"Mr. Qin, thank you for saving me yesterday."

Lilith walked over to Qin Lie and thanked Qin Lie in Chinese, which was not fluent.

"It's better to thank you or Xie Tina, I only saved you to make a deal with her."

Qin Lie replied indifferently, and very directly stated the reason why he saved her.

Hearing this, a strange color flashed in Lilith's eyes.

Although she is not as beautiful as Christina, she is absolutely beautiful. Most men will take the initiative to please her when they see her, but Qin Lie is so cold when facing her, she doesn't even seem to think about it. The meaning of talking to her made her look at Qin Lie one more time.

However, Qin Lie was not interested in chatting with her, and went straight to Ye Yuqing's side, and told her about the wild boar that Logan killed. Ye Yuqing immediately agreed to Qin Lie's proposal to get wild boar.

"Sister Yuqing, stay with Tina, Xiaoyu, Qiuzhu, and Lilith, you three will go get wild boar with me."

Qin Lie quickly arranged.

"it is good."

People naturally have no objection.

After everything was ready, Qin Lie set off with someone.

Just when they were about to reach the place where the wild boar's body was, Misty noticed something abnormal again, and immediately rushed forward.

Seeing this, Qin Lie also quickly accelerated his pace.

However, after seeing the situation in front of him, Qin Lie immediately turned his head and shouted loudly, "Go back quickly, there are cannibals ahead!"

Originally, Qin Lie planned to cut some meat from the wild boar as dry food, but who knew that the cannibals came one step ahead of him and were cutting the wild boar.

And there are ten people on the other side, and everyone is holding a weapon, so Qin Lie naturally has to avoid the edge for a while.

When Qin Lie discovered the cannibal, the cannibal also discovered him.

The old patriarch shouted twice, and a group of cannibals immediately chased after him.

Although Qin Lie and the others ran first, Lin Qiuzhu and the others had limited speed, and the distance between them began to gradually narrow.

"Qiuzhu, you go back first, I will stop these cannibals."

Qin Lie made an immediate decision.

He had to stay behind, otherwise once the cannibals caught up, Lin Qiuzhu and the others would have only Xiang Xiaoyu to die.

"You be careful."

Lin Qiuzhu knew that it wouldn't be of much help if he stayed, so he told Qin Lie to run away, "Miscellaneous hair, give it to me!"

Qin Lie waved at Za Mao, took the lead, and charged towards the cannibals.

Misty was still quite brave, and followed up after roaring.

One person and one dog immediately started a melee with ten cannibals.

The cannibals' fighting power is quite strong, and it's not something Zhao Yuming's kind of scumbag can compare to. Especially when ten people join forces, it's even more terrifying than ten wild wolves. Still not the opponent of this group of cannibals.

Fortunately, Qin Lie had no intention of fighting to the death with these cannibals at all, he just kept defending and delaying time.

After about five or six minutes, Qin Lie's stamina was more than half exhausted. He didn't dare to fight against these cannibals, so he temporarily forced the cannibals back, and called Shang Za Mao to turn around and run.

In order to distract the cannibals, Qin Lie deliberately did not run towards their camp, but in another direction.

Without the drag of Lin Qiuzhu and the others, Qin Lie and Za Mao quickly got rid of the cannibals, and Qin Lie then detoured back to the camp.

"Everyone pack up and get ready to leave here immediately."

Qin Lie commanded after taking a breath.

Although he successfully got rid of the cannibals, the cannibals are not far from them, and they will find it sooner or later, so they must move as soon as possible.

"Mr. Qin, Logan hasn't woken up yet, what should he do?"

Christina asked anxiously.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help frowning. Because of his anxiety, he forgot about Logan just now.

As far as the current situation is concerned, if they bring Logan, it is definitely impossible for them to escape the pursuit of the cannibals.

But if you don't bring him, as long as the cannibals come over, he will surely die.

After thinking for a while, Qin Lie finally came up with a relatively safe solution.

"Tina, you and Logan find a place to hide around here, and come back to pick you up after I lead the cannibals away. You can do it this way."

Qin Lie discussed with Christina.

"No, what if you abandon us?"

Christina refused on the spot.

Now Logan is seriously injured and his life and death are uncertain. She can only rely on Qin Lie. If Qin Lie does not come back to find her, she will not survive a day in this barren mountain.

Naturally, she couldn't agree with Qin Lie's approach.

"Qin Lie, you guys go together, I'll stay with Tina."

Ye Yuqing interrupted immediately.

As a woman, she can fully understand Christina's mood.

"That's fine."

Qin Lie thought about it and could only agree.

Qin Lie then quickly circled around, and then lifted Logan to a dense bush not far away, then deliberately walked in the other direction, and dropped several pieces of underwear one after another, hoping to borrow it. This misleads cannibals.

After that, Qin Lie and the others split up, Christina and Ye Yuqing stayed to take care of Logan, and he took Chen Xiaoyu and others to leave first.

After running wild for two hours, Qin Lie and the others finally stopped in a valley deep in the dense forest.

After instructing Lin Qiuzhu and others, Qin Lie started to return the same way alone.

At this time, the cannibals had come to the place where Qin Lie and the others had stayed before.

Because the distance was not far, Ye Yuqing and the others could clearly see the cannibals with their upper body naked from the gap in the forest, and they could also hear their conversations.

Seeing that there was no one in the shack, these cannibals scattered around to find the direction of Qin Lie's escape.

A cannibal just happened to walk towards Ye Yuqing and the others.

Seeing that the cannibal was getting closer and closer to them, Ye Yuqing and Christina's nerves became tense at the same time, and their hearts jumped to their throats.

In order to prevent these cannibals from discovering themselves, the two of them could only try their best to bury their bodies in the grass, not even daring to let out the air.

Looking at the cannibal who walked two meters further, he would find Ye Yuqing and the others. At this moment, a cannibal suddenly screamed, and the cannibal found out that Qin Lie had left behind on purpose. those clothes.

Hearing his cry, those cannibals ran over one after another.

As Qin Lie had expected, when the cannibal old patriarch saw these underwear, he immediately thought that Qin Lie and the others were running in this direction, and called the Shang clan to chase them into the forest.

Hearing the voices of the cannibals getting farther and farther, Ye Yuqing and the two knew that they had escaped the disaster successfully, so they patted their chests and gasped.

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