"I got this news from inside our organization. Some people suspect that you are a puppet supported by Yanwangdao, so I plan to get rid of you, which is to cut off the wings of Yanwangdao."

After thinking for a while, Mu Bingyun told Qin Lie the reason behind it.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel the urge to curse her mother.

"Which idiot thinks that I am a puppet supported by Yanwangdao? You let him come over and see if I don't beat him until he doesn't even know him."

Qin Lie scolded indignantly, that he had suffered a pure disaster.

"Are you really not from Hades Island?"

Mu Bingyun frowned slightly, as if she didn't believe Qin Lie's words.

"I'm an ass. Even I just knew about the organization of Yanwangdao. I have nothing to do with them at all!"

Qin Lie replied speechlessly.

"Then why did I get the news that Darkblood Shura, the leader of Hades Island, had secretly found you?"

Mu Bingyun continued to question.

"That's right, I met him, but that doesn't mean I'm from Hades Island, right? Take a step back, even if I'm from Hell's Island, what's the matter? Are you going to kill me just because of this? me?"

Qin Lie replied with a dark face.

"You may not know that the relationship between our organization and Yanwang Island is like water and fire. Regarding the remnants of Yanwang Island, we have always adhered to the attitude that we would rather kill mistakes than let go! So if you are from Yanwang Island, you should be damned. No, you can only be considered unlucky."

Mu Bingyun replied indifferently.

"I wipe, your night soul is really not a good thing."

Qin Lie cursed with a dark face.

You must know that he met Xingtian because Xingtian was Yang Cuifeng's son, and the two barely had much interaction, but Yehun actually regarded him as a person from Hades Island based on this alone, and wanted to kill him. It is no exaggeration to say that they are terrorist organizations!

"I'm just an insignificant member of the entire organization. I don't have any ability to change the decisions of the upper management. The only thing I can do is to remind you that you'd better be more careful in the future."

Mu Bingyun said in a helpless tone.

"Why are you tipping me off? You shouldn't have to tell me this, right?"

Qin Lie pondered for a while and asked.

"Because I owe you a life, this time I will repay you for saving your life, but I won't do it again in the future."

Mu Bingyun replied calmly.

Secretly tipped off Qin Lie, which was almost equivalent to betraying the organization. Once known to the top of Night Soul, she would definitely die, but she still took the risk.

As for whether the real reason is to repay her kindness, even she herself does not know.

"Mu Bingyun, you are a good girl, why would you help a terrorist organization like Yehun? Why don't you leave them and live a clean life?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but persuade.

"Hehe, do you know me, just say I'm a good girl?"

Mu Bingyun asked in a self-deprecating manner.

"I don't know you, but you know how to repay your kindness. Based on this, you are definitely better than many girls."

Qin Lie replied very seriously.

"You're wrong, I'm not a good girl, I'm just a cold-blooded killer, I'm a heinous, I'm heinous, I've killed so many people that I can't even remember how many, no matter what I do in my life, I can't wash it away Clear your sins."

Mu Bingyun smiled miserably.

Of course she hopes to be a kind and good girl, but she is riddled with sins, and she can only live in the dark in this life, be in the company of ghosts and ghosts, and will never see the light!

"If you believe me, I can help you get rid of the night soul, and I will find a way to give you a new identity and let you start over."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

He didn't know about Mu Bingyun's past, but he sincerely hoped to be able to help her, and he didn't want Mu Bingyun to go further and further down the wrong path.

"Thank you for your kindness, but you can't help me at all. Yehun is not allowed to betray. I was born as a member of the organization, and died as a ghost of the organization. I can't leave Yehun in my life."

Mu Bing shook her head.

She is a person of the night soul, she knows how terrible the night soul is, and trying to get rid of the night soul is just a dream.

"However, there is a way to help me."

Mu Bingyun suddenly changed the subject.

"any solution?"

Qin Lie asked quickly.

"Unless you can uproot the entire night soul and cut grass and roots, can you do it?"

Mu Bingyun stared at Qin Lie closely.

"Uh, I can't do this."

Qin Lie replied embarrassedly.

He knew very well that Yehun was a terrifying force that made Chu Mingchen extremely jealous. If he dared to fight Yehun, he would kill himself by hitting a stone with an egg.

"That's okay. When the night soul disappears from this world, I will naturally be free, but if it exists forever, then I will continue to work for it until the day I die."

Mu Bingyun smiled and said, but her smile concealed an indescribable helplessness and sorrow.

Qin Lie didn't know what to say at this time, he only felt so small.

He wanted to help Mu Bingyun, but couldn't do anything.

"Okay, let's not talk about those useless things. This is a picture of the killer who assassinated you tonight. I guess she will pretend to be a hotel waiter and find a chance to do it. Let's see how to deal with her."

As Mu Bingyun said that, she took out a photo from a small bag beside her and handed it to Qin Lie.

In the photo is a sweet-looking girl who looks like a female student who has not yet experienced the world, which makes it easy to let down your guard.


Qin Lie put away the photos and said.

"You're welcome, I can only help you this time, and you can only rely on yourself in the future."

Mu Bingyun replied indifferently.

"By the way, when solving this killer, you'd better think of the best of both worlds. It's best to kill her without deepening the organization's suspicion of you. Otherwise, once you are identified as a person from Hades Island, the organization will definitely Get rid of you at all costs."

Mu Bingyun reminded Qin Lie again.

"Well, I see, I'll figure out a way to handle this."

Qin Lie nodded and replied.

"I've said everything I need to say, then I'll go first and settle the coffee bill for me later."

After all, Mu Bingyun came to see Qin Lie secretly. In order not to expose herself, she put on her sunglasses and left the coffee shop after saying this without any pause.

After Mu Bingyun's bill was settled, Qin Lie came to the first floor of the coffee shop.

"Yo, why did you come down so quickly? Judging from this expression, you probably didn't get a girl, right?"

Seeing Qin Lie coming, Murong Huanyu immediately laughed and joked about him.

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