After leaving the warehouse, Qin Lie and his group came to the Hollywood Antique Street in Xiangjiang.

This is the largest antique market in Xiangjiang, which has existed for more than 100 years since the opening of the port.

Many people who come to Xiangjiang will regard Hollywood Antique Street as one of the must-see attractions, but little-known is that this is also the largest underground black market in Xiangjiang!

As the so-called great hidden in the city, because Hollywood Street is flooded with tourists from all over the world every day, and the personnel situation is extremely complicated, it has gradually become a paradise for criminals to gather. In this underground black market, you can buy To smuggled cultural relics, drugs, obscene videos and arms and other contraband that cannot be seen on the market.

Of course, even if you know that there is an underground black market, no one will do business with you if there is no local smuggler to guide you.

According to Zhang Ziheng's account, Chen Papi is one of the biggest smugglers in the underground black market. As long as you find him, no matter what you want to buy or sell, it is very easy.

Of course, just like his name, Chen Paipi is a very black person. If he wants him to help you as a middleman, he will have to rip you off no matter whether the transaction is successful or not.

Walking along the crowded street, Qin Lie and the others came to Axuan Pawnshop after walking for nearly 20 minutes.

This is Chen Papi's old nest.

"Hello, handsome guys, I don't know if you want to pawn things or buy things?"

Seeing Qin Lie and the others coming in, a female clerk in the store immediately greeted them enthusiastically.

"I asked Chen Papi to come out and meet me."

Qin Lie said bluntly.

He knew very well that the pawn shop was just a guise for Chen Papi to sell dog meat, and the money he made basically came from black market transactions.

"I'm sorry, sir, we don't have Chen Papi here."

The waitress replied politely.

Generally, if you want to meet Chen Papi, you must have other snakeheads as guides, and Qin Lie and the others are all raw faces. Such people, Chen Papi, will never meet directly.

"Tell Chen Pipi that if he doesn't come out in five minutes, I'll smash his shop."

Murong Huanyu said very domineeringly.

The female clerk didn't know if Murong Huanyu was here to smash the place, so she quickly looked at a big bald man in the pawn shop. The man didn't say anything and went straight to the back room.

In just two minutes, the bald man walked out with five burly thugs.

"Boy, are you tired of living and dare to come to our Yaxuan to find trouble, do you know whose territory this is!"

The bald-headed strong man looked at Murong Huanyu fiercely and asked.

"Let Chen Papi come out and say Murong Huanyu is looking for him."

Murong Huanyu replied calmly.

"Hey, you are so arrogant in front of Lao Tzu, I think you are really itchy, brothers, teach me how to behave!"

The bald strong man gave an order, and the five thugs behind him gathered around Murong Huanyu with grinning faces.

"Young Master Yu, brother lie, you rest first, just leave these scum to me."

Chen Jinhu likes to fight the most, so he immediately met these thugs without Qin Lie's orders.

Five to one, these thugs had an absolute advantage. They didn't pay attention to Chen Jinhu at all, and they attacked him as soon as they came up.

However, they soon discovered that the person in front of them was not a person at all, but a fierce beast in human skin!

Even though the five of them had done their best, they all lay on the ground and wailed before they could hold on for three minutes.

"Is there anyone else in your store, let's call them out together, I'm not too happy yet."

Qin Lie shook his shoulders and said very arrogantly.

Seeing this scene, the bald man hurriedly ran into the backyard again.

Three minutes later, the bald man came back, and a group of people appeared behind him.

"Boss, it's them who are making trouble with us."

The bald man pointed at Qin Lie and said.

Behind him, stood a middle-aged man with a goatee, and this man was the Chen Papi that Qin Lie and the others were looking for.

"I don't know where I, Chen, offended a few of you, so let you guys come to me to mess with me?"

Chen Pipi is a human being, he is not angry, but has a warm smile on his face.

It's just that those who are familiar with Chen Papi know that this guy is a typical smile hiding a knife. If you can't come up with a background that makes Chen Papi enough to fear, he will definitely put you to death.

"Are you Chen Pipi?"

Qin Lie glanced at Chen Papi and asked.

"That's right, it's you, I don't know the name of this handsome guy?"

Chen Pipi replied without smiling.

"My name is Qin Lie. The snake head that Zhang Ziheng sold through your hands is mine. I came to you this time to get the snake head back."

Qin Lie said directly.

Hearing this, Chen Pipi's face changed slightly, but he soon returned to normal.

"Little brother, I don't even know what the snake head you are talking about is, and I don't know the person named Zhang Ziheng."

Chen Papi flatly denied it.

He didn't know how Qin Lie came to the door, but he would never admit it.

"Boss Chen, I think it's better for us to be open and honest. I'm not afraid to tell you that Zhang Ziheng has been killed by me. If Boss Chen doesn't want to tell the truth, then I don't mind sending you to reunite with Zhang Ziheng. "

Qin Lie reminded Chen Papi with a smile.

Chen Papi didn't take Qin Lie seriously, but when he heard that he had killed Zhang Ziheng, he was shocked.

Zhang Ziheng is notoriously ruthless, Qin Lie can kill him, which is enough to show that Qin Lie's identity is definitely not simple.

But he has been in the underground black market for so many years, not only because he has a wide network, but also because he has a lot of big people as his backers, so he is really not afraid of Qin Lie.

"Brother Qin, I really don't know what the snake head you're talking about, but I can help you find out for free. If there is any news, I will let you know as soon as possible, okay?"

Chen Papi discussed with Qin Lie, in fact, this is his usual tactic to delay troops.

He will check Qin Lie's identity later. If Qin Lie is someone he can't afford to offend, he can naturally plead guilty, but if Qin Lie doesn't have a hard background, it's another matter.

"Okay, don't fool me, I don't care what method you use, you must get the snake head back to me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Qin Lie doesn't want to use violence, but if Chen Papi doesn't know how to praise, he will definitely teach Chen Papi how to be a low-key person.

"Brother, don't blame me for not reminding you. Broken Tooth Horse is one of my shareholders here. If you dare to make trouble here, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of Xiangjiang."

Seeing Qin Lie threatening him on his own territory, Chen Papi's tone also showed a hint of coldness.

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