Qin Lie chatted with Meng Xiangsong a lot that night, and they parted ways until 1:00 in the morning.

The time soon came to the second day. After breakfast, Qin Lie took Chen Jinhu to the Fuleishi Company.

The previous Fu Leishi can be said to be a very famous star company, and many job seekers want to join in.

But with the exposure of a series of negative news, Fu Leishi's reputation collapsed and fell directly from heaven to hell.

Today, the company's image is completely lost, and the insiders are even more panicked. Many people have already started to change jobs, for fear that they will be delayed by the company after running too late.

"Tianchang, have you remembered everything that I explained to you?"

At the door of Fu Leishi Company, Qin Lie glanced at Qi Tianchang and asked.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't go wrong."

Qi Tianchang patted his chest and swore to reply.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you here."

Without saying anything more, Qin Lie brought Chen Jinhu into Fu Leishi Company.

In the past, the security guards would definitely stop them and let them register first, but at this time, the security guards didn't even look at them, Qin Lie went all the way to Zhou Chuanfeng's office on the top floor of the company.

"Mr. Zhou, stay safe."

After entering the door, Chen Jinhu first greeted Zhou Chuanfeng.

"Bastard, you dare to appear in front of me!"

As the so-called enemy added, he was extremely jealous. Seeing Chen Jinhu, who had overshadowed him, suddenly appeared in front of him, Zhou Chuanfeng instantly burst into a strong murderous intent.

"Mr. Zhou, don't be angry, anger hurts the liver and is not good for the body."

Chen Jinhu said jokingly.

"Zhou Chuanfeng, do you know who I am?"

At the same time, Qin Lie stepped forward and asked Zhou Chuanfeng.

"You are... Qin Lie!"

Zhou Chuanfeng narrowed his eyes and quickly called out Qin Lie's name.

"I didn't expect President Zhou to know me. I'm really flattered."

Qin Lie replied with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense with Lao Tzu, what are you trying to do!"

Zhou Chuanfeng stared at Qin Lie coldly and asked.

He knew very well that he and Qin Lie were not friends or foes. Qin Lie suddenly came to the door. It was definitely the weasel who was uneasy and kind to the chicken!

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Zhou, I just wanted to thank Mr. Zhou. If Mr. Zhou hadn't spread rumors on the Internet to slander our products, how could our company's fairy cream be so popular now."

"By the way, let me share the good news with you. Our fairy cream pre-sale has exceeded 400 million. Damn, making money is like picking up money."

Qin Lie said to Zhou Chuanfeng with a smile on his face.

"Brother lie, what you said is wrong. It's definitely easier than picking up money. It's a pity that Mr. Zhou has done so many good people and good things, but his company is going downhill, and it may go bankrupt one day."

Chen Jinhu deliberately sang along with Qin Lie.

Even if they knew that the two were deliberately angry with themselves, Zhou Chuanfeng was still angry after hearing it.

After all, if it weren't for Qin Lie, his company would have gone public right away, and he would have become a billionaire by selling a single share.

But now it's good, after this series of blows, his listing plan was completely dead.

The most deadly thing is that their company's reputation has become stinky, the sales of all products have plummeted, and the revenue has shrunk by 90% in just a few days!

Even though Zhou Chuanfeng has been trying to remedy the situation for the past two days, but unfortunately the results are very small, it is basically only a matter of time before their company goes bankrupt.

But Qin Lie is rubbing salt on his wounds again at this time, which is unbearable and unbearable!

"Don't be too complacent, the happier you laugh today, the worse you will cry in the future!"

Zhou Chuanfeng replied fiercely.

He's not the type to give in easily, not to mention that he hasn't reached the point where he has nothing.

He had already made up his mind, he must let Qin Lie fight a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood!

"Oh, what Mr. Zhou said is so scary, but I'm worried that you won't have that chance."

Qin Lie replied with a smile, the contempt in his expression was like a sharp arrow pierced into Zhou Chuanfeng's heart.

Zhou Chuanfeng really wanted to beat Qin Lie, but considering that he didn't know how to kung fu, it would be too bad for him to do it, so he could only hold back the anger in his heart.

"Mr. Zhou, let me give you another piece of news. I have evidence of your tax evasion and rape and rape, as long as I hand it over to the police, I think it should be enough for you to retire in prison. already."

Qin Lie said again, took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, and shook it in front of Zhou Chuanfeng on purpose.

Hearing this, Zhou Chuanfeng's expression changed suddenly.

However, he is a character who has experienced strong winds and waves, and he still maintains his due calm.

"Hmph, do you think I believe what you say?"

Zhou Chuanfeng snorted coldly.

"Don't believe it, these are given to me by your partner Feng Ke. No, it should be said that I bought it with a lot of money. That guy is very greedy and asked me for 10 million!"

Qin Lie continued.

Chuanfeng originally thought that Qin Lie was cheating on himself, but after hearing that he bought it from his partner, he couldn't sit still.

"what on earth do you want!"

Zhou Chuanfeng clenched his fists and roared in exasperation.

If Qin Lie really had that evidence, the rest of his life would be over.

"If you want me to let you go, it's actually very simple, first, transfer all your property to my name, second, kneel down and recognize me as a godfather, and grandpa will protect you in the future, I promise you Peace of mind for half a lifetime."

Qin Lie directly stated his conditions.

"Don't fucking dream, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken. If you want me to die, I will never let you live!"

If it is a normal condition, Zhou Chuanfeng may still consider it, but Qin Lie came up and opened his mouth, wanting to take away all his property, and also want to be his godfather, which is impossible for anyone to agree to.

Qin Lie's intention to mention these conditions was to stimulate Zhou Chuanfeng, and he didn't expect him to agree to him at all.

Right now, his reaction can be said to be completely in line with his expectations.

"Well, I condescended to be your grandfather and you still disagree. It seems that you are really hopeless."

Qin Lie sighed and continued to provoke him.

"Grass mud horse, get out of here, and I'll kill you!"

Zhou Chuanfeng was extremely angry at this time. If his eyes could kill people, Qin Lie would probably have no bones left.

"Presumptuous, dare to be rude to brother lie, you're fucking tired of living!"

Chen Jinhu immediately stepped forward and scolded Zhou Chuanfeng.

"What are you putting on in front of me, if you dare to bark, I'll chop you into meat sauce and feed it to the dog!"

Zhou Chuanfeng no longer restrained his emotions, and his body was even more murderous.

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