The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 395 When Will I Drink Your Wedding Wine?

Qin Lie told Wang Congcong about the photo, and he also told Wang Congcong that he destroyed the photo last night.

But as long as they don't say it, Du Kanghua will definitely not know about it. In this way, Du Kanghua will not dare to act rashly.

As expected by Wang Congcong, Du Kanghua's face instantly turned ashen after hearing these words.

He knew exactly what good things his son had done. Last year, he even took a life because of the uncontrolled dose of medicine. If he hadn't had his eyes wide open and settled everything in advance, the crimes his son had committed would have been enough to put him in jail!

For this reason, Du Kanghua has repeatedly told his son to be clean in everything he does, and never leave any real suffering, but what he didn't expect is that now his son's handle has fallen into Qin Lie's hands again. This made him have the urge to kill Du Yuheng.

"I won't bother this kid again, but he has to hand over the camera."

Du Kanghua suppressed the anger in his heart and said.

He was unwilling to compromise, but at this time he had no choice at all.

After all, he was counting on Du Yuheng to inherit the Du family's lineage. He didn't want Du Yuheng to spend the rest of his life in prison.

"Mr. Du, we can't give you this camera for the time being, but don't worry, we will definitely not reveal the contents of the camera."

Wang Congcong politely rejected Du Kanghua.

This camera is now a talisman, and of course they can't hand it over.

What's more, the camera was destroyed by Qin Lie, and they couldn't hand it over even if they wanted to.

"Okay, remember what you said, if you let me know that you handed the camera to someone else, I guarantee you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

If it were other people, Du Kanghua could still use some extraordinary means, but Wang Congcong's father was on an equal footing with him. He really couldn't easily move Wang Congcong, otherwise once a war between the two families was triggered, the consequences would be unpredictable.

"Don't worry, my biggest advantage is to do what I say."

Wang Congcong replied with a smile.

"Yu Yue, see off the guest."

Du Kanghua didn't want to talk to Wang Congcong any longer, so he ordered the expulsion directly.

"Brother Qin, sister Ye Ye, let's go."

Wang Congcong did not stimulate Du Kanghua any more, but called Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing and left the hospital voluntarily.

"Dad, how could you let them go so easily? Did I get paid for nothing?"

Du Yuheng questioned unwillingly.

"You still have the face to ask me? If you hadn't let them grab the handle, how could I be so passive?"

Du Kanghua glared at Du Yuheng and roared.

As a famous family who has been rooted in Longcheng for nearly a hundred years, he, Du Kanghua, is definitely a person of honor, even if it is Wang Jianshe, Xu Ying, Chen Dingsheng, etc.

But today, he was threatened face-to-face by a junior Wang Congcong, which almost exploded his lungs, but he couldn't make any counterattack at all.

"I'm sorry Dad, everything is my fault, but I can't bear to let that Qin Lie go."

Du Yuheng said bitterly.

It was the first time he was beaten when he grew up so big, and he was almost abolished as a tool for committing crimes. If he couldn't be ashamed, he would have no face to hang out in Longcheng in the future.

"Don't worry, I'll make them double the bill, but you must get the camera back before you start."

Du Kanghua replied with a sinister look in his eyes.

No one can be safe after beating his son, not Wang Congcong, nor Qin Lie!

"Dad, I want to fuck Ye Yuqing's slut!"

Du Yuheng continued.

"Go on, can't you just stop fucking thinking about playing with women every day!"

Du Kanghua said with a look of hating iron.

He can say that he has high hopes for his only son, but his son is not a success, except to cause trouble, he will not do anything serious.

"Dad, I promise you, this is the last time. After I play Ye Yuqing, I will go back to the company and learn to do business with you."

Du Yuheng hurriedly said with an oath.

"You lied to me for the last time? I've heard you say this at least seven or eight times!"

Du Kanghua glared and shouted.

"This time is really the last time. I can swear to God that I will never lie to you, or I will die on a woman's belly!"

Du Yuheng swore quickly.

"Okay, I trust you again, don't let me down."

Du Kanghua pointed at Du Yuheng and said that his son was so used to being beaten and scolded that he had no choice but to follow him now.

"Hey, you are really my good dad."

Du Yuheng smiled and quickly flattered.

"Don't talk nonsense, as long as you can change Laozi's wrongs and learn to do business with me, Laozi will satisfy you with whatever kind of woman you want."

Du Kanghua said curiously.

"Okay, I will listen to you, Dad, in the future."

Du Yuheng promised very happily, as for whether he can do it in the future, that's another matter.


"Cong Cong, I'm really sorry for hurting you and offending Du Kanghua."

On the way back, Ye Yuqing couldn't help expressing his apology to Wang Congcong.

"Sister Ye Zi, what you said is a bit outlandish. You don't know who I, Wang Congcong, are? For the sake of my brother, I will do anything to stab me, not to mention that I am just exercising the right of justice."

"Besides, our family doesn't have any friendship with the Du family. The big deal is that we don't communicate in the future. I'm not afraid of the surname Du."

Wang Congcong smiled and said nonchalantly.

"There's nothing wrong with what Cong Cong said. Friends just need to help each other. There's no need to tell them apart so clearly."

Qin Lie had always been wary of Wang Congcong before, and felt that he was using his suspicions, but after today's incident, he completely recognized this friend, Wang Congcong deserves a deep friendship!

"Okay, I was wrong, then I'll invite you to dinner today to make amends."

Ye Yuqing hurriedly changed her mouth.

"It's not easy for Sister Ye to invite you to dinner. I have to have a good meal today."

Wang Congcong laughed and joked.

"You said it as if I never invited you."

Ye Yuqing rolled his eyes and said.

"You haven't asked a few times before, and I don't think it's more than five times."

Wang Congcong said very seriously with his fingers crossed.

"You can't blame me for that. Young Master Wang, you are a busy person, but I asked you several times and you said you didn't have time."

Ye Yuqing immediately argued with reason.

"Then I don't care. Anyway, I haven't eaten your meal a few times. I must slaughter you today."

Wang Congcong said very roguely.

"Okay, okay, you can eat whatever you want, my sister will let you eat enough today."

Ye Yuqing did not continue the argument with Wang Congcong, and took the initiative to admit defeat.

"By the way, sister, when can I drink your wedding wine with Brother Qin?"

Wang Congcong changed his words and asked with a smile on his face.

He had long seen that Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing had a close relationship, especially since they both lived together, which was obviously a good thing.

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