
Seeing that Chen Jinhu had said it all, Qin Lie agreed.

Of course, if he is not satisfied with the result, he will still do it himself.

After the matter was finalized, the two returned to the car, and at this moment, Chen Xiaoyu got out of the car.

"Brother lie, is this sister-in-law?"

Chen Jinhu looked at Chen Xiaoyu and asked.


Qin Lie thought for a while, then nodded.

"My sister-in-law is so pretty."

Chen Jinhu immediately praised.


Hearing that sister-in-law, Chen Xiaoyu's happy mouth almost crooked.

"Sister-in-law, I have something to do today, so I won't accompany you. I'll invite you to dinner another day."

Chen Jinhu had to help Qin Lie deal with Wang Yongnian's affairs, so after talking to Qin Lie, he left with the two thugs whose legs were broken.

After Chen Jinhu left, Chen Xiaoyu said, "Brother Qin, I'll go to the toilet first, you wait for me for a while."

After saying this, Chen Xiaoyu, who couldn't hold back for a long time, hurried to the unfinished building in front.

Five minutes later, after squatting, Chen Xiaoyu came out.

Qin Lie did not delay any longer and took her back to the city.

After buying an urn and putting the ashes of Chu Mingyue and Chu Mingyue in it, the two went to the airport.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Qin Lie and the others arrived at Shenchuan Airport.

"Master, go to Luohu Binhai No. 1."

After getting into the taxi, Qin Lie reported the address directly.

"Binhai One? Do you live there?"

The taxi driver looked at Qin Lie in surprise and asked.

"No, we're looking for someone."

Qin Lie replied.

"Oh, I thought you guys lived at Binhai One."

The taxi driver said suddenly.

"Master, listen to what you mean, is there any special place in Binhai No. 1?"

Qin Lie asked back.

"As soon as I heard what you said, I knew that you came to our Shenchuan for the first time. Let me tell you this, Luohu is the top wealthy area in our Shenchuan. A house starts at 30 million yuan, and Binhai No. 1 is more expensive. It is a wealthy area in a wealthy area, and it is said that the market value of this house is as high as 500 million!"

"It's just that the owner of Binhai No. 1 is quite mysterious. There are rumors that he is a big man who retired from Longcheng. There are rumors that he is the top five richest people in China, and some people say that he is a big man on the road. Anyway, what do you say? There are all kinds of people, but who is living in it is not something we ordinary people can inquire about."

The taxi driver continued.

Qin Lie had guessed that Chu Mingyue's family should be rich or expensive. After all, Chu Mingyue's set of jewelry was worth more than ten million yuan, and most people couldn't afford it. The family should be richer than he imagined.

If nothing else, a single house with a market value of 500 million is enough to crush 99% of the country's billionaires.

"Master, your family should be quite rich, right?"

Qin Lie asked casually.

"It's alright, I'm a local. I lost three houses and a few million in the demolition of my family. It can be considered a well-off."

The taxi driver smiled.

"I'll go, you've got enough food and clothing just by collecting the rent, why did you come out and rent it out?"

Qin Lie asked in surprise.

The housing prices in Shenchuan are similar to those in Longcheng. One house is less than a few million. This taxi driver has three houses plus several million demolition funds, which is a good net worth.

"Hey, I can't be idle. If you let me rest all day, I'll be uncomfortable."

The taxi driver replied with a smile.

Qin Lie has no doubts about the driver's words, because his grandfather lived in his 80s and went to farm every day. He has said countless times that his grandfather should stop farming and go out to play mahjong. Wan'er, but his grandfather just wouldn't agree.

Next, Qin Lie chatted with the driver.

The driver was very talkative and kept telling Qin Lie all kinds of interesting things he heard from other passengers, which made Qin Lie and the others not feel a little boring along the way.

At half past three, the taxi driver parked the car on the side of the road.

"Young man, Binhe No. 1 is in front, but outsiders are not allowed to enter there. I can only send you here."

said the taxi driver.

"Okay, thank you."

Qin Lie paid the taxi fare, and then took Chen Xiaoyu out of the car.

After a few steps, Qin Lie and the two came to a security booth.

Seeing an outsider coming, the two security guards immediately walked out of the security booth.

"What are you doing?"

one of the security guards asked.

"Is this Chu Mingyue's house?"

Qin Lie looked at the security guard and asked.

"Yes, that's our third miss."

Security replied.

Seeing that there was no wrong place, Qin Lie said directly: "Please tell Miss Chu and her family that we are here to return her ashes."

Hearing this, the security guard's expression changed suddenly, he quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call, repeating what Qin Lie had just said.

In less than ten minutes, a middle-aged man in his fifties and two strong men in his twenties and thirties walked out of Binhe No. 1 in a hurry.

"Second Master."

The security guard immediately bowed to the middle-aged man with a respectful look.

The middle-aged man ignored the security guard and looked directly at Qin Lie: "Are you the one who came to deliver Miss San's ashes?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded, then handed the backpack over, "Here are Miss Chu's ashes and relics."

The middle-aged man opened his back and glanced at it, and then continued: "I don't know your surname, sir?"

"My surname is Qin."

Qin Lie said.

"Mr. Qin, please come with me. If it is confirmed that this is Miss's ashes, our Chu family will be very grateful."

The middle-aged man said.


Qin Lie didn't think much, nodded and agreed.

Then, under the leadership of the middle-aged man, the two entered Binhe No. 1 together.

The location of Binhe No. 1 is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is definitely a treasure land of Feng Shui. This piece of land alone is invaluable. The entire manor is a garden-style design of Jiangnan water town. It gives the illusion of being in a paradise.

You must know that this is the top wealthy area in the entire Shenchuan. The land here is definitely worth an inch of land, but the Chu family can own such a large manor, which is definitely not only possible with money. , and more importantly, there must be great power, which makes Qin Lie more curious about the Chu family's background.

During the conversation, Qin Lie also learned that the middle-aged man's name was Feng Hai, and he was the housekeeper of the Chu family.

In the end, Feng Hai took Qin Lie to an antique building.

"Mr. Qin, please rest here for a while. I'll be right back. Agui, take care of Mr. Qin."

After saying this, Feng Hai left here.

After a while, someone brought tea and snacks to Qin Lie and the others, but Qin Lie didn't move, but turned around at random in the room.

There are paintings and calligraphy hanging on the walls on both sides of the house. Even if Qin Lie doesn't know much about calligraphy and painting, he can see that these paintings and calligraphy are definitely from the hands of masters. If you don't have the right to hang in there.

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