"it's me."

Before Yang Hao could respond, a full-bodied voice rang out.

"Chu... Master Chu!"

When he saw the appearance of the person who entered the door, Xu Yuanliang's eyes instantly widened, and his body trembled at the same time, as if he had seen something terrible.

Qin Lie's face also showed a look of shock, but he really didn't expect that Chu Xiong would appear with them.

"Master Chu, please take a seat."

When facing Chu Xiong, Xu Yuanliang was like a chorus boy, servile and respectful.

Chu Xiong didn't show any courtesy at all and sat down on the sofa.

Two people followed him, one was Agui who had played against Qin Lie, and the other Qin Lie didn't know him, but it was easy to see from the other party's calm aura that he was definitely a master.

"Master Chu, I don't know what advice you have for coming to me today?"

Xu Yuanliang asked nervously.

Don't look at him as a hero in Lucheng, but he is not a fart in front of an underworld overlord like Chu Xiong.

Facing Chu Xiong, he didn't dare to show any disrespect at all, otherwise what awaited him would definitely be worse than death.

"I didn't come to look for you, I came to look for Qin Lie."

Chu Xiong looked at Qin Lie and said.

"Find me?"

Hearing Chu Xiong's words, Qin Lie couldn't help but be taken aback.

"I heard about you. I came here today to help you and Wang Kaiyuan mediate."

Chu Xiong continued.

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately reacted.

"Mr. Chu, we and Wang Kaiyuan are in a state of flux now, and he will definitely not reconcile with us."

Qin Lie said quickly.

Yesterday, their negotiations with Wang Kaiyuan broke up unhappily. On the same day, Wang Kaiyuan issued an order to hunt down the rivers and lakes. It was obvious that he wanted their lives. He didn't think Wang Kaiyuan would make a compromise at this time.

"Don't worry, Wang Kaiyuan doesn't dare not give me face."

Chu Xiong said very domineeringly, and did not pay attention to Wang Kaiyuan in his words.

"Qin Lie, why don't you hurry up and thank Master Chu."

Xu Yuanliang said quickly.

He didn't know why Chu Xiong suddenly appeared to help Qin Lie, but since Chu Xiong came forward, all troubles would be solved.

As the ace in his hand, Qin Lie hadn't thought of letting Chu Xiong come forward so soon, but since he took the initiative to come to find him, Qin Lie didn't say anything else.

"Then trouble Mr. Chu."

Qin Lie doesn't know much about Chu Xiong, but based on what Chen Jinhu said before, he can be sure that this is a real big man.

What's more, Chu Xiong himself said that Wang Kaiyuan didn't dare not to give him face, and he just had to obey Chu Xiong's arrangements.

After that, Chu Xiong chatted with Qin Lie for a few more minutes, and after understanding their grievances with Wei Zhe, he took Qin Lie and Xu Yuanliang to Kaiyuan Building.

When they were about to go upstairs, a security guard suddenly stopped Chu Xiong and asked him if he had an appointment. No one could see Wang Kaiyuan without an appointment. As a result, Agui went up and punched him directly to the ground, and then opened the door. In the elevator, the group came to the floor where Wang Kaiyuan's office was located.

Qin Lie was led by Zeng Meimei to Kaiyuan Group before. Last time, it was basically a normal office area, but now, professional bodyguards in suits can be seen everywhere.

Needless to say, it must be the bodyguard that Wang Kaiyuan hired to save his own life.

Seeing Qin Lie and his party coming in, the bodyguards immediately became vigilant.

"Who are you?"

One of the bodyguards stopped Qin Lie and asked.

"Tell Wang Kaiyuan that Chu Xiong is coming to him."

Chu Xiong said calmly.

"You go to inform President Wang."

The bodyguards didn't go underground and didn't know about Chu Xiong, but seeing that Chu Xiong was very powerful, and he looked like a big man, he hurriedly asked his colleagues to notify Wang Kaiyuan.

Wang Kaiyuan was holding a video conference at this time, and was suddenly very angry when he was suddenly interrupted by the bodyguard. However, after hearing the words Chu Xiong, his anger disappeared instantly, and he got up and went outside.

When he saw that the visitor was really Chu Xiong, Wang Kaiyuan's expression changed.

"You are blind, even Master Chu dares to stop him, get out of there!"

Wang Kaiyuan immediately yelled at those bodyguards.

Those bodyguards were also aggrieved, but they did not dare to refute the boss's words, and they retreated again.

"Mr. Wang, you are really conscientious as a bodyguard. Help me recommend it another day, and I will hire a few back."

Chu Xiong said with a smile.

"Master Chu, you are joking. The people under your command are ignorant. Please don't be angry."

Wang Kaiyuan quickly explained with a smile, and then made a gesture of invitation, "Master Chu, let's go to my office to talk?"

"it is good."

Chu Xiong was not polite and followed Wang Kaiyuan to his office.

Then Wang Kaiyuan poured a cup of tea for Chu Xiong himself, but Qin Lie and the others did not receive such treatment.

"Master Chu, I don't know what wind is blowing you here?"

After a little hesitation, Wang Kaiyuan still asked the doubts in his heart.

Of course he knew Chu Xiong, but he had nothing to do with Chu Xiong. He was really curious about how Chu Xiong would come to him.

"I'm here to help you mediate with Qin Lie. I hope you can shake hands and make peace."

Chu Xiong got straight to the point.

"Master Chu, I'm afraid I can't promise you this."

Wang Kaiyuan replied with an embarrassed look.

The hatred between him and Qin Lie is not deep, but he and Wei Zhe have already become grasshoppers on a rope. Wei Zhe insists on revenge. If he fell out, even if he didn't eat a gun, he would have to sit through the prison.

"Since Mr. Wang doesn't give me face to someone Chu, forget it, remember to prepare the coffin, I guarantee you will not survive for three days."

Chu Xiong smiled lightly, showing his domineering, arrogant, and invincible incisively and vividly, even Qin Lie couldn't help but secretly admire.

Seeing Chu Xiong threatening him in front of him, Wang Kaiyuan was also furious in his heart.

But he didn't dare to show anything at all, because he knew very well that in front of Chu Xiong, he was a younger brother, and if Chu Xiong wanted to kill him, he must have no doubt!

"Master Chu, it's not that I don't want to reconcile, it's that Wei Zhe doesn't agree to reconciliation."

Wang Kaiyuan quickly changed his words.

He could not care about Qin Lie or Xu Yuanliang, but he dared not care about Chu Xiong because he didn't want to die yet.

"Call Wei Zhe over and I'll talk to him."

Chu Xiong said in an imperative tone.

"Okay, I'll call Wei Zhe right now."

Wang Kaiyuan didn't dare to neglect, and quickly dialed Wei Zhe's mobile number.

He didn't tell Wei Zhe that Chu Xiong was here, but he said that he would discuss the urgent matter with him, and asked him to come over quickly.

About forty minutes later, Wei Zhe arrived at Wang Kaiyuan's office.

Because Chu Xiong turned his back to him, he didn't see Chu Xiong, but he saw Qin Lie and Xu Yuanliang, and a killing intent instantly appeared on Wei Zhe's face.

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