Qin Lie hung up the phone after learning that Za Mao had no problem with the customs for the time being.

After that, Qin Lie soaked in instant noodles and made do with it, then went to Gao Lei's house to borrow their motorcycle, and drove the motorcycle into the city.

In the past, they were very poor in Lucheng, but with the continuous development of tourism, Lucheng has gradually become a famous tourist city in the country. Today, it is called "Oriental Hawaii", and the development is quite prosperous.

After more than an hour, Qin Lie came to the center of Lucheng City.

There are many high-rise buildings and feasting, but the most eye-catching is the beauties of all shapes and sizes.

In the north, long sleeves may have been spread now, but in their Lucheng, everyone wears very cool clothes. The small waist, long legs, and the dizzy waves are enough to make people feast for the eyes.

Precisely because they have so many beauties, they also have the title of the capital of beauty-encounter. Almost every day, men gather from Tiannanhaibei to Lucheng, hoping to have a beautiful encounter. Little do they know that most of them can only be reduced to Kaizi.

If it was before, Qin Lie might have stopped to admire the beautifully dressed beauties, but because of his special experience on the deserted island, he now has a strong immunity to beauties.

And to put it in a bad way, compared to Lin Qiuzhu's stunning beauties, these are just a bunch of vulgar fans. Who knows that after taking off his makeup, he is not a dinosaur girl.

After parking the motorcycle, Qin Lie walked into Lucheng Commercial Bank.

"Hello sir, what kind of business do you do?"

Seeing Qin Lie come in, the bank lobby manager immediately walked over and asked politely.

"I lost my bank card, come and make a replacement."

Qin Lie replied.

"Okay sir, I'll call for you."

The lobby manager replied and was about to call the number machine, but was stopped by Qin Lie.

"Wait a minute, do you have any special treatment for your big customer, such as priority handling of business?"

Qin Lie asked.

Right now, there are many people queuing up in the bank lobby to do business. Qin Lie doesn't want to wait here, it's a waste of time.

"Of course, if you are a platinum card or diamond card customer, you can take the VIP channel, and we have someone to serve you."

The hall manager replied with a smile.

"Well, I'm a regular card, but I have more money in my card. Can I use the VIP channel?"

Qin Lie continued to ask.

"I wonder if it's convenient for you to tell me how much money you have in your card?"

asked the hall manager.

"There are now more than fifty million."

Qin Lie replied.

Hearing this, the smile on the hall manager's face instantly froze, and her gaze towards Qin Lie was full of disbelief.

As a bank employee, she still has some vision. From the way Qin Lie dresses, it doesn't look like a millionaire with 50 million in his card, which makes him seriously doubt whether Qin Lie ran out of a mental hospital. of mental illness.

However, out of professionalism, the lobby manager politely asked, "Sir, are you sure you have fifty million in your card?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can go check it out."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"Just like him, can he have fifty million? Brag and don't make drafts."

"I guess this kid is mentally ill. If he can have 50 million, my mother will be the richest man in China."

"Don't say fifty million, whether he has five thousand in his card is a question."

After hearing Qin Lie's words, many people who came to do business around him cast strange glances at him, and some even mocked him directly.

However, Qin Lie turned a blind eye, still looking like a cloudless wind.

The lobby manager actually didn't believe that Qin Lie was a rich man with 50 million yuan. After all, with so much money in a normal card, he was already a diamond customer of their bank, and it was impossible to use a normal card.

But out of prudence, she still asked according to the procedure: "Sir, please tell me your bank card number, and by the way, give me your ID card, and I will check it first."

"I lost my ID card, can I use a temporary ID card?"

Qin Lie replied.


The lobby manager nodded.

Hearing this, Qin Lie took out the temporary identity certificate he went to the police station for yesterday and handed it to the other party, and said his bank card number.

"Sir, please wait a moment."

The lobby manager replied again and left in a hurry.

Beside Qin Lie, those sarcastic expressions rang out again, and most people looked at Qin Lie like a fool.

But Qin Lie didn't take these people seriously at all.

About five minutes later, the lobby manager came back, and with her came the president of their bank.

"Mr. Qin, I'm really sorry for being neglectful just now. Please bear with me."

The bank manager was respectful when facing Qin Lie, for fear of offending Qin Lie.

Because for any bank, a large customer with a net worth of more than 10 million is a resource that must be robbed, let alone a top customer with 50 million in cash, even a branch president like him must be cautious treat.

"It's alright, take me to refill the card."

Qin Lie replied lightly, still as light as before.

"Okay, please come with me."

The bank president immediately made a gesture of invitation, and then took Qin Lie to the VIP room.

Everyone who saw this scene was instantly dumbfounded. From the attitude of the bank president, it was enough to see that Qin Lie should not lie, he really has 50 million!

But a middle-aged man still couldn't believe this fact, so he stopped the lobby manager and asked, "Beauty, does that kid really have fifty million in his card?"

"Yes, they are a real invisible rich man."

The lobby manager also had some lingering fears at this time, and she also wanted her to not look down on others just now, otherwise she would offend a big man with 50 million in cash, and her job would not be guaranteed.

After getting the affirmative answer, those strangers who had just made fun of Qin Lie instantly became dumb.

They thought Qin Lie was a fool, but who knew that he was a clown in the end.

However, Qin Lie didn't take these people seriously from the beginning to the end. After all, with his current wealth, he has already reached another level, and he doesn't even have any interest in pretending to be in front of these people.

After arriving at the VIP room, the bank manager seemed more enthusiastic than before.

Because he knows very well that if he can deposit 50 million in the bank card, his own assets are definitely over 100 million. Such top customers must be firmly tied to their bank.

In a short time, Qin Lie's card was filled, and he was upgraded to the highest diamond card.

In addition, the bank manager also strongly recommended several wealth management products to Qin Lie. Although he said that, Qin Lie still did not buy it. Even so, the bank manager did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, and still regarded Qin Lie as a Same as grandpa.

"By the way, can I withdraw two million in cash?"

Qin Lie, who was about to leave, turned back and asked.

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