The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 277 The Young Master Of The Han Family

"There are really enough beauties this year. The organizer seems to have spent all their money."

Qin Lie retracted his gaze and turned to Han Yixian who was beside him.

Last year, Gao Lei did not know where to get two tickets for the auto show, and took him here for a spin. At that time, the two of them had a feast for the eyes.

But this year's auto show is obviously much higher than last year's. There are so many beauties here. At a glance, Qin Lie even saw several people whose beauty was no less than white pandan.

"To tell you the truth, this year is the 30th anniversary celebration of our Zhongsheng Group, so we have basically invited the top car models in China. These car models alone cost more than two million yuan."

Han Yixian said directly.

"What do you mean by 'our Zhongsheng Group' just now?"

Qin Lie asked in surprise.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that my father is Han Zhiyuan, chairman of Zhongsheng Group. The organizer of this auto show is our Zhongsheng Group."

Han Yixian smiled slightly.

"I'm going. I didn't expect you to be a super rich second-generation. I thought you were a watch seller."

This time, Qin Lie was even more surprised.

As far as he knows, Han Zhiyuan started from scratch and built the Zhongsheng Group. Today, the Zhongsheng Group is one of the top five auto dealers in China, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porsche and other high-end luxury cars. They are all distributors.

In terms of worth, Han Zhiyuan is estimated to be richer than Lin Qiuzhu's father, Lin Zheng.

Han Yixian, the son of Han Zhiyuan, is a super rich second generation.

But from the moment of recognition to the present, Han Yixian has always given him the impression of being humble, polite and polite, and he has not seen a trace of the arrogance and domineering of the rich second generation from Han Yixian.

"That watch shop is my earliest entrepreneurial project. Because I like playing with watches, I asked my dad to help me open a watch shop. But it's a shame to say it. It's not as much as my dad earned in half a month."

Han Yixian replied with a little self-deprecation.

"It seems that Young Master Han is also an old Versailles. This is a high level of speaking."

Qin Lie's mouth twitched as he teased with a smile.

The net profit of Zhongsheng Group is several billions a year, at least hundreds of millions in half a month, and Han Yixian earns hundreds of millions in three years. This is an achievement that many people can't achieve in their lifetime, but in his mouth it becomes a 'shame' , Hearing this, Sicong wanted to hit someone.

"I really don't have Versailles. I'm just telling the truth. Compared with my brother, I can't get this grade at all."

Han Yixian said with a wry smile.

"You are rich and you are so good. It seems that this Lucheng will be your Han family's world sooner or later."

Qin Lie joked with a smile.

Han Zhiyuan himself is a giant in the business world. Now that his two sons are so outstanding, he will inherit his father's business in the future, and it is very likely that Zhongsheng Group will develop into another giant enterprise in China.

"Don't say that, Mr. Qin, our Han family is just an ordinary family, and Lucheng is much stronger than our Han family."

Han Yixian replied very modestly.

"Young Master Han, what you said is a bit too much. If your Han family is an ordinary family, don't we even count as African refugees?"

Qin Lie rolled his eyes and said.

The assets of the Han family are in the tens of billions, and it is estimated that there are not many such 'ordinary families' in the whole country.

"Mr. Qin, you are too modest. You are a person who waved your hand and spent 20 million to buy a watch. In front of a top-level giant like you, isn't our Han family an ordinary family?"

Han Yixian smiled.

"Young Master Han has misunderstood this time. I'm not from a wealthy family, I'm just an ordinary person."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

"Well, I believe you."

Han Yixian said that he believed it, but in his heart he already regarded Qin Lie as the young master of the top giants.

In his opinion, Qin Lie must have said this because he was low-key.

After all, even he was not willing to spend nearly 20 million to buy a watch at one time.

"Let's stop complimenting each other in business, let's go buy a car first."

Qin Lie changed the subject.

The purpose of his visit to the auto show today is to buy a car, not to chat with Han Yixian.

"Okay, okay, what price car are you going to buy?"

Han Yixian asked.

"Recommend me whatever you think is good, as long as I look at it and like it."

Qin Lie thought for a while and replied.

For him, the price doesn't matter, as long as he likes it and drives comfortably.

Hearing this, Han Yixian was even more certain that Qin Lie was a wealthy young man.

After that, Han Yixian personally took Qin Lie to stroll around the auto show.

The cars he introduced to Qin Lie are basically high-end luxury cars. The cheapest one sells for more than 500,000 yuan. The most expensive one is Ferrari's new limited-edition supercar this year, priced as high as 3,800 yuan. million.

Maybe many rich and young people have a soft spot for super running, but Qin Lie is not too interested in super running.

After all, he didn't buy a car to impress girls or to show off. It was mainly used for transportation, and driving comfortably was the first choice.

And the super running is basically too loud, and just this point is directly passed by him.

But it should not be said that all the beautiful car models standing next to the supercar are really seductive, some are sexy, some are charming, just a slight smile is enough to fascinate a group of otaku.

"Mr. Qin, what do you think of this collector's edition Mercedes-Benz s65l?"

Soon, Han Yixian brought Qin Lie to the Mercedes-Benz area and introduced him to a car that he thought was more worthy of Qin Lie's identity - the top Mercedes-Benz s65l.

"It's a nice car."

Seeing this silver Mercedes-Benz car, Qin Lie's eyes suddenly lit up.

He fell in love with the car almost immediately.

"If you are interested, I can take you out for a test drive. It just so happens that we have a car of the same model."

Han Yixian said quickly.


Qin Lie agreed directly.

Han Yixian didn't have any ink, and immediately left the exhibition center with Qin Lie to go outside for a test drive of another Mercedes-Benz.

During Qin Lie's test drive, Han Yixian introduced Qin Lie about the performance of this car.

Han Yixian said it very professionally and in great detail, just like the employees of the Fourth Son Store, but Qin Lie didn't remember a few words at all.

"How is it, do you like this car?"

After Qin Lie took a test drive, Han Yixian asked.

"I like it, that's all."

Qin Lie made a final decision.

The driving experience of this car is very good. It starts fast, drives steadily, there is almost no noise in the car, and the car space is large. Even if you do some small games between men and women in the car, you will not feel unable to perform.

"Mr. Qin is really a straightforward person, so let's choose the configuration now? Don't worry, I will definitely give you the greatest discount."

Han Yixian said quickly.

He called Qin Lie to participate in the auto show because he felt that Qin Lie had a good status and wanted to make friends with him by taking this as an opportunity, not to make money by selling cars.

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