During those five years, Xuanyuan Hao created another force in Longcheng with his own ability.

This force has almost reached the point where it can challenge the old Xuanyuan family.

It was also because of this that the senior members of the Xuanyuan family realized that Xuanyuan Hao was a genius that the Xuanyuan family had never encountered in a century.

In order to get this genius back, the senior members of the Xuanyuan family reconciled with Xuanyuan Hao, and agreed to mix him up with Li Caiying.

Since then, the Xuanyuan family has gradually risen, overtaking the Xiao family and becoming the number one of the eight aristocratic families.

Apart from these two turmoils, the story of Xuanyuan Hao and Li Caiying is quite bland.

Just like ordinary couples, get married, have children and raise children.

There are occasional noises between them, but Xuanyuan Hao, who is not afraid of the sky outside, still obediently coaxes his wife when he returns home.

They have spent decades in such a light mode.

And it is such a faint decades, is it not another kind of sweetness.

The love between the two of them can be regarded as a template for ordinary people.

They were supposed to be able to grow old together, but they encountered such a big change.

Adopted son killed his mother, facing his old enemy, Xuanyuan Hao couldn't keep his love.

Xuanyuan Hao blamed himself for this.

After talking about their bunch of love stories, Xuanyuan Hao's emotions collapsed, and he cried a lot over there, crying bitterly, just like when he saw Li Caiying's death.

Qin Lie can only do very few things, he can only stay on the side quietly, and at the same time hand over the tissue.

Tie Han is tender, and no matter how powerful people are, they also have that weakness in their hearts.

It's just that after Xuanyuan Hao cried this time, his emotions were relieved a lot, and he was willing to go to Qin Lie club for some other things.

After sorting out his emotions, he let out a heavy sigh.

Then he told Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, you did a good job in the big competition this time. The Xiao family's conspiracy can be broken by us. You account for 70% of the credit. In fact, I should also thank you."

Qin Lie laughed after listening: "It's not that serious, but I know some information that they don't know, so I just made a little more preparation for this."

Xuanyuan Hao was obviously not going to say this.

After a pause, he said: "For so many years, you have been struggling alone. Our parents didn't even realize that you were replaced. Don't worry, I will make up for you in the days to come."

Qin Lie smiled wryly.

"It doesn't make sense for you to say this. In fact, I've had a pretty good life these years. It's not as hard as you think. You don't have to blame yourself. After all, the responsibility for this matter is not yours."

Xuanyuan Hao suddenly said again: "After your mother's funeral, I will hold a family meeting as soon as possible, and then pass on the position of the head of the Xuanyuan family to you..."

It was all small talk at first, until this news made Qin Lie feel a little bit in his heart.

Qin Lie frowned and asked him, "What did you say?"

Xuanyuan Hao said: "I'm old and tired. I don't want to care about the family anymore. It's time to abdicate. It's just right to pass on the position of the head of the family to you at this time."

Qin Lie rolled his eyes and said: "It's not right to do this, I just returned to the family, I'm not qualified at all..."

"Besides." Qin Lie hesitated, "With my current abilities, I'm still not enough to manage such a large family?"

Xuanyuan Hao folded his hands and placed it on the tabletop on the hospital bed.

He looked at Qin Lie seriously and said, "Are you twenty-seven this year?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded.

Xuanyuan Hao continued: "When I took over the clan, I was a year younger than you, and I have managed it for so many years. The most important thing about being the patriarch is not the qualifications, but the ability!"

"This time the great family is in a turmoil, you brought all your manpower to turn the tide, which is equivalent to saving the seven great families."

"If you say that you are incompetent, people from other aristocratic families may not agree."

"Don't worry, I believe in my vision. After you come to my position, you will only do better than me."

"I've decided on this matter, so don't say it again."


Qin Lie listened and sighed heavily.

He didn't think it was a bad thing.

But after all, the Xuanyuan family has now become the only super family, and most of the Xiao family's industries will also fall into the hands of the Xiao family.

This is a very huge system, Qin Lie really doesn't know if he has the ability to manage this family well.

Moreover, he was so young, and he had just returned to Xuanyuan's house, so maybe a lot of Xuanyuan's people didn't know him yet.

He took the post directly, so don't worry about it, Qin Lie felt his scalp tingling.

"Anyway, let me get acquainted with it for a few months. Let me get familiar with the people in front of the clansmen, and then it will be easy to operate later."

To this Xuanyuan Hao said: "It doesn't matter, although I am not the patriarch, I can be your military advisor."

"If there is anything you don't understand or can't handle, you can come and tell me, and I will help you solve it. Don't worry, since I made you the patriarch, I will help you pave the way."

Seeing that Xuanyuan Hao insisted on doing this, Qin Lie couldn't beat him, and finally he had to agree.

"Well then, I'll try it..."

Xuanyuan Hao was very satisfied after hearing this, and finally put his hand on Qin Lie's shoulder and whispered, "Qin Lie, from now on, this world will belong to your young people, and our older generation should abdicate."

Yes, in this family turmoil, all the patriarchs of the older generation have died, and the only ones who survived are the younger generation.

The era of the eight great families officially changed.

Qin Lie has stepped onto the stage of history this time, and is destined to leave a strong mark in the history of the super family.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Hao's mood had almost recovered, Qin Lie seized the opportunity and pushed the food in front of him, saying so.

"Dad, look, can you eat something now? The past can't be changed. You should listen to me, the future owner of the house."

"You kid." Xuanyuan Hao said, "You started ordering me before taking office. If you officially become the patriarch, you won't be calling me around."

Qin Lie smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm doing this for you too."

But after Xuanyuan Hao recalled the original incident, his mood was indeed much better.

This time, Qin Lie did not refuse Qin Lie's request. He took the initiative to pick up the chopsticks and started eating.

Seeing this picture, Qin Lie finally felt at ease.

Xuanyuan Hongtu and Ji Canghai, who were standing outside the ward at the moment, gave him a thumbs up from across the window.

It means he still has a way.

Qin Lie was in the ward supervising Xuanyuan Hao to finish his food, and chatted with him for a few words before leaving the ward.

After leaving the ward, Qin Lie called Ji Canghai and Xuanyuan Hongtu together again.

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