The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 239: The Nine Yang Needle Against Destiny!

Qin Lie originally thought that Lin Qiuzhu's condition would improve, but after checking, he found that Lin Qiuzhu's condition had begun to deteriorate rapidly, almost to the brink of death!

As far as the current situation is concerned, she will definitely not be able to survive tonight!

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and finally collected nine needles.

Then Qin Lie quickly walked out of the cabin and called Ye Yuqing and Bai Xianglan over.

"Sister Yuqing, you and Xianglan will help me support Qiuzhu later, and I will use acupuncture and moxibustion to give her the final treatment."

Qin Lie looked at the two with a solemn expression.

"Is Qiuzhu all right after acupuncture?"

Ye Yuqing asked hurriedly.

"No, I only have a 20% certainty to save her, and there is a high probability that she will die on the spot."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

"Ah? Where are you saving people? You are clearly killing people. You should stop giving her acupuncture."

Ye Yuqing quickly stopped Qin Lie.

"I don't want to do this either, but now Qiuzhu is almost dead, there is only one way to save her, and that is to use the anti-life nine-yang needle to reverse her qi and blood meridians, reverse the five elements of yin and yang, and forcibly activate the vitality in her body. Otherwise, she will only have three more hours to live in the end."

Qin Lie explained with a heavy expression.

The Nine-Yang Needle Against Destiny is a magical acupuncture technique passed down to him by his master. It has unpredictable powers of ghosts and spirits. Through complicated and mysterious techniques, silver needles are pierced into nine major acupuncture points of the human body, reversing the meridians, reversing Yin and Yang, and dying in the human body. At that moment, it reactivates the anger in the body, so as to achieve the purpose of death and rebirth.

It's just that this magical acupuncture technique has extremely high requirements for the practitioner, and there are 36 transformation techniques in it. A slight difference will cause people to die on the spot!

Therefore, even his master usually uses this secret technique only when he is sure that the patient is incurable, and the success rate is less than 50%.

As for Qin Lie, it is far worse than his master's medical skills. He has barely mastered this secret technique, and he has never performed it for so many years. He is really afraid that he will make a mistake in the process of applying needles and kill him. Lin Qiuzhu.

But on the other hand, Lin Qiuzhu is now almost half footed into the Palace of Hell, and he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Otherwise, they would still have to prepare a funeral for Lin Qiuzhu tomorrow morning, the only difference is morning and evening.

"Isn't there any other safer way?"

Although Ye Yuqing knew that Qin Lie wanted to kill Lin Qiuzhu, the 20% success rate was really low, which was not much different from letting Lin Qiuzhu die.

"There is another way, immediately give Qiuzhu a blood transfusion, but the key point is that we don't even know what her blood type is, and the blood transfusion is a fool's dream."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

Hearing this, Ye Yuqing didn't know what to say.

"Qin Lie, if you don't give Qiuzhu acupuncture, will she die?"

Bai Xianglan asked.

"Yes, she only has a few hours to live at most. Whether she can survive tonight is unknown."

Qin Lie replied.

"Then don't waste time, let's get started. If it fails, it will only save her a few hours of life, which means nothing to her at all."

Bai Xianglan said.

If you don't save it, she will die 100%, and if you save it, there is a 20% chance of surviving. She will definitely choose the latter.

"it is good."

Qin Lie nodded, and without wasting any more time, repeated the tasks of Ye Yuqing and the two.

According to Qin Lie's request, Ye Yuqing and the two helped Lin Qiuzhu, who was unconscious, to sit on the operating table, while Qin Lie took out the iron needle.

It is best to use gold needles for the implementation of the Jiuyang Needle, but not to mention gold needles, there are not even silver needles on this ship, Qin Lie can only take it temporarily.

I saw that Qin Lie first disinfected the nine iron needles with alcohol, and then heated the silver needles on an alcohol lamp for a few seconds.

When the temperature of the needle tip rose to about 60 degrees, Qin Lie quickly shot and pierced the needles into the "Tianshu", "Shenque", "Qihai" and "Dovetail" at a very fast speed. ""The sea of ​​​​qi" and other nine large caves.

After the needle tip pierced the acupoint, Qin Lie quickly twisted and pushed the needle again.

This is because the depth, severity, priority, and strength of each needle of the Nine Yang Needle are different, and the requirements are very strict, and there must be no mistakes.

After the first round of acupuncture, Qin Lie quickly pulled out all the needles in the reverse order of applying the needles, and stabbed them again into "Shaoshang", "Yinbai", "Fengfu", "Yumen", etc. Nine acupoints.

In the eyes of Ye Yuqing and the two, Qin Lie slapped his fingers, as fast as lightning, a needle was stabbed into Lin Qiuzhu's body in the blink of an eye, and another needle was pulled out at the same time, and the two of them were dazzled.

At this time, under the catalysis of the Nine Yang Needle, Lin Qiuzhu's stagnant blood qi began to flow again, but the yin and yang were reversed, and the meridians were reversed!

For normal people, once this happens, there will only be one result: the seven orifices bleed and die suddenly!

But Lin Qiuzhu is different. She is almost a dying person. When the blood qi retrogrades, the anger in the body and the death qi begin to collide violently.

At this time, death qi obviously had the upper hand. As long as death qi completely suppressed anger, Lin Qiuzhu would completely die.

However, as the old saying goes, the negative and the positive are born. When the dead energy reaches a certain critical value, a trace of anger brews out of the dead energy through the triggering of the Nine Yang Needle, which is like falling into gasoline. The flames of the barrel instantly detonated those dead auras, allowing Lin Qiuzhu's body to regain its vitality!

It's just that all this is too mysterious and esoteric to be explained by science at all.


At this moment, Lin Qiuzhu with his eyes closed suddenly spurted out a large mouthful of blood, which scared Ye Yuqing and the two of them so much that their faces turned pale.

"Qin Lie, what's the matter, why did Qiuzhu vomit blood?"

Ye Yuqing hurriedly asked, she was afraid that there was something wrong with Qin Lie's acupuncture.

"Don't panic, this is a normal phenomenon. What she vomited just now was only the blood in her body."

Qin Lie quickly explained, and then put his hand on Lin Qiuzhu's wrist to give her a pulse.

Lin Qiuzhu's pulse is still very weak, but the qi and blood in her body has returned to normal operation, which is enough to show that Qin Lie's fate-defying Jiuyang Needle was successful!

It's just that it's still unknown when Lin Qiuzhu will wake up.

Without much hesitation, Qin Lie quickly pulled the needle out of Lin Qiuzhu's body, then let her lie down and covered her with the sheet.

"How about Qin Lie, Qiuzhu, will she die?"

Ye Yuqing asked nervously. Bai Xianglan, who was beside her, was also very uneasy, for fear of hearing some bad news.

"Don't worry, she won't die."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

Now that Lin Qiuzhu's life has been successfully hanged, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

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