The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 341 We Will Not Stand On Opposite Sides

After listening to Han Yixian's remarks, Qin Lie probably understood the reason for the discord between Han Yixian and Han Jinghao.

This is just like the seizure of power by an ancient prince. Everyone wants to ascend to the throne. The end result is that the brothers turn against each other. Either you die or I die. That kind of struggle is quite cruel, but the Han Yixian brothers are just fighting for the family property.

"My eldest brother is five years older than me. He started to learn business from my dad very early. Although I have worked hard, but because I am behind him for several years, he is far ahead of me in terms of contacts and financial resources."

"I know very well that if it goes on like this, I will definitely lose to my eldest brother, so I can only make as many friends as possible. To be honest, I also hope to be able to use you one day to contact you. Strength against my big brother, at least you can't stand on my big brother's side, otherwise I will really have no drama."

Han Yixian knew very well that after saying these words, Qin Lie might think he had ulterior motives, but he still told the truth.

Because as Lu Changfeng said before, if he doesn't say it now, wait for his elder brother to reveal all this, and then provoke him behind his back, Qin Lie will probably become his enemy, which will inevitably make him fall into extreme unfavorable situation.

"Let me tell you something you don't like to hear. Isn't it quite successful for you to start your own business? Even if you lose to your big brother, the wealth you have accumulated will be enough for you to live and eat for the rest of your life, right?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but ask.

"You don't know my eldest brother. He is very domineering. If I lose, I will definitely end badly. It is impossible for him to give me the opportunity to threaten him."

Han Yixian said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Once he entered a wealthy family, it was as deep as the sea.

However, it is not the patent of the rich and powerful for the brothers to fight for property. This kind of thing is not uncommon even in the countryside, and even he himself has personally experienced the sadness of being swept out of the house by his fifth grandfather's family.

"Qin Lie, we didn't deliberately praise Yixian. Compared with his brother, he must pay more attention to friendship. His brother is very good, but he values ​​interests too much. When you have value, his brother will treat you. As a friend, but once you lose your usefulness, his brother kicks you away without hesitation. So I really hope you can consider taking Yixian's side."

He Xiaojia spoke to persuade Qin Lie.

"Xiaojia is right, Yixian is much stronger than his brother, as long as something happens to Yixian's friend, he will definitely try his best to help each other, but his brother is not necessarily. "

Lu Changfeng followed.

"Qi, Young Master Han, can I say a word?"

Yan Shuo, who had been holding back for a long time, couldn't help but ask, "Tell me."

Han Yixian waved his hand.

Seeing that he regained his freedom of speech, Yan Shuo hurriedly sat up and looked at Qin Lie with a stern face: "Brother Qin, let's not talk secretly, you can totally regard supporting Yixian as an investment, and wait for Yixian. After inheriting the family business, I can guarantee that he will not treat you badly."

He Xiaojia and the three of them are good brothers who have a good relationship with Han Yixian, and they all hope to bring Qin Lie to Han Yixian's camp.

And they believe that Han Yixian also has this meaning.

"Let me think about it."

Qin Lie neither agreed nor refused.

"Brother Qin, it's okay if you don't want to support me, but I really hope you don't help my eldest brother. I don't want to lose you as a friend."

Han Yixian said sincerely.

Out of respect for Qin Lie, he didn't ask anyone to investigate Qin Lie, but just throwing 300 million to Qin Lie for charity is enough to show that Qin Lie has a lot of money, and he definitely doesn't want Qin Lie to be his enemy.

"Don't worry, we will definitely not stand on opposite sides."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

In fact, in his heart, he was unwilling to participate in the battle between the two brothers, but sometimes many things were beyond his control, and he was not sure that he would be involved in it in the future.

If that day comes, he will definitely give priority to supporting Han Yixian.

After all, he has known Han Yixian for some time, and Han Yixian has a very good impression on him.

Of course, it can't be ruled out that Han Yixian deliberately acted for him in order to win him over, so he said that he would think about it again.

"Thank you, Brother Qin."

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Han Yixian almost took a reassurance.

For him, Qin Lie is almost the key person who can control him to compete with his big brother. Although Qin Lie has not said that he supports him, he has already stated that he will not become his enemy, which is good news for him. .

"By the way, Yixian, I want to ask you something. Is the friend your father asked you to help sell jewelry on behalf of Lin Zheng?"

Qin Lie asked again.

"No, what's wrong?"

Han Yixian shook his head.

Hearing Han Yixian's denial, Qin Lie couldn't help but be stunned.

He thought it was Lin Zheng who asked Han Zhiyuan for help, but now it seems he made a mistake.

"Would it be convenient for you to say the name of your dad's friend?"

Qin Lie hesitated and asked again.

"Of course, his friend's name is Tang Jian, and he is the boss of Tongda Heavy Industry."

Han Yixian replied.

"Oh, I see."

Qin Lie nodded and took down the name Tang Jian.

After a few people chatted for a while, Han Yixian received a call. Someone wanted to buy jewelry in the exhibition area, so he went down early.

Qin Lie and the others were bored in the box, so they went back downstairs.

Yan Shuo is like a panacea. He knows almost everyone here, and he specially introduced Qin Lie to many of the guests present.

Originally, everyone didn't take Qin Lie seriously, but when he learned that Qin Lie was the young man who donated 300 million yuan, his attitude towards him changed drastically.

Looking at the arrogant faces of these people, Qin Lie sighed in his heart that the world is such a reality.

However, he did not have the general knowledge of these people, at least on the surface everyone was in harmony.

Time flickered, it was noon.

Han Yixian prepared a banquet for everyone upstairs, but most of them didn't go.

After all, everyone came here mainly to make contacts, not to get a meal. Now that the purpose has been achieved, it is natural to leave.

Qin Lie has nothing to do, so he said goodbye to Han Yixian after eating.

When he got home, Jiu Jin'er just came up, Qin Lie went back to the house and slept for a while.

At about three o'clock, Qin Lie woke up.

Qin Lie was about to go downstairs to get a glass of water. When he reached the stairs, he saw Chen Xiaoyu took out a stack of cash and handed it to a man. After the man got the money, he left. Qin Lie couldn't help but sigh. curious.

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