At the top of this circular hunting ground, there are a lot of people around.

Some of them are researchers at the base, with forms in their hands ready to make some records.

And there are three most important ones.

That is, the current three giants of the night soul.

The eldest, Fernandez, the second, Frosa, and the third, Aphelo.

Together with the researchers, they followed the situation off the field.

Some researchers say this is the closest their retrofit plan has come to success.

I don't know the specifics, and I have to look at the performance of the living subjects for a while.

The three of them didn't have any expressions, they just wanted to see the results of the experiment.

Because they have all lost too much.

How brilliant was the Night Soul and how brilliant was the Skull and Bones Club. They used to be the most powerful beings in the world, but now they can only be held in such a small snow-capped mountain base and dare not move.

Especially Frosa, his skull will be completely destroyed, he will rely on everything now to make a comeback.

Han Qi and Qin Lie, these two names are on his must-kill list.

And the arena off the field is the starting point of their hope.

Finally, another door of the arena opened, and a strong man was sent to the arena.

The man's muscles are very pure, and the structure of the whole body is well-proportioned. He only wears a pair of shorts, and the flesh on his body does not seem to be any more or less, the absolute golden ratio of human beings.

He stood there with his head bowed, waiting for the gate to open, his eyes cold and emotionless.

On the opposite side of him, the polar bear saw the prey appear, and it was already ready to go.

He opened his mouth, showing his fangs, ready to be dispatched at any time.

Finally, the iron fence was fully opened, and the man walked out of the gate.

The polar bear crawled and waited for a long time, his back was bowed, and when he came out, the huge body and the energy that had been accumulated for a long time burst out.

A flying pounce rushed towards the man, and then a paw fell from the sky and slapped the man on the forehead.

Everyone watched from above. Although all the terrain of the arena was made of special metal materials and strictly reinforced, the surrounding area was still shaking because of the huge size and strength of the polar bear.

As I said before, the strength of a polar bear's paw is over a ton, and it is like playing with an adult's head.

Everyone held their breaths, waiting for the result of this time.

In the field, the man did not choose to fight with the polar bear, he was very fast.

Seeing the polar bear flying down, he avoided the claw just by turning to one side.

It should be noted that his dodge is not dodge in our conventional understanding. His body was originally in this position just now, and the next moment suddenly appeared in another position.

Although the distance is very short, it is indeed beyond the maximum speed that the naked eye can capture at that moment.

He flashed to the polar bear's side, and then slammed his fist, hitting the polar bear's chest hard.

The polar bear's skin is rough and thick, and its defense is not weak.

But it was such a big guy who was actually punched by the man and howled.

At the same time, his body that weighed several tons was kicked into the air, the whole body stood upright involuntarily, and finally lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground.


In just one click, the polar bear felt the terror of his opponent.

In the same way, those in the stands, whether researchers or bosses like Fernandez, have stars in their eyes.

This punch is so strong, it is not at all the strength that ordinary people can hit.

This is a good sign!

If the experimental body can maintain it, does it mean that the experiment is likely to be successful! ?

Everyone looked at each other, excited, and they were about to start celebrating.

As for whether it is successful or not, it depends on whether the man can finally kill the polar bear.

Continue back to the arena.

The polar bear was punched hard by the man, obviously a little scared.

In front of it, a creature more than ten times smaller than it can burst out with such terrifying power, which is really surprising to it.

Being punched, the polar bear was obviously timid.

Carefully dealing with the man, one person and one bear circled around the field for almost a circle.

In the end, it was the man who lost his patience and rushed towards the polar bear with a roar.

The polar bear is near the Arctic Circle, at the top of the food chain, and it is like a king. Even if it starts to be beaten, it is not used to the man who wants to come over now.

So the polar bear also came out and ran towards the man fiercely.

One person and one bear collided in the middle of the field.

When the polar bear saw the man, he leaned over and opened his mouth to bite. The bloody mouth opened, almost as big as the man's head.

The bite force of this dog is also one of the best among all creatures.

Ordinary people are bitten, and basically there will be no bones left.

But just for such a bear, the man didn't retreat but advanced, and forcibly greeted it.

His two hands reached towards the polar bear's mouth, his left hand grabbed the polar bear's upper jaw, and his right hand grabbed the polar bear's lower jaw.

I want to use my flesh to fight the bite force of polar bears.

If you look at it from an ordinary perspective, this is undoubtedly an act of courting death.

But today there is a remodeler in the field, and a remodeler very close to success.

Not only did he accurately grasp the polar bear's upper jaw and lower jaw, but at the same time, the strength of his whole body exploded, and the blood vessels in both arms exploded directly.

The strength of the whole body was instilled, and it actually stopped the polar bear's bloody mouth.

That strength was stronger than the polar bear's bite force, and it supported the polar bear's mouth like a shelf, so that the polar bear's bite had no effect at all.

And not only did he not want the polar bear to bite down, but after the most difficult stage was over, he even exerted his force in the opposite direction, making the polar bear's mouth bigger and bigger.

This reaction force naturally made the polar bear very uncomfortable.

At this moment, the polar bear began to struggle violently, and the flesh and hair of the whole body were shaking.

But no matter how hard the polar bear struggled, the man never let go of its mouth. The man stood on the ground, stomping his horse steadily, and slammed the polar bear's mouth with all his strength.


He roared, exploding with all his strength.

At the last stroke, the muscles of his entire body burst out, and the polar bear finally seemed to be unable to bear his stroke. The upper and lower jaws of his mouth were deformed and were directly broken.


The roar of polar bears sounded over the entire base, which made the polar bear miserable, and finally felt scared.

The huge body kept retreating, and stumbled all the way to the side of the arena.

Finally, he sat on the ground and touched its mouth with its paws, but unfortunately, its mouth has completely lost the function of bite.

This beast was in so much pain that it could only keep howling on the ground.

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