The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 393 You Underestimate The Du Family

After listening to Ye Yuqing's remarks, Qin Lie realized that he underestimated the Du family.

If nothing else, a character that can make Wang Jianshe jealous is absolutely capable of killing himself without knowing it. He really has to take it seriously, otherwise he probably doesn't know how he died.

"Sister Yuqing, how is this Du Kanghua?"

Qin Lie asked again.

"Du Kanghua has a lot of skill and a deep sense of government. He belongs to the kind of character who hides a knife in a smile. It is difficult for ordinary people to guess his mind."

"He married three wives and had five children, but the first four were daughters, and only the youngest was a son, so he doted on Du Yuheng very much, which directly caused Du Yuheng to be arrogant and arrogant since he was a child. It's a little bit more restrained when I'm older."

"You beat Du Yuheng last night. With Du Kanghua's doting on him, even if Du Yuheng deserved what he deserved, he would still retaliate against you."

Ye Yuqing said in a solemn voice.

The Du family is currently the biggest customer of their Yuhai Group. Even if the Du family breaks up with her and terminates the cooperation, she can not care, the big deal will make less money in the future.

But the key is that Qin Lie hit Du Yuheng, which undoubtedly touched Du Kanghua's penalty area, and the consequences were unpredictable even for her.

"It's okay, if he wants to take revenge, let him do it anyway. Until the end, it's unclear who will kill the deer."

Qin Lie is still very calm at the moment, because he knows that panic will not help, all he can do is to prepare for everything in advance.

"Well, I'll call Cong Cong to see if he can mediate it. If we can reconcile, it's best. If it doesn't work, we'll consider going to the end with them."

Ye Yuqing pondered for a while.

It is absolutely unwise to confront the Du family head-on, but if there is no way to go, she will still choose to take this step.

"I'll fight."

Qin Lie pondered for a while.

In his heart, he was unwilling to reconcile with a scum like Du Yuheng, but he understood a truth, leaving Castle Peak so that he would not worry about running out of firewood.

He is still very young now, and his strength is not strong enough. Keeping a low profile is the kingly way. In this way, when he truly reigns in the world, he will naturally be able to recover double what he has lost.

"Okay, then you can call."

Ye Yuqing knew that Qin Lie and Wang Congcong had gotten to know each other very well recently, and it was more suitable for Qin Lie to call her.

Qin Lie took out his mobile phone and was about to call Wang Congcong, but the two seemed to have a good heart, and Wang Congcong called Qin Lie first.

"Hey, brother Qin, did you beat Du Yuheng?"

As soon as the call was connected, Wang Congcong started to ask.

"How did you know?"

Qin Lie asked in surprise, knowing that he still hasn't opened his mouth yet.

"Du Kanghua called me in person just now and asked me what my relationship was with you. I replied that you are my brother, and then he told me to let me take you to the door to apologize before three o'clock this afternoon, or you will be responsible for the consequences."

Wang Congcong replied immediately.

Hearing this, Qin Lie was a little surprised at first, but when he thought of what Ye Yuqing said just now, the Du family was one of the top giants in Dragon City, and his surprise dissipated.

After all, such a big family is very well-informed, and it is not difficult to find out that he is related to Wang Congcong.

"Cong Cong, where are you now, I'll go look for you, let's meet and talk."

Qin Lie asked.

"I'm still in the hotel, you can just come directly."

Wang Congcong replied immediately that he drank until midnight last night. If Du Kanghua's phone hadn't woken him up, he would have slept until the afternoon.

"Okay, then I'll hang up first and see you later."

Qin Lie hung up the phone after saying this.

After that, Ye Yuqing changed her clothes and didn't even bother to eat breakfast, so she went directly with Qin Lie to see Wang Congcong.

However, on the way to the Qianda Hotel, Ye Yuqing received a call from her confidant Lu Xiaoman.

She told Ye Yuqing that Tongda Group had publicly announced that it had terminated all cooperation with their Yuhai Group, on the grounds that there was a quality problem with Yuhai Group's products, but it did not specify what kind of problem it was.

Because of this, the company is already panicking.

After all, nearly half of their Yuhai Group's operating income comes from Tongda Group. If they lose this biggest customer, it will be enough to cause serious damage to their company!

Ye Yuqing had expected it in her heart, but she didn't expect Du Kanghua's actions to be so fast, and she ended her cooperation with them in less than a day.

As for the so-called quality problem, in her opinion, it is just a nit-picking reason, and she has no need to negotiate with Tongda Group anymore.

After telling Lu Xiaoman to stabilize everyone's emotions first, Ye Yuqing and Qin Lie came to Wang Congcong's room.

After the meeting, Qin Lie recounted Du Yuheng's bestiality of drugging Ye Yuqing.

"I'm sloppy, I'll just say how you can beat Du Yuheng, so it turns out that this scum has put his hands on Sister Ye Zi's head, this guy is really a dog who can't change his shit!"

When Du Kanghua called him before, he only talked about Qin Lie's beating of his son. He did not talk about what his son did. Now that he learned the truth behind this incident, Wang Congcong was also very angry.

"Cong Cong, you and Du Yuheng shouldn't have much friendship, right?"

Ye Yuqing continued.

"Of course not. You may not know, this guy is different from ordinary men. We all like them, but he is a good man-wife, and the key is that he likes to take pictures and record videos for people, and then abandon them after playing with them."

"As long as he has taken his fancy in the past few years, it is generally difficult to escape from his clutches. As far as I know, there are no less than ten families that have been shattered by him. This garbage can be said to be bad!"

"If he hadn't had a good father, he would have been hacked to death on the street if he went out. So even if I don't have the quality, it's impossible for me to be friends with this kind of garbage."

Wang Congcong said with a look of disgust.

It's normal for men to be lecherous, but Du Yuheng likes people, and often destroys other people's families to satisfy some of his special hobbies.

So in the eyes of Wang Congcong and the others, Du Yuheng is a psychopath, and they never play with him.

"No wonder his girlfriends are older."

Hearing Wang Congcong's words, Ye Yuqing suddenly realized, and she also understood why Du Yuheng had been pestering her before.

"By the way, Cong Cong, we came here today to ask you to show up to help mediate, try to reconcile as much as possible, I don't want to make things too big."

Ye Yuqing changed her words and said again.

The Du family is deeply entrenched in Longcheng, and their forces are intertwined. It is definitely not something they can shake.

So instead of burning with them, it's better to hold back the breath for a while, and wait for it to be doubled in the future.

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