This operation surprised Qin Lie.

Inexplicably getting a bank card was completely out of his consideration.

"You don't need this anymore." Qin Lie said, "I'm still not born yet. Besides, what are you thanking me for?"

Murong Huanyu said: "It's not just me, everyone from the seven great families should thank you this time."

"If it weren't for you, we might not even exist in the family. Should you say thank you?"

Qin Lie: "I am also for myself, even without you, I would..."

"Okay." Seeing that Qin Lie wanted to continue, Murong Huanyu waved to stop.

"I didn't do this alone, it was done together after discussion among the seven great families. Just wait, I'm the first, and there will be people who will give you money later."

"Take it yourself, don't mess with me, the password is today's date."

After saying this, Murong Huanyu patted Qin Lie on the shoulder again and walked all the way into the banquet hall.

Qin Lie was left alone in a daze.

Ye Yuqing also smiled and said, "You friends are still in place. I accept your love and know that I will come back to thank you."

"Haha..." Qin Lie smiled to himself, not expecting such a windfall, "Interesting."

Then, he handed the bank card to Chen Jinhu and told Chen Jinhu: "Jinhu, go check how much money is in this card..."

"Yes!" Chen Jinhu got the order and quickly went out to check with the card.

Ye Yuqing looked beside him, and joked again, "I see that you are so embarrassed to collect money, I thought you were not interested, but I didn't expect to check how much money you went to so quickly."

"What do you know." Qin Lie said, "People have to keep an account when they hold a banquet and receive gifts. We also have to find out how much they took. If something happens in the future, we will send it back to them."

"It's called humaneness."

Soon, Chen Jinhu checked the balance of the black card on a POS machine.

Turning around, I told Qin Lie, "Brother Lie, I found it out. There are five billion in this card!"

Qin Lie was chatting with Ye Yuqing here, and after listening to Chen Jinhu's words, he was instantly horrified: "How much?"

"Five billion!" Chen Jinhu emphasized.

Qin Lie's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it: "Don't read it wrong!"

If Murong Huanyu gave 5 million and 50 million, he could understand, even 500 million, he could understand, these 5 billion...

Chen Jinhu said: "Brother, I thought I was wrong at first, but I've counted it four or five times, and no matter how stupid it is, I can't be wrong, it's five billion..."

"I'm going, this Murong Huanyu is crazy, isn't it, what are you doing with so much money?"

"Jin Hu, you can go there now and return this card to him."


Chen Jinhu, oh, anyway, I don't understand what these young masters are thinking.

A willingness to give 5 billion gifts is outrageous, the key here is that Qin Lie doesn't want it.

Is this money a burden to them?

Seeing that Chen Jinhu was going to return the card, Ye Yuqing had a different idea.

She said, "Qin Lie, I think you can take the money and forget it."

Qin Lie said: "It's too much, it's unnecessary, and I'm not short of money. What are these five billion yuan for?"

Ye Yuqing analyzed him and said, "Even if you leave now, you won't be able to. I think this matter should have been discussed by other aristocratic families behind your back."

"They may really think that you saved their family's life this time, and this money is used to thank you."

"The bigger you do, the more money they give. To put it bluntly, they're just showing you a favor."

"It is estimated that this is only the first person. Those who come later have to continue to give you money. If you retreat next to each other, you will not be busy."


Qin Lie also felt that Ye Yuqing was right.

"It's all a little thought, you can just accept it."

"They also want to have a good relationship with you. They all know that your role is not ordinary in the future, and maybe there is something that depends on you."

"Didn't you say that you want to discuss the Aristocratic Alliance with them today? This is a good sign. They respect you, so don't be hypocritical."

After being mentioned by Ye Yuqing like this, Qin Lie really felt that it was the case.

Especially that sentence, which is still good news for the Aristocratic Alliance, this sentence convinced him.

If he really kept going to refund the money, it would seem like a foreigner.

And the amount of 5 billion is large, but it is only a drop in the bucket for the super family.

They're nice to themselves, and that's a good thing indeed.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie didn't bother about it.

He turned around and pulled Chen Jinhu back so that he didn't have to return the card.

Continue to stand at the door waiting for others to come.

The second person to arrive was Kong Zhaohui from the Kong family.

Qin Lie killed Kong Wei and Kong Yunze at the beginning, and formed a deadly feud with the Kong family. This time, he and Kong Zhaohui joined forces to deal with the Xiao family.

Even if the previous grievances were offset in this way, Kong Zhaohui and he were neither enemies nor friends.

But because of the great competition of the aristocratic family, today's banquet is to settle the matter, so he still came.

And like Murong Huanyu, he also gave Qin Lie a card this time.

Cary's money is also five billion.

Kong Zhaohui didn't talk to him too much, just thanked him and went in.

Sure enough, this matter was indeed negotiated by all the other aristocratic families.

Later, more and more people came, and more and more money was given.

The contemporary leaders of the seven great families basically gave money, the least was 3 billion, and the most, Tang Zhenbei even gave 10 billion!

For this banquet, the money Qin Lie received has already reached 43 billion.

Chen Jinhu was in charge of checking the accounts, and the cards one by one shocked him.

Four hundred and three billion!

These people literally sent a Forbes rich man out of gift money.

This incident made Ye Yuqing jealous, and he joked: "Qin Lie, you held a banquet and organized ten companies of my Qingqing beauty to come out. You are still the best!"

Qin Lie made a fuss with the back of his head and was helpless. This incident was not what he expected.

After a full hour, Qin Lie and the others finally welcomed these guests.

Today's revolving restaurants are all people from their super family.

At twelve o'clock, the restaurant's dishes officially came up, and everyone found their own table, and the meal was soon opened.

Qin Lie, as the host, first let everyone eat something to pamper their stomachs.

Then he took the microphone and walked to the table that had been prepared for a long time in the restaurant, and chatted with these people.

Of course, the most important thing is to tell everyone in the room about his vision for the family alliance.

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