The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 374 Whoever Loses Will Call The Opponent Grandpa

"What's wrong with scolding you, what are you pretending to be with Lao Tzu, do you think Lao Tzu is afraid of you being an idiot!"

Wang Congcong and Xu Fanzhou had a long history of grievances, not to mention that Xu Fanzhou actually ran wild on his own territory this time, so he naturally wouldn't be polite to Xu Fanzhou.

"You-damn, there is something for you to come over to Lao Tzu, and see that Lao Tzu doesn't tear your shit up!"

Xu Fanzhou threw his coat on the ground, as if he was about to do it.

"It's a brain-damaged man. What's the age, you still have to do it yourself. There's a kind of you who beat Lao Tzu's brother first."

Wang Congcong smiled coldly.

Xu Fanzhou had practiced martial arts, and usually three or five people were not his opponents at all, but Wang Congcong was just an ordinary person, so he naturally wouldn't go to a duel with Xu Fanzhou stupidly.

"Waste, you are not even a woman!"

Seeing that Wang Congcong didn't dare to fight himself, Xu Fanzhou directly ridiculed him.

"Hey, what kind of sin did I do? How could I give birth to such a bad boy as you."

Wang Congcong sighed and quickly counterattacked.

Xu Fanzhou clenched his fists, and a cold light flickered in his eyes.

He really wanted to kill Wang Congcong immediately, but he just thought about it.

After all, Wang Congcong is the only son of Wang Jianshe. If he kills Wang Congcong, Wang Jianshe will never let him go.

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the anger in his heart, Xu Fanzhou turned his attention to Fei Lian.

"Fei Lian, which one is Qin Lie?"

"That's the one in the tracksuit."

Fei Lian quickly pointed to Qin Lie.

Xu Fanzhou stared at Qin Lie and looked up and down, and then said with a sneer: "Boy, listen to me, I asked Fei Lian to find someone to attack you. If you want revenge, come at me."

"Xu Fanzhou, you don't really think I can't help you, do you?"

Qin Lie glanced at Xu Fanzhou lightly.

He knew very well that it was definitely not Xu Fanzhou who gave the order. After all, Xu Fanzhou didn't know him at all, but the arrogant attitude of the other party was so unaccustomed to him.

"Haha, do you want to laugh at Lao Tzu? You have the ability to try to move Lao Tzu."

Xu Fanzhou had never heard of Qin Lie's name at all. In his opinion, Qin Lie was at most a rich second-generation with a little money.

"Looking at your posture just now, you should have some kung fu. Why don't we do it like this. Let's have a fair and fair competition. Whoever loses will call the other party grandpa. What do you think?"

Qin Lie suggested with a faint smile.

"Qin Lie, don't follow him, this grandson still has two hits."

Wang Congcong quickly reminded Qin Lie that he didn't want Qin Lie to ask for trouble.

"It's alright, the big deal if you lose is to call Grandpa."

Qin Lie replied indifferently.

In fact, he said this on purpose. He knew very well that the Xu family's strength was beyond his ability to compete. But if he defeated Xu Fanzhou in a fair duel, even if Xu Ying knew, it would not be because of this. Trouble yourself.

And with his strength, fighting alone, he is still confident of defeating Xu Fanzhou.

Seeing Qin Lie's indifferent appearance, Xu Fanzhou couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

You must know that Wang Congcong has already reminded Qin Lie, and Qin Lie dares to challenge himself, which shows that he must have two brushes.

But if he avoided fighting like this, he would be the one who would be embarrassed if it was spread.

"What's the matter, Xu Shao doesn't dare to fight? I didn't expect Xu Shao to be so cowardly. I'm so disappointed."

Qin Lie shook his head with mockery on his face.

Xu Fanzhou knew very well that Qin Lie was trying to agitate himself, but his pride did not allow him to back down.

What's more, he is still very confident in his own strength, not to mention ordinary people, even some gangsters in society will only be ravaged in front of him.

"Okay, if you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Xu Fanzhou finally accepted Qin Lie's challenge.

"Cong Cong, please have someone clean this up, so that I can have a good discussion with Young Master Xu."

Qin Lie turned to Wang Congcong next to him and gave him a reassuring look.

Wang Congcong didn't know how Qin Lie was so confident, but since Qin Lie insisted on competing with Xu Fanzhou, he could only agree.

Soon, Boss Fan's men cleared an open space in the box.

"Be careful, this guy is not easy to deal with."

Before the fight, Wang Congcong whispered to Qin Lie again.

"Understood." Qin Lie nodded, then looked at Xu Fanzhou, and said with a smile, "Xu Shao, you should take the shot first, so that you won't have to wait until I don't give you a chance."

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die."

Seeing Qin Lie despise him so much, Xu Fanzhou couldn't help but feel anger in his heart, he rushed to Qin Lie's body as soon as he moved, and raised a punch at the same time.

When Xu Fanzhou's fist was still half a meter away from Qin Lie, Qin Lie finally made his move. His fist was like a hammer, and it collided with Xu Fanzhou's fist.


The dull voice sounded, Xu Fanzhou's face suddenly changed, and he took two steps back at the same time, but Qin Lie didn't move.

"Xu Shao's skills are good, much stronger than I thought."

Qin Lie looked at Xu Fanzhou with a smile.

The punch just now was just to test Xu Fanzhou's strength. To be honest, Xu Fanzhou was much stronger than Qin Lie expected, almost as good as Chen Jinhu.

But Chen Jinhu is no match for Qin Lie, let alone Xu Fanzhou.

"Don't be complacent, I haven't tried my best yet."

Xu Fanzhou replied with a gloomy expression.

He had noticed Qin Lie's strength from the collision just now, but at this time he had no way out, he had to win!

"Qin Lie, help me beat this grandson hard!"

Originally, Wang Congcong was worried that Qin Lie was not Xu Fanzhou's opponent, but seeing that Qin Lie had the upper hand, Wang Congcong immediately shouted loudly.

He doesn't know kung fu and dares not fight Xu Fanzhou, but if Qin Lie can beat Xu Fanzhou for him, it will be quite relieved.

"Don't worry, just watch the show."

Qin Lie turned his head and said to Wang Congcong.

"Death to me!"

Seeing that Qin Lie dared to be distracted when he was fighting with him, the angry Xu Fanzhou immediately used all his strength.

Looking at the fist hitting his face, Qin Lie remained silent.

I saw him swinging a palm very casually, and with one move, four or two strokes of a thousand jins, all of Xu Fanzhou's strength was easily removed, and then he bullied him forward with one inch, and punched Xu Fanzhou in the chest.

Feeling the tyrannical force in his fist, Xu Fanzhou did not dare to take it hard, and quickly blocked.


The fist smashed hard on Xu Fanzhou's arm, Xu Fanzhou felt as if his bones were about to shatter, and the severe pain made him groan.

However, Qin Lie didn't give him a chance to breathe, and his body flashed, and his fist slammed out at Xu Fanzhou like a gust of wind and rain.

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