About an hour later, Qin Lie came back with two pheasants and a python.

Because there was no water nearby, Qin Lie simply dealt with these wild animals and roasted them on the fire.

Even so, no one said anything.

After all, this is for survival, and it is quite good to have something to eat. Who cares about the hygiene?

After dinner, Qin Lie and the others sat together and chatted.

Only then did Qin Lie learn that Logan was the son of a chief in Africa, but he ran away from home at the age of nineteen because he couldn't stand his father's dictatorship.

After leaving home, Logan first went to college, but before graduating, he joined a mercenary organization and worked for two years. After he was finally injured, he changed his job to become a professional bodyguard.

Later, Christina's father selected bodyguards for his daughter, and just chose Logan and another white man.

It has been two years since they became Christina's bodyguards. Logan and Christina have long been not just employers, but more like confidantes and friends.

"Logan, don't you miss your parents if you haven't been home for so many years?"

Ye Yuqing couldn't help asking curiously.

According to Logan, it has been five years since he left the house, but he has never returned.

"Of course I thought about it. Originally, I planned to accompany Tina to Sydney and go home this time, but I ended up in an air crash, and I don't know if I have a chance to go back."

Logan replied with a wry smile.

"Logan, your father is the chief, so does your family have a mine?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but ask.

"Well, we have gold mines and diamond mines in our family, but these things don't mean anything to me, and they are far more attractive to me than living in the outside world."

Logan nodded.

His father is a chief, and he is like a soil emperor in the tribe. Naturally, their family's economic conditions are the best, but Logan is more open to the wonderful world outside.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help rolling his eyes.

It is said that invisible pretending is the most deadly. I have to say that Logan's pretending is really good.

Of course, it's not hard to see from his expression that he didn't say this to pretend, he just wanted to express his true thoughts.

"By the way, Logan, can your man have several wives?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but ask again.

After Christina translated, Logan smiled and said: "Of course, in our tribe, as long as you have the ability, no one cares how many wives you marry. My father married twelve wives and gave birth to twenty Many children, but only fifteen survived to adulthood."

"What's the matter? I'm envious? Otherwise, you can live with Logan and the others and marry him a hundred wives."

Ye Yuqing on the side laughed and joked.

"Where is it, I just ask casually."

Qin Lie flatly denied it.

Although the seventy-two concubines of the three palaces and six courtyards are the dream of countless men, even if there is such a chance, Qin Lie will not do it.

One is that his body can't bear it, and the other is that he is irresponsible to others. Besides, Qin Lie is not the kind of person who will go up to see a beautiful woman.

"Personally, I prefer the monogamy system, so if I can become a chief one day, then I will definitely abolish the current polygamy and let all the tribesmen live without food and clothing. A worrying life."

Logan said again.

Hearing this, Qin Lie looked at Logan with a different color.

He never expected that Logan, who grew up in a small African tribe, would have such a high level of consciousness. It was no wonder that he would break up with his father and eventually ran away from home.

"Logan, normally, do you have a chance to be a chief?"

Qin Lie asked again.

"Originally, I was my father's favorite child. My father even planned to pass on the position of chief to me in the future, but because our two ideas are different, the relationship is very tense now, and he will definitely not let me. Be the chief."

Logan sighed.

The most favored child, he was originally the first heir to the chief, but his father belonged to a great dictator, and he belonged to the kind of person who likes democracy. The father and son have quarreled several times because of these contradictory thoughts and ideas. Opened the relationship, and almost didn't turn against each other, otherwise Logan wouldn't have gone home for five years.

"Look at it, brother, can you still be the richest man if you can't be the patriarch? After you make money and then return to the tribe, you can still lead your clansmen to live a good life."

Qin Lie enlightened Logan Road.

"Well, I do think so. After I go back this time, I will find a way to get the mining rights of the gold mine from my father. When I have enough capital, I will have the opportunity to find a way to lead other people out of poverty. Really live a good life without food and clothing."

Logan nodded.

He is a black man born in a small backward African tribe, but because he read books differently since he was a child, his mind has long been liberated.

In particular, the experience of living abroad in the past few years has made him set a great ambition to save all the clansmen from the dire straits in his entire life, until they die!

Logan's remarks can't help but make Qin Lie and the others admire the black man in front of them. This is a person worthy of respect!

At the same time, this also made Qin Lie sigh in his heart that he did not save the wrong person.

A few people chatted for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, everyone went back to the shack to sleep.

Qin Lie didn't arrange a night vigil, because Moo Mao was the best security guard. As long as there was danger approaching, it would definitely remind them at the first time.

The long night passed quickly, but fortunately, it was a peaceful night. Neither cannibals nor beasts appeared that night.

After all, Logan has practiced martial arts, so after a night's rest, his physical strength has recovered a little. Although there is still some distance from full recovery, it is no problem to walk alone.

Considering that Lin Qiuzhu and the others were all girls, it was quite dangerous in this kind of barren mountains, so Qin Lie and the others set off at dawn.

If it was just Qin Lie and the others, they should be able to meet with Lin Qiuzhu and the others in at most two hours, but because Logan is inconvenient to move, he needs to stop and go. It has been three hours, and only a quarter of the way has been completed. Three's journey.

Logan knew that he was dragging everyone down, and expressed guilt many times, but Qin Lie and the others didn't say anything about him.

After all, he would be attacked by wild boars to break them off. Now that he is injured, Qin Lie and the others should take care of him.

Nearly an hour later, Qin Lie and the others finally successfully reached the valley where Lin Qiuzhu and his group were.

Seeing Qin Lie, Chen Xiaoyu, who had long been eager to see through, quickly ran over to meet them.

"Sister Yuqing, you are here, we are all worried about you."

Chen Xiaoyu took Ye Yuqing's arm and said.

"There's nothing to worry about. With Qin Lie here, we can't be in trouble."

Ye Yuqing smiled and said.

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