"You all stay in the car and don't get out."

The **** who was in charge of escorting Qin Lie and the others came over and shouted loudly, and then led his team to rush forward. As for the car they were in, they quickly retreated and hid in the woods.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the sound of bullets and guns kept echoing in everyone's ears.

Qin Lie wanted to help, but in the end he gave up the idea.

He knows very well that bullets don't have long eyes, and he is likely to receive a lunch box on the spot when he is involved in the battle at this time.

So, for the sake of your own life, it is better to stay in the car.

The battle came quickly and ended quickly. In just ten minutes, the sound of gunfire disappeared.

After simply cleaning up the battlefield, Qin Lie and the others set off again.

But *** told Qin Lie that for safety reasons, they would detour to the airport later to avoid being ambushed by the rebels.

Qin Lie and they naturally have no opinion on this.

Because of the detour, the drive increased by another three hours. Fortunately, there were no dangers along the way, and they were not attacked until the airport.

It was already one o'clock in the morning, but in order to leave this turbulent country as soon as possible, Qin Lie and the others quickly moved the boxes of gold and silver treasures onto Wells and Lin Zheng's private jets.

"Qin Lie, then I'm leaving. When my dad realizes all those things, I'll go to Huaxia to find you."

At the airport, Christina followed Qin Lie to say goodbye.

When she first met Qin Lie, she just wanted Qin Lie to protect her safety, but after getting along day and night, she gradually developed an inexplicable affection for Qin Lie, so that today's separation of her is full of hearts. I'm sorry.

"Let's go, call me if anything happens."

Qin Lie was very calm.


After a final hug with Qin Lie, Christina eventually boarded the plane with her father.

After Christina's plane took off, Qin Lie and the others also boarded the plane and flew out of Papua New Guinea.

It was late at night, and the tired people fell asleep one after another, but Qin Lie was very awake, and his heart was full of emotion.

You know, when he went abroad, he was just a poor boy with no money, no power or power.

But an air crash not only made him end his single life, but also got to know a confidante like Ye Yuqing, and also obtained the legendary treasure.

As long as he returns to the country, he will become a phoenix from chicken feathers, and become an existence that countless people can only look up to!

Even though he knew all this was true, Qin Lie still felt like he was dreaming.

"Brother Qin, are you still sleeping?"

Chen Xiaoyu, who woke up after squinting for a while, saw that Qin Lie hadn't slept yet, so she asked casually.

"Not too sleepy."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"Then let me chat with you for a while."

Chen Xiaoyu thought about it.

"No, you can sleep on yours."

Qin Lie waved his hand.

"It's okay, I'm not too sleepy now."

Chen Xiaoyu actually slept for a while, but in order to accompany Qin Lie, she deliberately lied.

"By the way, Brother Qin, what will you do first after returning to China?"

Chen Xiaoyu turned around and asked.

"I want to pay homage to my grandfather."

Qin Lie replied without thinking.

He was able to survive the air crash this time, and escaped from death many times. Although it has something to do with his own strength, in his opinion, this is more because his grandfather is protecting him in the dark.

As his only relative, after returning to China, he would naturally worship his grandfather and thank him for his kindness in raising him.

"I also want to go with you, but unfortunately I have to go back to my hometown with my parents, so I won't go with you."

Chen Xiaoyu said with some regret.

After learning that she was not dead, only her father and mother came to pick her up this time, but there were still a lot of relatives in her hometown waiting for her to go back to see her, so she had to go home and report safety to her relatives .

"It's okay, I'll just go see my grandpa alone."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

"By the way, Brother Qin, why don't you let Sister Yuqing accompany you?"

Chen Xiaoyu suggested.

"Sister Yuqing still has to go back to the company to deal with things, and she will be very busy next time."

Qin Lie replied.

Ye Yuqing is the head of the Yuhai Group, but because of this air crash, she lost contact for three months, and the company does not know how many things are backlogged, so she has to go back to deal with it.

As for Sakurako Aoi, because her parents and her big brother all died in the plane crash, although there is no body, according to clan rules, as the only orphan, she has to go back to China to hold a funeral for her family, and she cannot accompany her either. Qin Lie.

"Well, it seems that you can only go back alone. But don't worry, I will find you as soon as possible."

Chen Xiaoyu sighed.

"No, what are you supposed to do? I lived alone before anyway, and I'm used to it."

Qin Lie said nonchalantly.

"That won't work. They are your Qin family in this life anyway. I'll follow you wherever you go."

Chen Xiaoyu said immediately.

She has met too many scumbags in her life, and finally met a man she liked and knew how to love her. Even if she died, she would never let go.

"Okay, okay, come here whenever you want."

Qin Lie smiled, but didn't argue with Chen Xiaoyu any more, so as not to wake up the others.

Considering that he was going to visit his grandfather's grave tomorrow, Qin Lie quickly ended the conversation with Chen Xiaoyu and reclined on the seat to sleep.

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, the plane landed at Haishang Airport.

After Qin Lie said goodbye briefly to everyone, one person got off the plane, and the others took the plane and left.

As for those gold and silver treasures, they were all on the plane and were temporarily handed over to Lin Zheng for safekeeping.

For convenience, Qin Lie directly spent 1,000 yuan to package a taxi.

If it was before, he would definitely not be so extravagant, but for him now, this amount of money is not worth mentioning at all.

After more than three hours' drive, Qin Lie finally returned to the place he had been dreaming about - Haitang Village!

The first person to come into sight is a century-old tree at the entrance of the village that requires four or five people to hug. This tree is said to have been planted by an old scholar in the village during the Qing Dynasty. It has a history of more than 140 years. .

Next to the big tree is an old wooden house, which was the earliest canteen in the village.

Qin Lie's favorite thing to do when he was a child was to go to the canteen with the pocket money given by his grandfather to buy a single popsicle, and then eat it under the big tree while enjoying the shade.

At this time, many children were laughing and playing in the shade of the old trees, and a group of old people were sitting in front of the canteen rubbing mahjong, which made Qin Lie, who had been wandering outside, feel like coming home.

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