bang bang bang...

A series of gunshots rang out, and the three pirates who were in charge of the vigilance mission did not even react and went back to the west!

Hearing the sound of gunfire, Abadi and others on the pirate ship were startled, and quickly ran out of the cabin with guns.

"Abadi, come out and die!"

To provoke the wrath of these pirates, Qin Lie deliberately stood up from the woods.

Seeing Qin Lie appearing out of nowhere, all the pirates instantly burst into anger.

The night before yesterday, they were introduced into the Giant Python Valley by Qin Lie. The losses were quite heavy. A dozen people died at once, and most of the rest were injured.

You know, from the establishment of the pirate group to today, it is the first time that they have suffered such a big loss.

Moreover, the pirate group is not the same as the Bloodfang mercenaries. Most of these pirates are friends and relatives, and they have a very good relationship with each other.

But because of Qin Lie, many of their friends and relatives have been buried on this deserted island, which makes them want to peel Qin Lie for cramps and burn his bones to ashes!

However, now Qin Lie, the culprit, actually appeared on his own initiative. It was like a cremation ignited the gunpowder leads, and everyone blew up in an instant.

Especially Abadi, his big brother was buried in the belly of the snake the night before, and when he saw the enemy again, he was even more stunned!

"Kill him! Kill him for me!!"

Abadi roared angrily, and the bullet shot towards Qin Lie as if he didn't want money.

However, Qin Lie wouldn't be foolish to stand on the spot as a target. He dodged and ran back to the woods to hide behind a big tree.

At the same time as the pirate group fired, the Bloodfang mercenaries also launched an attack at the same time.

Although pirates are fierce, before they became pirates, they were actually a group of peasants who could not afford to eat. They had no formal training at all, and their marksmanship was very poor.

However, the Bloodfang Mercenary Group is different. The members here are all elites who have retired from the special forces. They have accurate marksmanship, very high combat literacy, and are good at cooperation.

Therefore, in less than five minutes after the fight, another seven or eight people died on the pirate side, while the Bloodfang Mercenary side had zero casualties!

Seeing this scene, Qin Lie became anxious.

He deliberately caused the pirate group to exchange fire with the Bloodfang mercenaries, the main purpose was to hope that they would lose both and reap the benefits.

But judging from this trend, it is estimated that the pirate group was destroyed by the group, and the blood tooth mercenaries would be converted into two or three at most, which is not painful for the entire blood tooth mercenary group, and he still Be a grandson.

Just when Qin Lie was considering whether to stab the Bloodfang Mercenary Group from the back in advance, the pirate group suddenly brought out two big killers: Gatling heavy machine guns and portable rocket launchers!

I have to say that these two weapons are like a human flesh harvester, and they instantly turned the tide of the battle as soon as they came out.

da da da da da...

The blue flames continued to shine in the Gatling, and the rows of trees were instantly destroyed, and several mercenaries hiding behind the trees were hit by bullets on the spot, bloody blurred!

call out!

call out!

Then, two rocket launchers were fired, and several mercenaries who couldn't dodge were instantly blown to pieces, and their stumps and flesh flew everywhere.

The members of the Blood Fang mercenary group did not expect that a small pirate group would have these heavy weapons, so they suffered heavy losses in just one face-to-face!

The colonel didn't take these pirates seriously at first, but now, looking at the lost soldiers under his command, he was furious in an instant, and immediately redeployed the battle order.

"Nice job!"

However, Qin Lie, who was hiding behind the crowd, was secretly happy.

For him, it is not a pity for these evil mercenaries to die, it would be better if they were all wiped out.

In order to avoid being hit by the stray bullet, Qin Lie crawled on the ground and quietly crawled into the distance.

He has already thought about it, and when both sides are almost dead, he will come out to clean up the mess.

Now, he just needs to stay far away and watch the show.

The battle is getting more and more fierce, and human life has become so fragile at this moment, and people continue to fall in a pool of blood and die!

With the Gatling heavy machine gun and portable rockets, the pirate group led by Abadi did gain a near-crushing advantage at first, but as time passed, the disadvantage of their lack of coordination began to gradually be exposed.

On the other hand, the Blood Fang mercenary group, their cooperation was perfect, the snipers sniped in the dark, and the others continued to alternately cover and advance, and quickly moved back to the situation.

On the pirate ship, as the pirates under his command were all killed and wounded, Abadi knew that his situation was over.

He actually had a chance to escape in a boat.

But when he thought that his big brother and many friends died in battle, even if he was alive, it would be meaningless.

Therefore, in the end, Abadi chose to fight to the end and staged the final madness!

"Qin Lie, come over to me."

Qin Lie was sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight when Li Gang, a Chinese man, suddenly ran over.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Lie looked at Li Gang and asked.

"Put this on you and we'll cover you on board and detonate bombs on board."

As Li Gang spoke, he took out a vest and handed it to Qin Lie. On top of the vest was a string of high-explosive grenades.

"Detonate a hair, don't you want me to die?"

Qin Lie immediately refused.

"That's what the colonel meant, if you don't do it, you're going to die now!"

Li Gang said ruthlessly, and at the same time put the muzzle of the gun on Qin Lie's forehead.

Although the overall situation has been decided at this time, Abadi is still stubbornly resisting with the heavy machine gun in his hand, and it is not easy for them to bite this hard bone.

So the colonel came up with a plan to use Qin Lie as a human/meat/bomb/bomb to kill Abadi, so that Qin Lie could be used for waste.

Seeing that Li Gang's finger was already on the trigger, Qin Lie knew that he had no room for refusal.

"Don't shoot, I'll wear it now."

Qin Lie pretended to give in and started to put on the bomb suit.

Seeing Qin Lie's cowardly look, Li Gang smiled disdainfully and put the gun down from Qin Lie's head.

Taking advantage of the moment when Li Gang relaxed his vigilance, Qin Lie suddenly shot and grabbed his neck.

At the same time, Qin Lie took out a sharp branch that had been hidden in his cuff and stabbed it directly into Li Gang's neck artery.


The blood gushed out, and Li Gang wanted to fight to the death, but Qin Lie's arm was like a steel bar, strangling him tightly, making all his resistance in vain.

In less than a minute, Li Gang swallowed his breath with a strong sense of unwillingness.


Looking at Li Gang who was restless, Qin Lie spit on him directly.

I have to say that this guy is still quite difficult to deal with. If he hadn't used the sneak attack method just now, it would not be easy to kill this guy.

After taking off the bomb jacket, Qin Lie took back the Rolex that Li Gang had taken away before, and at the same time took all the weapons and ammunition on him as his own.

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