The Xuanyuan family is worthy of being a century-old wealthy family that has lasted for thousands of years.

Just the three words Xuanyuan Mansion hang high in the sky, making people dare not look at them.

Qin Lie never imagined that he would one day inherit such a big family.

In the earlier days, he didn't even have the right to hear the words "Xuanyuan Family".

The world is impermanent, and who can imagine such a life experience.

It's just that the succession of today's patriarch has to pass the test of the rest of the Xuanyuan family, so I don't know what this test will be like.

Following Guan Hai into the old house of Xuanyuan's family, Qin Lie felt his identity for the first time.

He felt that he himself began to accept this identity, and the Xuanyuan family also began to accept him.

The past has gone by like a smoke, and the life of the past nearly thirty years has been swept away in front of my eyes.

He didn't want to think about the past anymore.

Now that he has returned to Xuanyuan's house, he will help this family to reach the top.

Today, it has an extraordinary meaning!

Following Guan Hai into the family, there is a long path, straight and straight, leading to the depths of Xuanyuan's house.

There are maple leaf forests all around, the maple leaves in August have not yet turned yellow, and the entire road is just a shaded path.

Walking in the maple forest, the surrounding temperature suddenly became a lot cooler.

Guan Hai walked in front, the two did not speak, and the whole process was very solemn.

Halfway through the trail, Qin Lie could see the Xuanyuan family's cabinet.

From this time on, there were Xuanyuan's guards on both sides of the road.

They were divided into two rows, one person every two meters, holding the ancient martial arts swords of the unified standard in their hands.

With the surrounding scene, the atmosphere suddenly became very solemn and solemn.

Guan Hai, who was usually such an eclectic person, was standing upright at this time, holding his head high, and was full of awe for the whole ceremony.

Qin Lie is the same. Seeing that everyone around him is so formal, he doesn't dare to be fooled.

He hit his back straight, his feet were vigorous and vigorous, and he walked towards the cabinet with his head held high.

After that long road, it is another threshold.

Crossing the threshold, Guan Hai suddenly announced to the cabinet in a loud voice: "Young master is here!!"

The sound is high-pitched and loud, with great penetrating power.

At the same time, the cabinet seemed to have a band ready, drumming up, and the sound of arrogance immediately sounded from the martial arts field in front.

Drums and bells rang in unison, straight up to the sky.

The momentum is surging, as if just hearing the music can arouse the ambition in the heart.

And it was also at this time that a large group of people came out from the attic of the Inner Palace.

The leader was naturally Xuanyuan Hao.

Next to him were Ji Canghai, Xuanyuan Hongtu, and several elders of the Xuanyuan family.

They walked all the way and stopped on the steps in front of the cabinet, where seven chairs were prepared.

Xuanyuan Hao took one seat, and the remaining six elders each took one seat.

Ji Canghai stood beside Xuanyuan Hao, as for the other core figures of Xuanyuan's family, they were all scattered on both sides.

The music was at its peak at this time, and the drums were loud and deafening.

It wasn't until Qin Lie walked in front of Xuanyuan Hao that the drum beat finally stopped.

At the same time, all the surrounding guards, including the clan, saluted Xuanyuan Hao sitting on the high platform in a uniform manner, and shouted at the same time, "I have seen the clan leader!"

Thousands of people shouted in unison, and the sound went straight to the sky, several times stronger than the momentum of the drum sound just now.

After waiting until Xuanyuan Hao waved, these talents put away their saluting hands.

And at about this time, Guan Hai motioned to Qin Lie in a low voice, Qin Lie also knew that it was time for him to speak.

Qin Lie held his fists, knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and said loudly, "Junior Qin Lie, I have seen my father and all the elders of the family!"

Qin Lie is neither humble nor arrogant, his voice is loud and full of confidence.

Although Qin Lie performed brilliantly at the Magic Metropolis, many of the Xuanyuan family present were seeing Qin Lie for the first time.

Many people were shocked when they knew that Xuanyuan Tianci was a fake young master.

Because many people are already familiar with the name Xuanyuan Tianci as the young master.

It's still a little uncomfortable to change someone for a while.

But when Qin Lie came on stage today, he performed dazzlingly and was very confident, which left a deep impression on everyone.

Xuanyuan Hao was on the high platform, raised his hand slightly, and said in a low voice, "Okay, get up first."

Qin Lie just got up.

Stand quietly in the clearing below.

Xuanyuan Hao then said, "Qin Lie, today is the ceremony of returning to your ancestors and the inheritance ceremony of the patriarch. Originally, these two ceremonies should be carried out separately, but due to the turmoil in the family, our vitality has been greatly damaged, so our procedures are all simplified."

"For so many years, you have been wandering outside, and you have finally recognized your ancestors and returned to the family, and before returning to the family, you have done a lot of credit for the family."

"So after discussing it with the elders, I decided to simplify the test of your succession as a patriarch. I hope you can take it seriously."

This time, Xuanyuan Hao really didn't talk nonsense. After the simple opening remarks, he actually directly talked about the inheritance of the patriarch.

Qin Lie listened carefully below, without speaking, waiting for Xuanyuan Hao's next sentence.

Xuanyuan Hao continued: "Originally, the selection of the head of the Xuanyuan family was a cumbersome process. Just starting with the establishment of the successor of the head of the family, we have to observe this successor for five years."

"Within five years, if the heir is unqualified, we will abolish the re-establishment."

"Now that the family is in turmoil, we can't wait for such a cumbersome process, so we decided to conduct a simple assessment on you..."

After saying this, Xuanyuan Hao turned his head and aimed his gaze at the elders behind him.

In the group of elders, an old man with a beard stood up. He was wearing a white robe and his hair was very long, tied in a bun like the ancients.

But all the details of the face are meticulously tidied up.

He should be the elder who presided over the handover ceremony today.

The elder got Xuanyuan Hao's signal, and quickly approached, holding a letter in his hand, standing in front of Qin Lie.

At the same time, he said loudly, "The 153rd generation heir to the Xuanyuan family, Qin Lie, obey!"

Qin Lie raised his head and bowed his head immediately, "I'm here."

The elder nodded and continued: "According to the regulations of the ancestors, whoever inherits the position of the head of the Xuanyuan family will have three tests. The first is the economic exam. The second is the political exam. The third is the personal exam..."

"All family heirs must pass these three major tests, and only after passing the verification can they inherit the family's great business."

"Due to the turbulent situation, the foundation of the family is unstable. After discussions between the patriarch and the council of elders, we have decided to simplify the three tests and complete them today. I hope that the heir Qin Lie can seize the opportunity and make good use of it, here!"

The old man confidently read all the contents of the paper letter.

The content is clear, but there are still some things that I don't understand.

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