"Don't go out and fool around in the past two days, wait for my call."

Brother Huan in the car threw a word again, and then left here in the car.

It wasn't until the car disappeared from sight that the exploding head took out almost half of the money just now and gave it to his younger brothers.

"Brother Lang, is Brother Huan going to do big business again?"

A little brother couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, or be careful of your head moving!"

The exploding head replied coldly.


The younger brother smiled shyly, and did not dare to talk any more.

"One more thing, listen carefully. Keep your mouth shut to me. If anyone dares to leak out about Brother Huan's return to Xiangjiang, if he ruins the big event of Brother Huan, I will bury him alive!"

The exploding head then warned his little brother.

"Range, don't worry, it's not the first day that the brothers came out to hang out. I still understand the rules."

A younger brother quickly expressed his stance, and the others also made promises.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to supper."

Seeing that his younger brothers were so obedient, the explosive head took them out of here.

Qin Lie didn't know that the explosive head molested Lin Qiuzhu because he was instructed. At this time, he had already returned to the hotel with Lin Qiuzhu.

Originally, Lin Qiuzhu still wanted to watch the night view of Victoria Harbour with Qin Lie, but because of the influence of those bad people just now, she no longer had that mood. After chatting a few words with Qin Lie, she returned to her own. Room.


The next morning, Qin Lie got up early as usual, and after running a long lap along the sidewalk, he practiced Bajiquan several times in a park by the side of the road.

He has already mastered the Bajiquan routines, but he still needs a lot of practice if he wants to practice them to perfection.

After practicing boxing, Qin Lie went back to take a shower.

For him, practicing boxing has become a habit. After practicing boxing, not only will he not feel tired, but it will stimulate the yang energy in his body and keep him full of energy throughout the day.

About 8:30, Qin Lie and Lin Qiuzhu walked to Christie's auction house.

Christie's Auction House is one of the top auction companies in the world, and it sells thousands of treasures every year, and the Hong Kong branch is the most important branch of Christie's in Asia, holding regular auctions every year.

According to Lin Qiuzhu, today's auction was originally scheduled for a week ago, but because Lin Zheng sent Da Vinci's original "Girl in the Field", Christie's executives postponed the auction for a week for the purpose of publicity. This lot is to maximize profits.

After the efforts of Christie's to promote it, many top rich people came to Hong Kong from all over the world, a few of them to see the style of the painting "Girl in the Field", and more people to take it in their pockets.

After all, there are only a handful of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpieces. The last auction of "The Savior" was four or five years ago, and now another work has finally emerged. Got Da Vinci's work.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the auction, Christie's directly activated the highest level of security today. From entering the gate to finally entering the auction site, three security checks are required, and each time it is stricter.

Many bigwigs who came to participate in the auction did not complain. Everyone knew that this was also for their own personal safety.

After three security checks, Qin Lie and Lin Qiuzhu finally entered the auction site.

At this time, there were already many people in the auction hall, and Qin Lie glanced at him and saw several familiar faces.

For example, Ma Teng, the founder of Tengda Group, Li Ju, the son of the former richest man in Heung Kong, and Liu Yiqian, a big collector.

Especially Ma Teng, this guy is a veritable capital crocodile with a net worth of hundreds of billions. This auction can attract him to the scene in person, which shows the high gold content of the auction.

Of course, Qin Lie estimates that there is a high probability that Ma Teng also came for the "Girl in the Field".

Ma Teng sat in the first row. Besides him and Li Ju, there were five or six people in the first row, but they were all foreigners, and Qin Lie didn't know anyone.

But being on an equal footing with Ma Teng is enough to show their identity.

As for Qin Lie, although he is the owner of the painting "Girl in the Field", because he has no public identity, his seat is arranged in the eighth row. Fortunately, this position is not too far behind, and the view is still acceptable. .

After sitting down, Qin Lie chatted casually with Lin Qiuzhu.

Next, many more people entered the auction site one after another, and two of them sat in the first row and greeted Ma Teng.

When the time came to nine o'clock, Liang Chao, the first auctioneer of Christie's, walked onto the auction table.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I am Liang Chao, Christie's auctioneer. On behalf of our Christie's company, I would like to thank you all for your support..."

As usual, Liang Chao made an opening remarks, and then Balabala said a lot of useless nonsense, and the auction officially started.

In order to arouse everyone's interest, the first lot at Christie's is "Flying Birds in Thousand Mountains" by Wu Changshuo, a master of traditional Chinese painting.

The starting price of this painting was 10 million. After more than 20 consecutive rounds of competition, it was finally sold at a high price of 35 million.

The second piece is a carved double vase made in Jingdezhen. It didn't look very good, but it actually sold for more than 2 million.

The third, the fourth...

Pieces of lots are constantly on the scene. Except for two paintings from the Qing Dynasty, which were out of the blue, almost all other lots were sold smoothly, and the cheapest lot was sold for more than 200,000 yuan.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next item is a moonstone and sapphire necklace commissioned by a guest to auction. I believe that many beauty-loving ladies will fall in love with it at first sight."

After saying this, the hostess put the lot on the auction table, and at the same time, a high-definition close-up picture of the necklace was released on the big screen.

"Wow, this chain is so beautiful, if only someone could buy it as a birthday present for me."

The moment he saw this necklace, Lin Qiuzhu fell in love with it, and deliberately gave Qin Lie a very obvious hint.

However, Qin Lie sat there pretending to be deaf as if he didn't hear anything.

"Hey, didn't you hear me?"

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't respond, Lin Qiuzhu directly poked him with his finger.

"What did you say?"

Qin Lie continued to pretend to be stupid.

"I said, I want this necklace!"

Lin Qiuzhu pointed to the moonstone necklace on the auction table.

"You can shoot it if you want, anyway, the person with the highest price will get it."

Qin Lie replied solemnly.

"I want you to take a picture and send it to me."

Lin Qiuzhu replied with a clear attitude.

"Why let me give it to you, it's not that you have no money to buy it."

Qin Lie replied very honestly.

"Are you going to send it?"

Hearing Qin Lie's maddening words, Lin Qiuzhu directly pinched the soft flesh around his waist.

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