The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 532 The Mastermind Behind The Scenes!

According to the data, Fu Leishi is headquartered in Modu and has only been established for four years, but it is already a leader in the cosmetics industry, with a yearly revenue of 67 billion and a net profit of nearly 3 billion. At present, preparations for listing have begun.

The owner of Fu Leishi is named Zhou Chuanfeng, and public information shows that he is a self-made business wizard. In fact, this is a publicity stunt he made for himself. His real identity is the illegitimate son of the boss of the Xiangjiang Commerce Bureau.

It is by virtue of this identity that Zhou Chuanfeng was able to thrive in business, and became a super-rich with a net worth of several billion in his 30th year.

The golden double-extracted essence cream is a super popular product launched by Fu Lei Shi. The most important thing for Fu Lei Shi to become bigger and stronger is this essence cream.

This product alone can bring nearly 2 billion cash flow to the company a year!

However, the appearance of the fairy ointment suddenly shook the dominance of the golden double-extracted essence cream in the cosmetics industry, and Fu Leishi couldn't wait to spread rumors on the Internet, trying to kill the fairy ointment in the cradle.

And a similar method, Fu Leishi, has been used more than once. With their huge cash flow, many start-up cosmetic companies have suffered from their poisonous hands, and eventually they were either acquired by Fu Leishi at a low price, or went bankrupt and dissolved.

After reading the materials, Qin Lie returned to the conference room and repeated what Murong Huanyu had just told him.

"I've heard before that Fu Leishi often maliciously smears competitors. I didn't expect them to reach out to us so quickly. They are really cancerous in the industry!"

Wang Xi, the head of the public relations department, scolded angrily.

"Now is not the time to be angry, the top priority is how to convince those consumers that this is a slander against us by Fu Lei Shi."

Qi Long, technical director, said.

"If you want me to say that we will hold another press conference directly, and name them and say that this is Fu Leishi's rumors and slander for malicious competition, I'll see how they explain it."

Liu Qihong continued.

"You can't do this. We have no substantive evidence, and what we said is not convincing at all. I'm sure that Fu Leishi Company will definitely fight back at that time."

Wang Xi shook his head and denied Liu Qihong's suggestion.

"Then what should we do? We can't let Fu Leishi slander us like this all the time, right?"

Liu Qihong asked unwillingly.

"Don't worry, I have a way to deal with them."

Qin Lie said suddenly.

"any solution?"

Liu Qihong and others turned their attention to Qin Lie, waiting for his reply.

"Return to him in his own way!"

Qin Lie sneered.

"Mr. Qin, don't play dumb riddles, and tell us what your solution is."

Liu Qihong urged with a wry smile.

He is in charge of the sales department, and the performance of the sales department is directly linked to his salary. If the sales of fairy cream cannot be recovered as soon as possible, he is afraid that he will have to take the blame and resign.

"Didn't they spread rumors and slander us online, then we'll arrange them offline..."

Qin Lie didn't hide any more, he told everyone about his plan, and immediately won everyone's support, and everyone also offered suggestions to help Qin Lie improve the whole plan.

After the meeting was over, Qin Lie took Chen Jinhu and Qi Tianchang to the Magic Capital overnight.

After arriving in the magic capital, Qin Lie first went to Yang Cuifeng's tomb to worship, and then found Huang San, a local snake in Fengxian District.

Huang San is inferior to Ouyang Ke and Yao Zhenhua, but he is the best person to help Qin Lie complete the plan.

Under the arrangement of Huang San, Chen Jinhu met Zhou Chuanfeng in the dark night bar as the boss of the brokerage company.

"Hello Mr. Zhou, thank you for taking the time to see me."

After seeing Zhou Chuanfeng, Chen Jinhu quickly greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Are you Chen Jinhu, the boss of Shinhwa Entertainment?"

Zhou Chuanfeng raised his brows and glanced at Chen Jinhu with a dazed expression.

"Yes, yes, I am Chen Jinhu."

Chen Jinhu hurriedly replied.

This Shinhwa Entertainment Company was established by Wei Zhe a long time ago. He himself wanted to use the guise of a brokerage company as a cover to do the international pimp business, but later because of the fierce competition in this industry and the crackdown, he has always been Didn't do it.

And after Wei Zhe's death, the company and Chen Jinhu inherited his name, and today he can just use this identity to hide from the public's eyes and ears.

"I checked your Shinhwa Entertainment, it should be a little-known leather bag company, what qualifications do you have to cooperate with me?"

Zhou Chuanfeng asked in a domineering tone.

He was able to come here mainly because the intermediary told him that Chen Jinhu knew Wang Congcong, Xu Fanzhou and many other top rich second-generations, otherwise the owner of Shinhwa Entertainment, a little-known small company, could not invite him.

After all, he is now worth billions, he is successful, and he is proud of himself, but he is not something that small bosses can invite to move him.

"Mr. Zhou, to be honest, I'm here mainly to contact you for Xu Shao first. If possible, the entertainment company under Xu Shao's name is likely to reach a cooperation agreement with you directly, which is enough to help you lead the way. billions in revenue.”

Chen Jinhu replied with a smile.

"Are you talking about Xu Fanzhou?"

Zhou Chuanfeng asked immediately.

"Yes, it's him."

Chen Jinhu quickly replied.

"Just because you can represent Xu Shao?"

Zhou Chuanfeng looked at Chen Jinhu with suspicion.

"Don't worry, I don't need to lie to you at all. If you are interested in cooperating with Xu Shao, we can sit down and have a good chat. If you are not interested, then treat me as a treat for you to have a drink. a friend."

Chen Jinhu replied calmly.

Previously, Xu Fanzhou used Wang Yanwu to deal with Qin Lie under the guise of Xiao Xingyuan. Qin Lie came directly this time to return to him in his own way, and dealt with Zhou Chuanfeng in the name of Xu Fanzhou.

In this way, the blame can be thrown on Xu Fanzhou after the event, and secondly, Zhou Chuanfeng can be calculated, which is definitely a coup for killing two birds with one stone!

As for Zhou Chuanfeng not believing Chen Jinhu's words, Qin Lie is not worried at all.

After all, Zhou Chuanfeng himself is not qualified to contact the top rich and young like Xu Fanzhou. Even if he suspects, it is impossible to go to Xu Fanzhou for face-to-face verification.

After listening to Chen Jinhu's words, Zhou Chuanfeng couldn't help but have a thoughtful look on his face.

After a while, he decided to chat with Chen Jinhu first.

He is very clear that the current performance of their company has almost reached the ceiling, and it is almost impossible to go further.

Because of this, he was anxious to make the company go public and make a fortune.

But if he can reach a cooperation with Xu Fanzhou, with the influence of the Xu family, his company is very likely to become the overlord of the cosmetics industry!

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