People from other families basically went home to rest after attending Qin Lie's banquet that day.

The private planes of the major families took off one after another, bringing their core members.

Those armed members who came to the magic capital because of the great family competition also slowly dissipated.

A turbulent gathering gradually dissipated, and the dark clouds gathered over the magic capital finally disappeared.

Shentu Aoshi and the others went home, including Kong Zhaohui and Qin Lie.

Apart from the Murong family, he was the last person to stay in the magic capital.

And today, he is going to send away the last member of the family.

The people of this family are a little different from other families. The people of this family are the Cape family!

In the turmoil of the great competition of the aristocratic family, when fighting against the Xiao family, every family has contributed.

But Qin Lie should be most grateful to two people.

The first is Gu Song, who has already left.

The second is Worms, the head of the Cape family who came from the west.

This time, the Cape family really moved all together, not only bringing a core armed team of several thousand people, but also two armored vehicles that were transported from a distance.

If it was Gu Song who played an absolute role in the fight in the venue.

Then Worms played an absolute role in the fire off the field.

Without them, the Longyan team couldn't even cross that line of defense.

I've been very busy recently, and I haven't thanked Worms well. Now that Worms is leaving, Qin Lie naturally wants to send them off.

In front of Modu Airport, Qin Lie gave Worms a big hug, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Mr. Worms, I'm so sorry, I've been really busy these days, and I haven't had time to chat with you privately. , I didn't expect you to leave."

Worms is very calm.

He shrugged and said: "Qin, your family in Huaxia is seriously damaged now. As a leader, you must have a lot of things to do. I can understand these situations. You just need to deal with your affairs well, don't worry too much I."

Qin Lie said: "It stands to reason that I should thank you well. If it weren't for you, I might not even be able to fight the Xiao family this time."

"If you are not in a hurry to leave, I can also take you to Longcheng to visit our Chinese scenery and eat some authentic Chinese food."

Worms: "Qin, the conditions you mentioned are indeed very tempting, but like you, I have left my family for more than a week, and my armed forces are all outside, in order to prevent people from other forces from taking advantage of the situation. I have to go back early, too.”

Seeing that Worms was indeed in a hurry to leave, Qin Lie did not force his stay.

"Then we can only look forward to the next time we meet again."

Worms nodded, no further reaction.

It's just that when Worms was leaving, he remembered two things, he suddenly said.

"By the way, Qin, I've been wanting to tell you two things for the past two days, but I haven't found the time. I'm leaving now, so I'll tell you here."

Qin Lie listened carefully, nodded and said, "You say it."

Wormston paused before continuing.

The first topic he raised was this: "Qin, do you know why my two armored vehicles can enter your China so smoothly?"

Qin Lie didn't expect him to say this.

But if you think about it, it really is!

The customs of Huaxia is one of the strictest in the world, and Worms is not a Chinese, and then brought a large number of troops and weapons.

They flew in on a private jet and entered customs with such ease.

The armored vehicle swaggered on the road, but no one came to stop it.

Qin Lie asked him after he was picked up, "Why?"

Worms said: "Originally, your customs have already seized my weapons."

"Even if I have a license to carry weapons from the twelve European countries, your customs in China do not take this set. At that time, the battle between you and the Xiao family had already begun. As a last resort, I made a call to your leader in China. , in the hands of Mr. Hua."

Qin Lie listened and suddenly reacted.

"You mean that the entry of your troops was personally permitted by Mr. Hua."

Worms nodded to confirm: "Yes, and the reason I gave you Mr. Hua was that I wanted to come in to help you, help Qin Lie, and then he gave the order to let him go."

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but sigh.

Can you do this?

Qin Lie naturally knew that Mr. Hua, as the top leader of China, must be concerned about the great competition of the family, and he must have many information channels to know the details of the great competition of the family.

It's just that Mr. Hua hardly intervened in this family's turmoil.

Whether it is the national army or his agents, even the Kyushu Bureau has never appeared.

Qin Lie thought that Mr. Hua was just too lazy to manage the grievances between the eight great families, so he let the eight great families handle it by himself.

As a result, it seems that Mr. Hua is not completely invisible.

After he even heard that Worms was here to help him, he agreed with Worms to enter the venue, and even agreed to the entry of armored vehicles.

This is a huge concession for a sovereign country.

According to Worms, Mr. Hua was helping himself secretly.

Qin Lie told Worms his thoughts and asked, "You mean, Mr. Hua is deliberately helping me."

"Yes!" Worms nodded, "In your situation in China, Mr. Hua is still one level higher than your family. Since he is willing to help you, he should have seen something in you!"

"Of course, I don't know what he thinks. I just tell you what I have experienced and let you know about such a thing. In short, you should start paying attention to Mr. Hua."

"Okay!" Qin Lie nodded immediately, thanking Worms, "Thank you for telling me this."

Qin Lie knew that he really had to pay attention to Mr. Hua's movements.

He asked Guan Hai to inform himself that he wanted to see him, while secretly helping him in the aristocratic family, so he didn't know why Mr. Hua saw him this time.

Secretly remembering this, Qin Lie asked Worms the next thing.

"Mr. Worms, what else do you need to tell me besides this?"

Speaking of this, Worms laughed to himself.

He whispered: "The second thing, maybe I need you to do me a little favor."

Qin Lie did not speak, waiting for him to continue.

Worms then asked a question: "Qin, do you know the undercurrent?"

If Qin Lie heard this question a month earlier, he would definitely not know.

But since he cooperated with Han Qi to steal someone's treasury about 20 days ago, this organization has flowed into his ears.

He was quick to respond: "Have heard some."

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