Qin Lie said with an expressionless face, "It's just me..."

Xiao Yuanshan chuckled: "Okay, let someone help you block the first move. Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you."

Qin Lie doesn't like nonsense.

The main reason is that his drug effect is not long, and he must be solved within a limited time.

Qin Lie hardly hesitated and ran towards Xiaoyuan Mountain like a fly.

As soon as the two touched, they immediately scuffled together.

The game between the two of them was a level lower than that of Situ Xuan and Gu Chen, and their speed and strength were not that fast.

Gu Chen and the two of them surpassed human cognition, and the two of them are still in the category of human beings.

It's just that the knife is deadly, and the way of fighting from fist to flesh is still extremely dangerous.

In this way, Qin Lie dealt with Xiao Yuanshan, Situ Xuan dealt with Gu Chen, Xuanyuan Guards formed a circle to protect Xuanyuan Hao, and Qiu Bai healed Xuanyuan Hao in the safe area they enclosed.

This part of the Xuanyuan family has stabilized.

On the other hand, Jiang Lei and others who had rushed through the blockade zone before finally arrived at the venue with a large army.

The team of nearly 5,000 people, mighty and densely filled the entire square in front of the venue.

As for the Xiao family, there are teams who are vigilant in front of the stadium.

This group of Xiao family army is the Xiao family army who is responsible for watching the gate, led by Xiao Gan.

There are also a lot of people, there are about a thousand people.

It's just that compared to the army of 5,000 people led by Jiang Lei and Worms, it pales in comparison.

It was still raining heavily outside.

The first thing Xiao Gan heard at the door was the roar of the armored vehicle, and the roar had reached Xiao Gan's ears before it even arrived at the scene.

At that time, he was surprised, what was it that moved so much.

In the distance, Xiao Qian saw a dark cloud pressing down neatly.

At that time, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

A large number of blurry figures appeared on the horizon in front of him. At that time, he was thinking that he was not here to trouble him.

If it's all to trouble him, there are too many people.

I was already terrified.

As a result, when he got to the front, he saw the team coming in front. Not only were there many people, but there were actually two armored vehicles driving majestically at the front.

This is a giant he has never come into contact with.

What the hell!

At that time, Xiao Gan had two big heads on top of his head, and was scared to pee all of a sudden, so he told his subordinates to be vigilant, and ran into the stadium, running and shouting: "It's not good, patriarch, it's not good!"

He really used both hands and feet, and crawled to Henry Zhang's side.

Henry Zhang was still observing the situation in the arena at the moment, but was taken aback by Xiao Qian from behind.

Seeing Xiao Gan so flustered, he couldn't help scolding: "What are you doing, flustered and run over by a dog?"

Xiao Gan swallowed his saliva, still panicked, pointed to the outside, and stammered: "Patriarch, patriarch, outside, there are many people outside, many people..."

Henry Zhang didn't understand, frowned and said, "Why are there so many people, where did they come from?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Gan said loudly, "They, they also drove two armored vehicles, you, you have to think of a way!"

"Armored vehicles?"

Henry Zhang felt that something was wrong.

"Where are the armored vehicles from, and how many people are there?" Henry Zhang finally asked seriously.

"I don't know." Xiao Qian said, "There are too many, I don't know the specifics, but it is estimated that there must be several thousand!"



Henry Zhang then burst into foul language: "Where did this treadmill come from?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Qian continued, "The situation is too urgent. As soon as I saw them, I came in and reported to you, but their organization is not uniform, there are Chinese and Westerners, I don't know what the configuration is! "

"Chinese, Westerners?"

Henry Zhang remembered the forces with armed forces this time.

The eight major families participating in the family competition this time basically brought some armed forces here.

A few hundred people, more than a thousand people.

It's just that there are still Western faces, and it seems that only Qin Lie's team.

Because Qin Lie has a very good relationship with the Cape family in private, those Westerners are members of the Cape family, which are the only Westerners.

But Qin Lie's armed forces are more than 1,000. With the foreign aid he called, he counts 2,000. How did these thousands of armored vehicles come from?

Their family is not qualified to equip such heavy weapons as armored vehicles.

Hearing the armored car, Henry Zhang almost thought that Mr. Hua had sent someone.

"Quick, go!" Henry Zhang suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, and hurriedly said to Xiao Gan, "Please resist, don't let them rush in!"

This is really bitter Xiao Qian.

He said with a sad face: "Patriarch, I also want to stand up, but in this situation, how can I stand it!"

Henry Zhang kicked his ass and roared: "If you can't stand it, you have to stand it, you support me for a while, and I will call you for support right away!"


Before Xiao Qian finished his last words, he was kicked out by Henry Zhang.

What can be done then, the military orders are like mountains, and the disparity in strength can only be overcome with life.

As a result, when Xiao Qian rushed to the gate, damn, a rocket hit the rolling shutter door at the entrance, the rocket exploded, and a wave of heat and energy swept in.

The flames shot into the sky, and the powerful blasting energy directly overturned Xiao Qian to the ground.

With the help of his subordinates, Xiao Qian barely stood up. He had been the commander of the Xiao family army for a while, and he still had some experience.

Even if his ears were ringing, he would try his best to organize his people to defend.

"Everyone!" he yelled, "Look for a bunker nearby, with heavy weapons in the front and light weapons in the back, make a line of defense for me!"

"As for the armor-piercing bullets, if there are Butleys, they will greet me to the armored car and see if they can stop those two big guys!!"

"The rest of the people, guard the position, try not to show your head as much as possible, block the fire in a row, and don't let the opposite side rush in!"

"Do it for me!"

chug chu...

chug chug chug...

In an instant, there was artillery fire outside, and it went straight to work.

In the venue, to be honest, Henry Zhang did not expect this situation.

He had clearly called the Kong family's armed forces to stop Qin Lie's men.

As a result, they still rushed to the scene.

I don't know where the armored car came from, but it was obvious that the armed forces Qin Lie brought here would be hard to deal with with more than 1,000 people outside.

He needs to think of other ways.

The army was overwhelmed, and the situation suddenly became serious.

Henry Zhang had no choice but to look back at Xiao Mei.

With a complicated expression, he whispered: "Sister, it seems that our last hole card must also be used."

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