The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 540 Can You Hide Some Of Your Strength?

The group chatted all the way, and soon returned to the hotel.

Just after dinner, Qin Lie ordered a table of good wine and good dishes, and Quan should be celebrating the elimination of the scourge of Zhou Chuanfeng.

In just a few hours, the news that Zhou Chuanfeng was killed spread like wildfire, which caused quite a shock in the cosmetics industry.

As for the Fu Leishi Group, it has been in a state of precariousness recently. When Zhou Chuanfeng died, it was like a shattering of the sky for the company, and the entire company fell into chaos.

Qin Lie didn't rush to clean up the mess. After eating, he went to a serious health care to relax.

"Brother Lie, Huang San called me just now to say that Yulia and Lancome have started to contact Fu Lei Shi's shareholders and want to buy Fu Lei Shi at a low price."

When Qin Lie was enjoying a massage, Chen Jinhu suddenly came in and reported the news he had just received to him.

Hearing this, Qin Lie sat up calmly.

"Haha, are these two companies still good at picking peaches?"

Qin Lie said without a smile.

Although Fu Leishi is now dead, their company still has a lot of high-quality resources, especially the fully automated factory they invested hundreds of millions to build, even Qin Lie is jealous.

His original intention was to wait for the company's valuation to fall to the freezing point before letting Huang San come forward to take it into his pocket. He didn't expect other colleagues to come out and grab food so quickly. I have to say that these people really know how to sit Take profit.

"Brother Lie, let me tell these companies a warning. Whoever dares to rob us will be the next Fu Leishi!"

Qi Tianchang immediately suggested.

"No, we focus on low-key development now, and there is no need to make enemies."

Qin Lie waved his hand.

He is not afraid of offending people, but at present, their company is in a stage of rapid development, and there is no need to devote too much energy to fighting with competitors. After all, making a fortune in silence is king!

"Then just watch them take Fu Leishi away like this?"

Qi Tianchang asked a little unwillingly.

"Of course not."

Qin Lie smiled slightly, and then said to Chen Jinhu: "Jin Hu, tell Huang San, I don't care what method he uses, I must take down the new factory built by Fu Leishi. As for Fu Leishi's other assets Just give it to someone else to grab it."

What Qin Lie values ​​most is the fully automated factory. As long as he can win this factory, Qin Lie can expand the production scale in a short period of time and conquer the national cosmetics market. As for other products of Fu Leishi, do he want it? It doesn't matter.

Chen Jinhu did not question Qin Lie's decision, and even when he called Huang San, Huang San patted his chest and assured Chen Jinhu that he would definitely take the factory.

After a day's rest in the magic capital, Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu, and Qi Tianchang came to the Guoyi Club again at eight o'clock the next day.

There will be a heavyweight boxing match here today, Qin Lie is one of the contestants, and his opponent is the underground boxer Wilder!

Wilder is nicknamed the bulldozer, and his strength is extremely terrifying. After two years of underground boxing matches in Zhang Guoyi's club, he has an undefeated record of 31 victories, and is recognized as the underground boxing champion!

And Qin Lie abolished Rey in an invincible manner, and was honored as the devil of hell.

Therefore, this boxing match has attracted the attention of countless boxing enthusiasts before the battle. The tickets for the Guoyi Club were sold out as early as half a month ago, even if the cheapest 500 tickets were in the hands of scalpers. Fried to 3,000 yuan!

"Brother Qin, if you're not sure of winning against Wilder, we might as well abstain. It's not ashamed to lose to Wilder anyway."

In the private room, Qin Lie was waiting to play when Qi Tianchang suddenly said such a sentence.

"How do you know I can't beat Wilder?"

Qin Lie laughed dumbly.

"I've watched Wilder's games several times before. This guy is not a good man, he is super inhuman, and his opponents are basically dead or disabled."

Qi Tianchang said solemnly.

He knew that Qin Lie was very powerful, but Wilder's fame was achieved by a pair of iron fists, and his name alone was enough to make people fearful, so Qi Tianchang was really not optimistic about Qin Lie.

"Don't worry, it's not difficult for me to beat him at all."

Qin Lie replied calmly.

If it was before, Wilder might have caused some threats to Qin Lie, but since he practiced Bajiquan and successfully broke through the shackles, Wilder has been ignored by Qin Lie.

If it wasn't for Zhang Guoyi's promise to participate in this boxing match, Qin Lie wouldn't even bother to come.

"Brother Qin, you better be careful. Last year, a boxer clamored to challenge Wilder, but he was beaten to death by a punch. I still shudder when I think of that scene."

Although Qin Lie was confident, Qi Tianchang was still a little worried.


Qin Lie smiled lightly, but did not explain further.

A few minutes later, Zhang Guoyi suddenly came to Qin Lie's box.

"Brother Qin, take the liberty to ask, how sure are you to win against Wilder?"

After a few simple greetings, Zhang Guoyi directly explained his purpose.

"Ten percent."

Qin Lie spit out two words lightly.

Hearing this, Zhang Guoyi was instantly overjoyed.

"I knew that Brother Qin's martial arts are unparalleled, and a little Wilder is definitely not your opponent."

Zhang Guoyi quickly flattered the road.

As the owner of the club, Zhang Guoyi has always been very precise.

He knew very well that Qin Lie definitely belonged to the kind of super master who was hiding.

Especially seeing Qin Lie again this time, Qin Lie feels even more different to him, as if a layer of mist is covering his body, making people unable to see through him forever.

Because of this, Zhang Guoyi had no doubts about Qin Lie's words.

"Mr. Zhang, didn't you come to me just to flatter me?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"Of course not." Zhang Guoyi quickly denied it, and then lowered his voice, "Brother Qin, when you fight Wilder, I hope you can hide some of your strength and don't beat him so quickly."

"what do you mean?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"Aren't we going to participate in the World Boxing Championship? You hide more of your strength, so that we can kill other opponents by surprise, right?"

Zhang Guoyi quickly explained.

"Oh, Mr. Zhang is asking me to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Don't worry, I know what to do."

Qin Lie smiled slightly and instantly understood.

Zhang Guoyi had told him before that the prize money during the World Championship was just a foil, and the most profitable thing was gambling on the outside.

Just imagine, if Qin Lie was just a mediocre contestant, his odds would definitely be super high, so Zhang Guoyi would definitely make a lot of money as long as he bet on him to win!

It must be said that this is a shrewd businessman.

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