The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 317 Xu Yuanliang's Olive Branch

This man was covered in blood, and the wounds on his chest were deep with bones. At a glance, he knew that the injury was very serious.

Qin Lie just wanted to treat this man, but when he put his hand on the tip of his nose, he found that he was no longer breathing.

"Golden Tiger, he is dead."

Qin Lie said with a heavy expression.

"Impossible, he was still alive just now."

Chen Jinhu didn't believe Qin Lie's words at all, and immediately walked to this person.

"Liangzi, quickly open your eyes and look at me, I'm your brother tiger!"

Chen Jinhu shouted at the person on the bed, but the person on the bed couldn't make any response.

"Liangzi, you fucking wake up quickly, I didn't let you die, you can't die!"

Chen Jinhu shouted again, even if he saw that his brother was dead, he still couldn't accept this fact for a while.

"Okay Jinhu, stop shouting, he's gone."

Qin Lie patted Chen Jinhu on the shoulder and said.

"I'm sorry Ryoko, I hurt you."

Chen Jinhu was heartbroken, and immediately knelt in front of his dead brother.

"Golden Tiger, people can't be resurrected from the dead, please mourn and change."

Qin Lie himself is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and he can fully understand Chen Jinhu's mood at this time.

Chen Jinhu wiped the corner of his eyes, resisting not letting his tears flow.

"Liangzi, don't worry, I swear to God, I will kill Wei Zhe!"

Chen Jinhu roared with murderous intent, at this moment he was like a beast caught in a rage, and that terrifying aura made people shudder for a while.

Considering that Chen Jinhu was still injured, Qin Lie rushed to treat him.

Chen Jinhu had four stab wounds on his body, one on his arm, two on his chest, one on his abdomen, and the one on his abdomen was the most serious.

The only good thing is that the internal organs were not injured, otherwise Chen Jinhu would have died.

After the wound was bandaged, Qin Lie gave him another bag of glucose, which made his pale face look a little better.

"Jin Hu, what's going on here, why did Wei Zhe kill you?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

In his heart, Chen Jinhu was Wei Zhe's capable men, but he suddenly attacked Chen Jinhu, which was really unbelievable.

"My eldest brother, no, Wei Zhe is tonight..."

Chen Jinhu didn't hide it, and told Qin Lie everything that happened tonight.

According to Chen Jinhu, Wei Zhe held a banquet at his other manor tonight, saying that he was engaged to his son.

Who knew that this turned out to be a Hongmen banquet. In the middle of the banquet, those confidants of Wei Zhe suddenly pulled out the machetes from under the table and wanted to hack him to death.

After a bloody battle, one of his younger brothers, Datou, was killed on the spot. He and Ryoko struggled to break out of the siege and escaped to this place.

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who troubled you."

Qin Lie said full of guilt, in his opinion, it was because of himself that Chen Jinhu had a bad relationship with Wei Zhe, and was designed by Wei Zhe to plot against him and almost died.

"This has nothing to do with you. In fact, I heard people say that Wei Zhe was dissatisfied with me a long time ago, but he never took it seriously. I didn't expect that he would actually play such a cruel hand on me, this bastard, If I don't kill him, I swear I won't be human!"

Chen Jinhu is a person who knows how to repay his kindness. For him, the grace of dripping water needs to be reciprocated by springs. What's more, Wei Zhe can be said to have saved his father's life, so he will naturally try his best to repay Wei Zhe. of kindness.

But he didn't expect that his loyalty was exchanged for Wei Zhe's unloading and killing the donkey. If it wasn't for his two younger brothers desperately protecting him this time, he would definitely have been hacked to death.

This completely chilled his heart, and at the same time firmed up the idea of ​​killing Wei Zhe.

Not for the others, but only to avenge the two brothers who died tragically!

"Jin Hu, you need to recover from the injury first, and then think about revenge after the injury is healed."

Qin Lie comforted Chen Jinhu and said.

When he saw Wei Zhe for the first time, he thought it was not a good thing for this person to hide a knife in a smile, but even so, Wei Zhe's plan to plot against Chen Jinhu was beyond Qin Lie's imagination.

This Wei Zhe was even more ruthless and cold-blooded than he thought!

You must know that Chen Jinhu sold his life for him for several years, and made outstanding achievements. The most important thing is that he has always been loyal and never had any rebellious heart.

But Wei Zhe still wanted to kill him, this man really had no humanity at all.

"Brother lie, please help me dispose of my brother's body and let him go to the ground as soon as possible. In addition, please take care of my parents for me. I won't show up again for the time being."

Chen Jinhu said again.

He has been with Wei Zhe for several years, and he knows very well that Wei Zhe has always been unscrupulous in doing things.

And his parents are the people he misses the most. He is really afraid that Wei Zhe will use his parents to threaten him to lead him out, so he can only entrust his parents to Qin Lie temporarily. After all, Qin Lie is the only one he can trust. of people.

"Don't worry, I will protect them."

Qin Lie immediately promised that it was nothing to him at all.

In order to let Chen Jinhu rest at ease, Qin Lie stayed here overnight. As for Liangzi's body, he handed it over to Yang Hao, who sent it to the crematorium.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Yang Hao returned and brought Qin Lie and the others breakfast. To Qin Lie's surprise, Xu Yuanliang came too.

Seeing the vigilant look on Chen Jinhu's face, Xu Yuanliang immediately showed a harmless smile: "Brother Jinhu, don't be afraid, I will not harm you."

"Then I don't know what Boss Xu wants to do here?"

Chen Jinhu asked lightly, still keeping enough vigilance in his heart.

"Brother Jinhu, we don't speak secretly. I want to invite you to join my company. As long as you are willing to come, you will be the second-in-command of our company in the future, and your status will only be under me."

Xu Yuanliang said straight to the point.

"Boss Xu, are you kidding me, but I remember that you have always regarded me as a thorn in the flesh, and you can't wait to get rid of me."

Chen Jinhu's mouth twitched.

Three years ago, Wei Zhe had a conflict with Xu Yuanliang. He had slashed Xu Yuanliang, but now Xu Yuanliang suddenly wanted to recruit him. No matter how you looked at it, it revealed a conspiracy.

"I did want to get rid of you before, but now you and Wei Zhe have become mortal enemies, of course I won't target you again. And to be honest, I have always admired you very much, as long as you are willing to join me My commander, I am willing to laugh at you and forget your enmity, how do you feel about it?"

Xu Yuanliang said bluntly.

He is very aware of Chen Jinhu's strength. He is definitely a rare warrior. The most important thing is to be affectionate and righteous. Now, Wei Zhe wants to get rid of Chen Jinhu because he is afraid of Chen Jinhu's influence. A huge piece of good news.

If he can get the support of Chen Jinhu, it will be like adding wings to a tiger, but Wei Zhe will cut off his own arm.

That's why he rushed over in such a hurry to extend an olive branch to Chen Jinhu.

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