"Speak slowly, what's going on?"

Qin Lie looked at Kong Xinlan, who was out of breath.

"I don't know where a large number of people came from, saying that the land where you built the factory was forcibly occupied by them, and now they are going to demolish your factory to take back the land, you can go and see, the workers will fight them soon. already."

Kong Xinlan took a deep breath and said.

Hearing this, Qin Lie got up and ran towards the factory.

Qi Tianchang and Chen Jinhu followed closely.

After a while, several people arrived at the construction site.

At this time, a group of outsiders were confronting the villagers who were working on the construction site. The atmosphere was tense, and they might fight at any time.

"Qin Lie is here!"

When the sharp-eyed saw Qin Lie appear, he hurriedly shouted.

In an instant, everyone seemed to have found the backbone, and the momentum suddenly came up.

"Qin Lie, these people don't know where they came from, but they want to demolish the factory we just built. What do you think?"

Liu Jiacai was the first to ask Qin Lie.

"Xiao Lie, as long as you speak, I'll lead someone to do this group of little bastards now!"

Yang Shupeng continued.

"Dapeng is right, outsiders still dare to be so arrogant in our village, let's kill them first!"

"It's not just a group of little bastards, whoever persuades is the grandson!"

The other villagers were also in the same hatred and filled with righteous indignation.

Most of the people working on the construction site are villagers from Haitang Village. Qin Lie not only pays them higher wages than outside construction sites, but also pays three meals a day and overtime pay. As long as they don’t slack off, they can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. , the treatment is quite good.

For the villagers, Qin Lie is their parents, but now there are people who want to demolish the factory, which is like destroying their jobs. Naturally, no one agrees.

"Everyone calm down a little, let me understand the situation first."

After Qin Lie comforted everyone, he then turned his gaze to the group of troublemakers.

"Who asked you to come?"

The sharp eyes swept across the crowd, making these troublemakers suddenly feel like a light on their backs.

"You're all fucking dumb. Brother Qin asked you if you didn't hear me!"

Qi Tianchang who followed Qin Lie over quickly shouted.

"I let them come."

At this moment, a very arrogant voice sounded, and then Wang Yanwu and Wang Yongnian came in together.

He is no stranger to Wang Yanwu and Qin Lie. After all, this guy is the son of Wang Kaiyuan, the second richest man in Lucheng. The two of them had a lintel at a charity auction before.

It's just that since Chu Xiong personally killed Wei Zhe last time, Wang Kaiyuan has become very low-key and honest. He really didn't expect Wang Yanwu to dare to bring people to make trouble with him.

"Is that what you mean or what your dad means?"

Qin Lie's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Wang Yanwu without joy or anger and asked.

"You don't care who it means, if you know the face, you will get out of the way immediately, or I will let you know why the flowers are so popular now!"

Wang Yanwu replied indifferently.

"Boy, dare to come to Brother Qin's site to make trouble, I think you don't want to live!"

Qi Tianchang immediately stepped forward.

Others are arrogant enough, but this Wang Yanwu is even more arrogant than him, which makes him want to clean up Wang Yanwu immediately.

"A dog even dares to bark in front of me, believe it or not, I will tear your dog's mouth apart!"

Wang Yanwu glanced at Qi Tianchang and said, he subconsciously regarded Qi Tianchang as Qin Lie's subordinate.

"I mean *your grandma!"

Qi Tianchang used to be a villain who was domineering in the Devil's Capital, but today he was scolded by Wang Yanwu for being enough, which made him furious immediately.

Sweeping left and right, Qi Tianchang picked up a wooden stick not far away and swung it towards Wang Yanwu.

"Abandon him for me!"

Seeing that Qi Tianchang dared to do it first, Wang Yanwu immediately gave the order to do it.

Following his order, the group of thugs holding steel pipes rushed towards Qi Tianchang like a flood.

Seeing that there were so many people on the other side, Qi Tianchang, who was a hero, turned around and ran back.

"Brother Qin, save me!"

Qi Tianchang did not forget to ask Qin Lie for help while running.

"Golden Tiger, do it."

Qin Lie is very clear that Wang Yanwu is here to pick things up today, and he doesn't need to be a tortoise.

Hearing this, Chen Jinhu rushed out from the side thinking that the worker grabbed a steel pipe.

Qin Lie didn't watch the excitement, grabbed a shovel and joined the fray.

Although this group of thugs had an advantage in numbers, they didn't understand any cooperation at all, and they were just a mob.

On the other hand, Qin Lie, like the god of war, started to kill the Quartet as soon as he made a move!

"Brothers, let's go too!"

Those migrant workers didn't watch from the sidelines, some picked up steel bars, some held wooden sticks, and rushed over together with Liu Jiacai's shout.

Originally, these thugs were not the opponents of Qin Lie. With the addition of many migrant workers, they were even more defeated.

"Damn, what a bunch of trash."

Wang Yanwu knew that Qin Lie was strong, so this time he deliberately picked more than 40 young and strong thugs to come over, just with the idea of ​​crushing Qin Lie with numbers.

But what he never expected was that in less than three minutes, these thugs of his would collapse.

Wang Yanwu, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, dared to stay in place and ran away.

"Grandson, stop for your grandpa!"

Qi Tianchang roared and chased Wang Yanwu at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

If this was in the past, Qi Tianchang might not be able to catch up with Wang Yanwu, but after this period of labor reform, Qi Tianchang's whole person has changed almost completely.

As soon as Wang Yanwu ran to the side of the car, he was chased by Qi Tianchang.


Qi Tianchang didn't care about Wang Yanwu's identity, and threw him to the ground with a stick.


Seeing Wang Yanwu being beaten, Wang Yongnian didn't dare to run away alone, and hurried back to save him, but he was also waiting for him with a stick.

The stick just hit Wang Yongnian's head, and Wang Yongnian fell into a coma without humming.

Qi Tianchang didn't take care of Wang Yongnian anymore, just when he was about to clean up Wang Yanwu's meal, Wang Yanwu suddenly grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and threw it at Qi Tianchang.

Qi Tianchang's sight was blocked, and Wang Yanwu took the opportunity to kick Qi Tianchang to the ground.

"Dog thing, dare to hit Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will kill you!"

Wang Yanwu rushed up with a strong hatred, and strangled Qi Tianchang by the neck.

However, Qi Tianchang was no longer what it used to be. He immediately used the move that Chen Jinhu gave him, clenched his fist, and slammed into Wang Yanwu's left rib.

The rib was smashed, and the severe pain made Wang Yanwu unable to exert his strength. Qi Tianchang took the opportunity to break Wang Yanwu's hand, and then turned over and rode on Wang Yanwu's body.

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