"Hello, are you Qin Lie?"

Zeng Meili came over, smiled, and took the initiative to greet Qin Lie.

"Well, I'm Qin Lie, Mr. Zeng is good."

Although Zeng Mei is not beautiful, Qin Lie is not the kind of person who judges people by their appearance, so there is no impolite behavior.

"Don't be so unfamiliar, just call me Sister Zeng and sit down."

Zeng Meili beckoned, and after Qin Lie sat down, she poured two more cups of tea and handed Qin Lie a cup.

"Yuqing only told me a general idea about your affairs. Could you tell me more specifically, and I'll see how I can help you."

Zeng Mei then asked.


Qin Lie nodded and talked about how he and Wang Yongnian had conflicts and how they became enemies.

After listening to Qin Lie's remarks, Zeng Meili's face was obviously more solemn.

"It's a little tricky for you."

Zeng Mei said in a deep voice.

The Wang family started out by reselling building materials, but in recent years it has grown stronger and stronger, especially in Lucheng. Qin Lie's crippling of Wang Yongnian is equivalent to humiliating the entire Wang family. Forget Qin Lie.

"Sister Zeng, if you can help with this, it's best, if you can't, forget it."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

He came to Zeng Meili mainly because Ye Yuqing had already greeted Zeng Meili. It was not good if he didn't come, but in fact he didn't have much hope in his heart.

After all, the Wang family is quite strong in Lucheng, and he doesn't think others are willing to offend the Wang family in order to help him.

"Don't worry, it's the first time Yuqing asked me to do something, and I can't let her down no matter what. Well, wait for me here, I'll go out and make a phone call."

After speaking to Qin Lie, Zeng Meili left her office.

About ten minutes later, Zeng Meili came back.

"Qin Lie, come with me to see Wang Kaiyuan. I just negotiated with him, and he agreed to mediate. As long as you apologize and compensate all his cousin's medical expenses, this matter will be written off."

Zeng Meili looked at Qin Lie and said.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

You know, Wang Kaiyuan is the second-ranked person on the Lucheng Rich List, and her status is definitely much higher than Zeng Meili, a traveler, but she can get the other party to agree to mediation with just one phone call. I have to say that this woman is really not easy. .

However, because of Wei Zhe's lessons learned, Qin Lie did not trust Wang Kaiyuan too much.

"Sister Zeng, are you sure that Wang Kaiyuan didn't use the name of mediation to cause him to come to the door, so that he could retaliate against me?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but express the doubts in his heart.

"You can rest assured that with me, Wang Kaiyuan will never touch you."

Zeng Mei replied confidently.

"Okay, then I'll go see Wang Kaiyuan with you."

Qin Lie believed that Zeng Meili was not bragging, and he just wanted to meet Wang Kaiyuan, the powerful guy in Lucheng, so he agreed.

After that, Zeng Meili took Qin Lie to the underground garage, let Qin Lie sit in her car, and the two went to Kaiyuan Group together.

Zeng Meili's car is a long-length Lincoln. Although the price is not as expensive as Qin Lie's Mercedes-Benz S65, the interior space is much larger than Qin Lie's car, and there is no problem in doing multi-person sports in it.

In less than half an hour, Qin Lie and the others came to Kaiyuan Building.

The Kaiyuan Building has sixty-eight floors and is one of the landmark buildings in Lucheng. Standing on the top floor, you can overlook the beautiful scenery of the entire Lucheng.

However, Wang Kaiyuan's office is not on the top floor, but on the sixty-sixth floor. The top floor has long been built into a sightseeing platform and usually receives tourists from all over the world.

After a while, Qin Lie and the two took Wang Kaiyuan's private elevator to the sixty-sixth floor.

Zeng Meili was obviously familiar with this place, and took Qin Lie directly into Wang Kaiyuan's office.

"Kaiyuan, stay safe."

After seeing Wang Kaiyuan, Zeng Meili greeted him very enthusiastically.

However, Wang Kaiyuan just nodded very flatly and turned his attention to Qin Lie.

This Wang Kaiyuan is somewhat similar to Wang Yong in age, not ugly, but definitely not handsome. His eyes are long and narrow, and he is unsmiling.

"sit down."

After a while, Wang Kaiyuan opened his mouth.

Zeng Meili gave Qin Lie a wink, and the two sat down on the seat next to them.

"Kaiyuan, Qin Lie told me that the reason why he acted on Yongnian was because he was drunk at the time, and he had a big disaster on impulse. After he woke up, he regretted it very much, so I brought him here today. You apologize, and please don't have the same knowledge as a young man like him."

Zeng Meili took the initiative to apologize and said that in order to show her sincerity, she kept her attitude low.

"Beautiful, don't say I don't give you face, let him go out and kneel in front of our building for a day and a night, and then lose a leg. This matter is written off."

Wang Kaiyuan said expressionlessly.

"You didn't say that before."

Zeng Mei frowned.

"I said let him apologize, but I didn't say which way."

Wang Kaiyuan replied lightly.

"Then do you think this is okay? I will ask Qin Lie to bow and apologize to Yong Nian in person, and we will pay another one million as compensation. Let's just forget about it."

Zeng Meili continued to discuss with Wang Kaiyuan.

"Do you think I owe the million or do you think I, Wang Kaiyuan, don't want to lose face?"

The corners of Wang Kaiyuan's mouth twitched, and he sneered coldly.

"Kaiyuan, I know there is something wrong with Qin Lie, but don't forget, if Yong Nian didn't bully people too much, Qin Lie wouldn't be so ruthless, so in fact, both sides are wrong, I It's better for us to laugh and forget our grievances, wouldn't it be better for us to be friends in the future?"

Zeng Meimei persuaded bitterly.

"Haha, let me be his friend, is he worthy!"

Wang Kaiyuan sneered, his expression full of contempt.

"Wang Kaiyuan, don't put on a lofty attitude. Do you think Lao Tzu is willing to be your friend? Don't put gold on your face."

Qin Lie is not the master of bullying, so he immediately retorted.

"Qin Lie, don't talk yet."

Zeng Meili gave Qin Lie a wink, and then hurriedly said, "Kaiyuan, many friends, many paths, you..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, either agree to my conditions, or his end will only be worse."

Wang Kaiyuan didn't give Zeng Meili a chance to speak at all, and interrupted her very strongly.

After all, the Wang family in Lucheng is also a rich and powerful family, but his cousin had his legs broken. If he did not fight back, then their Wang family would become a joke in the entire Lucheng.

Zeng Meili is a tourist herself. She knows that it is better to have one more friend than one more enemy, that's why she spares no effort to hope that the two sides can settle their differences.

But it is not difficult to hear from Wang Kaiyuan's words that there is no need for them to continue talking.

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