Henry Zhang and Xiao Mei did a good job today, planning carefully, and recruiting one after another.

Xiao Yuanshan sat there, feeling that he didn't have to do it himself.

It's a pity that their strongest ultimate move, Gu Chen, was held back.

This battle is very important. If Xuanyuan Hao can be eliminated, the morale of the other seven families will be greatly reduced.

In the face of the Xiao family who is in full swing today, it is even possible to win today's game without a fight.

On the contrary, if Xuanyuan Hao couldn't eat it, the morale of the aristocratic family on the opposite side would be boosted, and it would be difficult to deal with it.

Xiao Yuanshan knew this, so after listening to Henry Zhang's request, he slowly stood up.

He didn't speak, but silently walked from his stand to the back of Qin Lie's four-person battlefield.

Seeing this, Henry Zhang didn't speak again, he knew that this was Xiao Yuanshan's shot.

Xiao Yuanshan is a five-star general in the domestic military circle, and has maintained an unbeaten record in the fighting circle for 23 years.

He is the patron saint of the Xiao family and the god of war of the Xiao family.

His level is close to that of Situ Xuan, and once he enters the arena, the balance of the battle will be broken immediately.

Both Henry Zhang and Xiao Yuanshan knew this.

So both of them are confident.

Xiao Yuanshan stood behind to observe, looking for an opportunity to enter the arena.

And all of this, the four people fighting in the arena know nothing.

On the other hand, Xiao Yuanshan was thinking about a question, which is who to give the most inconspicuous and miraculous first blow.

Because the first move was unexpected, the three of them fought with Gu Chen. If the first move could directly hit a person's vital point, it could basically remove a person's combat power.

As long as one person's combat power is removed, the rear frame will be easy to fight.

Xuanyuan Hao is the number one person, and if you kill Xuanyuan Hao, you will be able to defeat the Xuanyuan family.

Xiao Yuanshan's best target is Xuanyuan Hao.

But in fact, he didn't think much of it, and he still hid some personal grudges.

For Xiao Yuanshan, Qin Lie was the one he wanted to kill the most.

This kid had offended him repeatedly and made him lose face on many occasions. During the South Korea war, he even seriously injured himself.

This person is not dead, and his heart is uneasy.

Moreover, Qin Lie at this time was the best one to deal with out of the three.

Killing Qin Lie, leaving two to two, his side is also an absolute chance of winning.

After thinking about this clearly, Xiao Yuanshan finally moved. He watched for a long time beside him. When Qin Lie was walking around and playing a game with Gu Chen, just when his back was facing him, Xiao Yuanshan grabbed the steel ball in his hand and threw it suddenly.


There were two air-breaking sounds, and the steel ball flew out like a bullet.

Not only that, after the two steel balls were thrown, Xiao Yuanshan flew to catch up, squeezed his fists and punched Qin Lie's back fiercely.

The angle at which the steel ball flew was tricky, and Qin Lie and Gu Chen were fighting so hard that they didn't notice that something was coming from behind.

The steel ball flew and finally hit Qin Lie's spine abruptly!



With two blows, Qin Lie was directly hit hard, and he heard the sound of broken bones coming from his back.


The pain that penetrated into the bone marrow made him cry out in agony. His rhythmic movements were instantly disrupted, and his chest seemed to be penetrated by a steel ball just before his body.

This is not the end, the two steel balls are just Xiao Yuanshan's appetizers.

After the steel ball, Xiao Yuanshan followed with his body, squeezed his fists, and used all his strength to hit Qin Lie's back.

Xiao Yuanshan grinned, his eyes full of viciousness.

If this punch can hit, Qin Lie will be paralyzed if he doesn't die.

"Go to hell!" he roared, concentrating all his previous grievances into this punch.

Those who watched the battle, including Chen Jinhu Xingfeng and others, could only watch from the sidelines because they were not qualified to participate in the battle.

When I saw the situation, I was so nervous that I kept shouting from behind: "Brother lie, be careful!"

"Brother lie, run away!"


Those who can wait and see can see the whole situation clearly. Qin Lie is a player in the game, and it is not so easy to make a decision.

What's more, his body has been beaten out of control by the steel ball, how can there be so much room for reaction.

He almost had no way to turn around to deal with it, and could only wait for Xiao Yuanshan's fist to come.

At that moment, Qiu Bai, who had not participated in the battle, was extremely frightened, roared a little monkey, and rushed forward like crazy!

But after all, it is too far, Qiu Bai's strength is far inferior to Xiao Yuanshan, how can he catch up.

However, there was another person who had the same reaction as Qiu Bai.

This person was very close to Qin Lie at the time, and he reacted the moment the steel ball hit Qin Lie.

Turning back to see Xiao Yuanshan following, he looked terrified, and he went over to help Qin Lie block him like a conditioned reflex.

This person is Xuanyuan Hao.

And when he did this, there was no thought in his mind, and no words came out.

He subconsciously felt that he owed Qin Lie so much, so he should give Qin Lie something back.

He also knew that he was probably not Xiao Yuanshan's opponent, but he wanted to block it.

And his distance was just enough to fit into Xiao Yuanshan and Qin Lie.

Xuanyuan Hao got stuck in the middle of the two of them, facing Xiao Yuanshan's punch, he punched out in the opposite direction.

This was a decision he made hastily.

His own strength was no match for Xiao Yuanshan, and with the hurried response, the punch was far less powerful than the opponent.

When Xiao Yuanshan saw that the person in front of him suddenly changed to Xuanyuan Hao, he was not panic at all, even a little excited.

He grinned and said, "Are you going to help him block it?"

"Very well, then you will die for him!"

Roaring wildly, Xiao Yuanshan's fist smashed into Xuanyuan Hao's fist.

Click, click, click!

The sound of broken bones could be heard within ten meters.

Xuanyuan Hao's hand bones were deformed and completely shattered.

This force was transmitted to Xuanyuan Hao's body, and Xuanyuan Hao was rushed out with a bang.

Is this over? not yet!

Xiao Yuanshan's success gave Gu Chen an opportunity, Qin Lie had no way to stop it, and Situ Xuan had no way to stop it.

After Xuanyuan Hao flew upside down, Gu Chen took his double daggers and went up to meet him.

He was just behind Xuanyuan Hao, two daggers were waiting for Xuanyuan Hao in the air.

Xuanyuan Hao flew upside down, and finally hit Gu Chen's dagger with his body.

puff! puff!

Two knives, one left and one right, passed through Xuanyuan Hao's body.

It goes in from the back and goes out in front of itself.

After doing all this, Gu Chen quickly pulled out the dagger.

In an instant, Xuanyuan Hao fell to the ground as if he had lost his strength.

Qin Lie turned his head and saw this picture. At a certain moment, he felt that the world was still.

Everything around him became blurred, and he only saw Xuanyuan Hao from standing to kneeling to finally lying on the ground weakly.

His eyes were dull, as if ten thousand years had passed in one second.

In the end, he couldn't help his inner turmoil and roared: "Dad!!"

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