After getting off the plane, Qin Lie and the two took a taxi to the Palm Springs community.

Palm Springs Community is one of the well-known high-end communities in Longcheng. Many wealthy businessmen and celebrities have purchased real estate here, and Ye Yuqing even bought a single-family villa here.

Because I bought it early, I only spent 60 million at the beginning, but now this villa has risen to 110 million, almost doubled.

But for Ye Yuqing, this is her own home. Unless she goes bankrupt, she will not be able to sell the house even if it rises to one billion.

After returning home, Ye Yuqing first opened the window to ventilate the house, and then cleaned the house with Qin Lie.

By the time the work was over, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

The two did not cook any more, but drove directly to a random restaurant outside.

After eating, they went to the supermarket and bought a lot of food.

"Sister Yuqing, why don't you hire a nanny? Aren't you afraid of living in such a big house by yourself?"

After washing up, Qin Lie looked at Ye Yuqing and asked.

Ye Yuqing's villa is bigger than the one he bought in Lucheng, let alone two people, even twenty people can stay.

"I hired a nanny before, but she actually stole something. After I fired her, I never hired anyone else. But I have a Persian cat, and I entrusted my friend to take care of it when I went to Lucheng a few days ago. I'll pick it up tomorrow."

Ye Yuqing replied.

Of course she was afraid to live in such a big villa by herself, but she was used to seeing the warmth and affection of people, and she would rather bear all this in silence.

Fortunately, now that she has Qin Lie, she no longer has to stay alone in the empty room.

Next, the two chatted a lot more intimately, and didn't fall asleep hugging each other until ten o'clock in the evening.

the next day.

Qin Lie got up early and made breakfast for Ye Yuqing.

The breakfast was very simple, milk, bread, fried eggs, but Ye Yuqing was very satisfied, because this was the first time in nearly four years that a man she liked made her breakfast in this house, which made her finally have it again. feel like home.

After breakfast, Qin Lie went to the garage with Ye Yuqing.

Unlike other wealthy women who like to buy Porsches, Ferraris and other luxury cars, Ye Yuqing's cars are all BMWs.

Only then did Qin Lie know that Ye Yuqing is actually a loyal fan of BMW. She has a total of more than a dozen BMWs of various series, and even a BMW global special customized model, but that car was borrowed by her friend to drive.

In the end Qin Lie picked an x5 and drove with Ye Yuqing to the company.

Forty minutes later, Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing arrived at the Yuhai Group Building.

However, they did not rush in, but waited for Ye Yuqing's men in the car.

"Sister Yuqing, you sit in the car first, and I'll go out for a cigarette."

After talking to Ye Yuqing, Qin Lie came out of the car, ordered one, and vomited.

Just when he was about to finish a cigarette, another BMW X7 drove over.

Qin Lie took the initiative to step aside, and the x7 parked in the empty seat in front of Qin Lie.

"Qin Lie!"

Qin Lie threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out, and was about to go back to the car to accompany Ye Yuqing when he suddenly heard his name being called out.

Qin Lie turned his head and saw a girl in a miniskirt, walking on Xiantian Gao and wearing sunglasses, came out of x7, and it was this girl who called him just now.

The girl gave him a feeling of deja vu, but for a while he really couldn't remember the other party's name.

"Why, don't you know me?"

The girl said, took off her sunglasses, and then pulled the bangs behind her ears.

"You are... Jiang Ruoxuan?"

Qin Lie looked at the girl with some uncertainty.

"It seems that you still haven't forgotten me."

Jiang Ruoxuan said with a smile.

"Are you plastic surgery?"

Qin Lie looked at Jiang Ruoxuan and asked lightly.

This Jiang Ruoxuan is not someone else, it is the ex-girlfriend who has been pretending to be pure with him before, saying that he will give it to him on the day of the wedding, but on the day the two broke up, they went to open a house with another rich second-generation ex-girlfriend!

It's just that the other party's outfit is too sexy, and with plastic surgery, Qin Lie can't recognize her.

"It's just a slight adjustment, isn't it more beautiful than before?"

Jiang Ruoxuan replied very narcissistically.

"Well, it's much prettier than before."

Qin Lie complied with his mouth, but sneered in his heart.

You know, Jiang Ruoxuan used to have an oval face, but now it has become a melon face, especially the chin, which is sharp enough to stab someone to death.

And the two lumps on her chest, which have doubled in size compared to when she was in college, Qin Lie estimated that there was a lot of silicone stuffed in them.

In the past, the reason why Qin Lie liked Jiang Ruoxuan was because Jiang Ruoxuan looked very pure and cute, especially the two small dimples when he laughed, which fascinated Qin Lie.

However, after plastic surgery, she turned into an internet celebrity face. She was no longer pure, only her deliberately sexy appearance, plus the heavy makeup on her face, she really looked like those street girls.

Not to mention that the two had already broken up, even if they didn't break up, Qin Lie wouldn't give Jiang Ruoxuan another look.

Jiang Ruoxuan looked Qin Lie up and down, and then continued: "You are wearing a suit, it seems that you must have been getting along quite well recently."

"so so."

Qin Lie replied very plainly.

Although this green tea bitch hurt him deeply back then, it has been several years since Qin Lie regarded her as a passer-by. Her appearance did not cause Qin Lie's heart to fluctuate too much, and even he even wanted to take revenge on Jiang Ruoxuan. nothing.

At this moment, the man who had just driven the x7 also walked out of the car.

"Ruo Xuan, who is this?"

Sun Zhan glanced at Qin Lie and asked.

"Brother Zhan, this is my boyfriend from college."

Jiang Ruoxuan replied quickly.

"Oh, ex-boyfriend."

After learning Qin Lie's identity, Sun Zhan deliberately put his arms around Jiang Ruoxuan's waist, as if to swear an oath of sovereignty.

"Boy, Ruoxuan is my woman now, don't worry about it anymore."

Sun Zhan looked at Qin Lie with a domineering attitude.

"Don't worry, I've long forgotten her."

Qin Lie replied coldly.

Not to mention that the woman around him is hundreds of times stronger than Jiang Ruoxuan, even if he is still single now, he will not have any thoughts about Jiang Ruoxuan.

And to put it poorly, the current Jiang Ruoxuan is not as attractive as the foot-washing girl who spends a few hundred yuan in the red light district.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Jiang Ruoxuan, who wanted to show off in front of Qin Lie, suddenly felt dissatisfied.

"Qin Lie, didn't you say that you only like me in this life, and that I won't marry in this life? Did you forget what you said?"

Jiang Ruoxuan looked at Qin Lie and said.

"I'm sorry, I only said those words when my brain was flooded, so don't take it seriously."

Qin Lie replied quickly.

He did say these words before, but it was after the two broke up. He only said it to win Jiang Ruoxuan's heart, but after finding out that Jiang Ruoxuan was a green tea bitch, he completely forgot about this woman.

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