The first call Qin Lie gave to Jiang Lei, he clearly told Jiang Lei on the phone that the Xiao family would have a big move tomorrow.

He asked the Longyan team to watch the Xiao family's team and Xuanyuan Tianci's team from today.

There can be no slack, twenty-four hours, every minute and every second to keep those people in sight.

Then he also called Logan, Bruni, and Sakurako Aoi to let their team recharge their batteries today and be ready to fight at any time tomorrow.

And the last call, Qin Lie called Murong Huanyu.

He wants to figure out one thing.

After Murong Huanyu answered the phone, she didn't expect to be very emotional, so she told Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, just call me when I want to call you, just right, I have something important to tell you. "

Qin Lie also said: "I also have very important things to tell you, and my things are more important than yours."

"Ah?" Murong Huanyu was slightly startled by his serious attitude, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

Qin Lie: "The Xiao family is going to start, tomorrow."

"Really?" Murong Huanyu's reaction was exactly the same as Qin Lie's, and he wondered, "Where did you get the news from."

Qin Lie explained: "I told you that I know a big man in the Gu family. He and Xiao Mei are feuding, and the Gu family army in Xiao Mei's hands has his people. This information was provided by the undercover agent."

Murong Huanyu also realized the seriousness of the problem and said solemnly: "Then do you know when and how they will start?"

Qin Lie had no choice but to deny: "I don't know, I only know that they will start the competition tomorrow night, and Xiao Mei will arrange her people into the competition hall. I'm calling you just to ask you to see the security of the venue tomorrow. It's you. Is the person responsible?"

"Tomorrow's arrangement..."

After hesitating for a while, Murong Huanyu said, "Because we said before, for this great competition in the aristocratic family, our manpower is not enough, and we need people from other aristocratic families to help maintain order."

"Tomorrow's security will be half from the Murong family and half from the Su family. This is according to the previous regulations. Tomorrow it's the Su family's turn."

"Su Family..."

Qin Lie muttered and repeated, if it was the Su family, it would be with the Xiao family for a while.

Qin Lie thought about it and asked, "Then can you temporarily take all the security rights back into your hands? Your family will be responsible for the security forces tomorrow."

Murong Huanyu said: "I am the host, and I definitely have this power."

"But you also said that tomorrow they choose to do it. I suddenly came here to reclaim the security rights. Is there too much money in this place, and maybe they will be shocked by the grass. They will not do it because of this."

"Yes." Qin Lie was speechless, "It's really not easy to do."

Qin Lie couldn't think of a good solution for a while.

In fact, what he thought was that if the members of the Murong family were all in charge of security, those who acted suspiciously would not be allowed in, so that the Gu family army would be largely kept out of the venue.

But doing this is a bit obvious, Xiao Mei's brain is so shrewd, it is impossible to think of it.

It also froze.

At this time, Qin Lie remembered that Murong Huanyu had also said something important, so he asked back: "You just said that you also have something to tell me, what is it??"

Only then did Murong Huanyu speak: "Well, we have found the murderer of Kong Yuntian's murder, you'd better come over..."


Qin Lie was also shocked when he heard this!

This matter is also very important to them at present.

"I found it, who is it?" Qin Lie asked impatiently.

Murong Huanyu said: "We have found some video data of him after you said goodbye to him that night, but the light in the video data is relatively dim, and you can barely see half of the murderer's face, I want you Come on now and help us figure it out."

"ok!" This is still the key to tearing apart the Xiao family's plan.

Qin Lie agreed without hesitation, and quickly rushed out of his villa in Shijia Village.

When you go out and drive, there are people behind Minghui to protect you, so you don't have to worry about safety at all.

Qin Lie flew to Murong Huanyu's manor alone.

After entering the manor, it is still the old castle and the study on the fourth floor.

After entering, Qin Lie said no nonsense and asked the key point: "Come on, Huan Yu, what video data, show it to me."

Time is running out, and everyone has no spare time for nonsense.

Qin Lie was direct, and Murong Huanyu was also unambiguous.

He immediately ordered a subordinate in front of him to call up a video on the computer.

Judging from the cover of the video, this should be a vertical screen video, shot by a mobile phone.

Click to play, the content inside will play.

While the video was playing, Murong Huanyu explained.

"After what happened to Kong Yuntian, we tried our best to investigate where he went after he left at the time you described."

"For this reason, we adjusted the monitoring of nearby intersections, the monitoring of the gate of Shijia Village, and asked the security personnel who were in charge of entering and leaving the gate that night."

"But it's a pity, these surveillance cameras are either broken, or they didn't capture Kong Yuntian, including the security personnel that day said they didn't see Kong Yuntian."

"It means that after talking to you and leaving, Kong Yuntian did not return to Shijia Village, but we did not find any trace of him."

Qin Lie watched the video while listening to Murong Huanyu's analysis.

The video was actually an unfamiliar middle-aged man, disheveled and decadent.

That picture was actually the content of the video call between the middle-aged man and his wife on WeChat.

Currently, Qin Lie doesn't see anything strange on this video.

And Murong Huanyu continued: "We couldn't find any clues in terms of monitoring, and then I changed my method and used the simplest method to visit everywhere and ask the nearby residents if they saw Kong Yuntian that day. "

"You know." Murong Huanyu paused and said, "Our Shijia Village is located in a very remote location, and there are very few households around. We collected information on a total of 18 households within a ten-kilometer radius, and then took them one by one. Visited with Kong Yuntian's photo and asked."

"The results of the first round are very disappointing." Murong Huanyu said, "None of the eighteen families saw Kong Yuntian that night, and we almost have to give up the investigation of this matter."

"Until this morning, our people went out to visit these households for another round. The resident of one of the households, the middle-aged man who was talking to his wife in the video, sent us this video."

"On the day Kong Yuntian died, he was chatting with his wife in a remote video chat. You should pay attention to the background content of his own camera."

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