu's house, where else can I go?" Gu Song said casually.

Qin Lie frowned and said, "But for so many years, the ordinary world has rarely heard from you. If there are people who have participated in your training and finally quit, they should have passed on something more or less. ."

"It's useless." Gu Song said, "We will erase the memory of all the soldiers because they didn't survive."

"This is also the work of our family research institute. I don't know the specific method. Anyway, all their memories of training in the ancient family will be erased, and the memories will go back directly to the ancient family."

Qin Lie sneered and said in a low voice, "Is this still possible?"

Gu Song shrugged and whispered: "I also think it's amazing, technology is indeed a magical thing."

"Haven't they all turned into fools?" Qin Lie asked curiously.

Gu Song shook his head: "It's not that exaggerated, it's just erasing memory, not lowering IQ, their thinking ability is still there, but they just don't remember some things, even if they forget some life skills, they can learn it again after a little learning, no affect their normal lives."

Qin Lie listened and nodded as if he understood.

It was only after the conversation with Gu Song that Qin Lie became more and more interested in this Gu family.

Mature human modification technology, powerful combat power, and technology that seems to be leading the world.

What kind of family is this?

If you have the opportunity in the future, you must take a good look at it.

Qin Lie said silently in his heart.

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