Qin Lie already knew about the situation.

It is nothing more than the Sharktooth Gang, instigated by the Rothschild family, to deal with the Locke family.

These hooligans committed crimes, and they were quickly detained for a month or two, which lasted a year or two, and then killed Qin Lie's properties on a large scale, causing irreversible damage to suppress the Locke family.

This move by Morpheus is actually quite ruthless.

Before Qin Lie was away, Barossa was bought over.

If it was the previous background, the people of the Sharktooth Gang would not even be punished.

Fortunately, Qin Lie arrived in the United States in time and brought Barosara back to the camp, so that he could have such a fast information channel and deal with it so quickly.

Now, in addition to the people who made troubles in this company branch, the people who made troubles in other branches have basically been dealt with.

The entire riot was quickly suppressed under the rapid response of Barossa.

Qin Lie didn't want to investigate the Sharktooth Gang at all, he just wanted to take revenge for the whole thing.

So Chen Jinhu brought the blond man, and after kneeling down, Qin Lie only asked him three questions.

The first one, Qin Lie squatted down, looked at the man, and spoke to him in very fluent English.

"You're from the Sharktooth Gang, aren't you?"

The man listened, raised his head, saw Qin Lie, and knew that Qin Lie was the head of Chen Jinhu and the others.

But it was still tough.

Angrily said: "Since you already know, what else is there to ask."

Qin Lie laughed: "It's always better to ask something clearly, what if I make a mistake."

The yellow-haired man was very upright and said directly: "It's from the Sharktooth Gang, you don't have to be nervous, it's us, what can you do with us?"

Qin Lie still laughed: "It's not very good, tit for tat, what you do to me, I will do to you."

Qin Lie paused and continued to ask the key question: "You Sharktooth Gang, where is the headquarters, and whether the boss is in the headquarters."

Any gang has a base where the core figures of the gang handle their internal affairs like a company.

Qin Lie wanted their address, which naturally had its own use.

Huang Mao was still very stubborn, and he held his head high and said: "What's the matter, do you still think you can get any useful information from my mouth?"

"You are so powerful, it's impossible not to know where our headquarters is, right?"

"You can directly ask Barossa the stabbed dog. He is the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department. How well he knows!"

Obviously, Barossa's betrayal has indeed caused great dissatisfaction with the Sharktooth Gang.

Qin Lie wasn't annoyed at Huang Mao's attitude at all, and even laughed.

"It takes so much work for us to investigate. It's easy to ask you directly. Look, it's the same if you say it or not. Why don't you tell me directly to save me any trouble."

Huang Mao listened and laughed.

"Huaxia people, I don't know where your confidence comes from. Are we familiar with each other? Let me tell you, even if I am abolished, it is impossible for me to betray my boss, I..."

At this time, although Qin Lie was smiling, he had long run out of patience.

Do you think Qin Lie is in a good mood?

This time, without waiting for Huang Mao to finish speaking, Qin Lie directly raised his chin to Chen Jinhu.

Chen Jinhu also understood what he meant, and without warning, suddenly from behind, with a sudden force, he kicked Huang Mao's back calf fiercely.

Chen Jinhu's strength was great, and coupled with the sudden sneak attack, Huang Mao didn't respond at all.

His strength hit it, and with one kick, the yellow-haired calf was broken.


The sound of broken bones was so clear that even Qin Lie could hear it clearly.



Huang Mao's hoarse scream came, he hugged his calf and rolled around on the ground in pain.

The pain nerves in the calf are very sensitive and can be placed in front of the entire body.

At this time, Huangmao was in excruciating pain and completely lost his ability to think.

He didn't expect Qin Lie to act so decisively.

It's completely different from what Barossa did to their Sharktooth Gang before.

Barossa will not really do it even if he wants to make a show.

Barossa is very clear that if the police station is to be stable, it must maintain peace with the gangsters, and if Barossa wants peace, it must not be chaotic.

But Qin Lie, this fellow seems to be completely out of this world.

He can do whatever he wants, and he can already see some clues when he starts to deal with the members of the Sharktooth Gang at the door.

But now, Huang Mao knew better that Qin Lie didn't follow the rules at all.

It is pointless to use the means against Barossa to deal with Qin Lie.

Qin Lie was very comfortable and squatted down.

With both hands on his knees, the corners of his mouth raised, he smiled and said: "Friend, you seem to have made a mistake, I am not discussing with you, I am questioning, and I am not asking for your opinion, I am asking for your opinion. You tell me the answer I want, if you don't tell me, I have a hundred ways for you to tell me, and now think about the question I said."

Qin Lie was squatting in front of Huang Mao, still laughing.

There was nothing fierce in his attitude, his voice.

But I don't know why, the pressure he gives is very strong, just squatting there and laughing, has already made Huang Mao breathless.

After waiting for Huang Mao to relax for a while, Qin Lie continued to ask him: "How is it, is there a new answer to that question at the beginning?"

At this moment, Huang Mao's momentum has been completely suppressed, and his courage is much smaller than at the beginning.

Looking at the ground shrinking, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and told Qin Lie, "Yes, yes!"

Qin Lie smiled and asked, "Tell me about it."

Huang Mao gasped and stammered: "Our headquarters is, in the Sattertus Auto Repair Factory in the south of the city. Our boss, Carl, Carl is often in the auto repair shop."

After Qin Lie heard this, he nodded with satisfaction: "That's the truth."

Then, Qin Lie took out his mobile phone from his pocket, handed it to Huang Mao, and said, "Now, call your boss!"

"Ah?" Huang Mao said in surprise as if he didn't understand Qin Lie's words, "Call, why did you call?"

Qin Lie: "You call him and tell him that tonight, I will take my little friend and give him a surprise and prepare him to meet him."

Huang Mao's eyes were surprised, and he didn't know what Qin Lie's operation meant.

It's just that at this time, he didn't dare to disobey Qin Lie's intention at all. Qin Lie told him to do it, and he did it.

Taking the phone tremblingly, Huang Mao was obviously one of the higher-ranking members of the Sharktooth Gang.

He knew the number of their gang boss, pressed the number, and quickly called.


At the same time, the line of sight naturally came to the Sadtus Auto Repair Factory.

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