After Qin Lie completed the formalities required to go to Xiangjiang, he received a call from Huang San again.

Huang San told Qin Lie that after his operation, he had completed the negotiation with the leadership of Fu Leishi Company, and Fu Leishi Company agreed to sell him the new factory for 30 million.

You know, in order to build this fully automated factory, Fu Leishi spent 130 million before, and now it is sold at a low price of 30 million, which is definitely a blood loss.

But at this time, no one has thought about these issues.

After all, the entire company is basically on the verge of bankruptcy now, and even the founder of the company is dead. For the rest of them, how much they can make is how much they can make. Anyway, the money lost is not their own, and no one is distressed.

This result was quite unexpected to Qin Lie. His previous plan was to pay 70 million to win the factory, but now it has dropped by more than half. This can definitely be regarded as a surprise to him.

In order to express his gratitude to Huang San, Qin Lie paid him 40 million directly, of which 30 million was the money to buy the factory, and the remaining 10 million was his hard work, so that Huang San could be more attentive in the future. He does things.

In the afternoon of the second day, Qin Lie flew to Xiangjiang Airport.

Because Lin Qiuzhu's flight was about an hour later than his, Qin Lie found a cafe near the airport to wait for her.

At nearly five o'clock, Qin Lie came to the airport again, and soon saw Lin Qiuzhu pulling his suitcase.

"Qiuzhu, you are getting more and more beautiful now."

Qin Lie looked at Lin Qiuzhu and praised.

Today's Lin Qiuzhu is wearing a long red dress with fluttering skirts, walking like an ordinary fairy, she is really stunning and stunning!

"Stop flattering and get my luggage for me."

Lin Qiuzhu glanced at Qin Lie angrily.

"As ordered."

Like a servant, Qin Lie quickly stepped forward and took Lin Qiuzhu's suitcase.

When they left the airport, Chen Jinhu and Qi Tianchang had already found a taxi and waited for them. They didn't waste any time, and they got in the car and arrived at the Xiangjiang International Hotel.

This hotel is just across the street from the Christie's auction house, and they can walk there in seven or eight minutes tomorrow.

"Qiuzhu, what would you like to eat tonight?"

After checking in, Qin Lie looked at Lin Qiuzhu and asked.

"I'll take a shower first. Let's go to Temple Street to eat later. There are many local delicacies in Xiangjiang. I guarantee you will like it."

Lin Qiuzhu replied.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Qin Lie came to Xiangjiang for the first time today. He was not familiar with this place, so naturally he had no opinion.

In just 20 minutes, Lin Qiuzhu came out of the shower.

Her hair was not completely dried, it was loosely scattered like that, but it didn't look messy at all, instead it gave people a charming charm.

"Let's go."

Lin Qiuzhu smiled sweetly and took Qin Lie's arm naturally.

"Qiuzhu, it's not good for you to be like this?"

Qin Lie asked cautiously.

"I think it's pretty good. Anyway, Sister Yuqing and Xiaoyu are not here. You belong to me only now. I can do whatever I want."

Lin Qiuzhu said willfully.

She likes Qin Lie, and has already confessed to Qin Lie, even if Qin Lie doesn't accept it, it will not affect her feelings for Qin Lie at all.

"Okay, don't be so awkward, how can you be like a woman."

Lin Qiuzhu didn't give Qin Lie a chance to refuse, and pulled him into the elevator.

Chen Jinhu and Qi Tianchang, who were behind Qin Lie, looked at each other, and both showed narrow smiles.

After leaving the hotel, Lin Qiuzhu called a taxi and the group came to Temple Street.

"Qin Lie, you haven't been to Temple Street before, have you?"

Lin Qiuzhu looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"No, even Xiangjiang is my first time here."

Qin Lie replied.

"Then let me tell you that you have come to the right place. Although Temple Street is not large, it is the old street with the most Xiangjiang characteristics."

"There are very few people in Temple Street during the day, but at night, it will become one of the most prosperous night markets. Various food stalls and special snacks can definitely satisfy the most sophisticated taste buds."

"Especially the curry fish balls, quicksand buns, overlord duck, fried stuffed dace, and claypot rice here. The taste is absolutely amazing. You will definitely want to eat it a second time after you have eaten it."

Lin Qiuzhu is like a family treasure, introducing her favorite special food to Qin Lie.

"I haven't eaten any of the things you mentioned, and now I just want to get something to pad my stomach."

Qin Lie said with a wry smile, smelling the aromas wafting around, his stomach started to protest.

"Then let's get an egg waffle to eat first."

As Lin Qiuzhu said that, he brought Qin Lie to a small stall in front and ordered four egg waffles.

While eating egg waffles, Lin Qiuzhu bought four more bowls of Wings.

The group ate and bought all the way without stopping.

Although most of the food they buy is from street stalls, the taste is really impeccable.

Under the leadership of Lin Qiuzhu, Qin Lie and the others quickly came to the front of a street-facing shop in the center of Temple Street.

The area of ​​this store is estimated to be less than ten square meters. It is pitifully small, but the business is very hot. There is already a long queue in front of the store. It is roughly estimated that there must be seventy to eighty people in the queue.

"Qin Lie, did you know that the curry fish balls in this shop are the best fish balls in the whole Xiangjiang. Even the richest man in Xiangjiang, Hua Zai and Brother Long are regular customers here."

Lin Qiuzhu pointed to the small shop in front of him.

"But there are too many people in line, so let's not eat."

Qin Lie looked at the long road.

In his opinion, this fish ball can't become immortal after eating it, and he has no interest in this long queue.

"That won't work, as long as you come to Temple Street, you must eat the curry fish balls here, or why would I come all the way here?"

Lin Qiuzhu has been thinking about the fish balls here for a long time, and finally came here. If she can't eat the fish balls, she will not walk away and see that she can't convince Lin Qiuzhu. Qin Lie is too lazy to line up, so he has an idea and waved directly to Qi Tianchang. : "Tianchang, you line up here, buy four fish balls later, let's go shopping elsewhere."

"Ah? Ask me to line up alone?"

Qi Tianchang asked with a bitter face.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Qin Lie asked back.

"Yes, yes."

Qi Tianchang said something against his heart, so he could only come to the end of the queue to line up.

Seeing that the problem of buying fish balls was resolved, Lin Qiuzhu took Qin Lie and continued to taste other specialties in Temple Street.

Of course, Qin Lie and the others did not forget Qi Tianchang, and even brought him several delicacies.

Unconsciously, the three came to the front of a shop called Kun Kee Claypot Rice.

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