"Hey, Tianchang, what's wrong?"

Qin Lie asked after answering the phone.

"Brother Qin, I was beaten, and the 20,000 yuan you gave me was all taken away."

On the other end of the phone, Qi Tianchang said bitterly.

"What's the matter? Who beat you?"

Qin Lie's face also sank after hearing Qi Tianchang's words.

You must know that Qi Tianchang is now his younger brother. He is beaten, that is, hitting him in the face, and he will never stand by.

"I don't know that person. Anyway, he was very arrogant and made my mouth bleed. Come here quickly."

Qi Tianchang urged.

"Okay, I'll go right there, by the way, where are you now?"

Qin Lie replied immediately.

"I'm at the gate of Shengshi Dynasty nightclub."

Qi Tian Chang said.

"Understood, you're waiting for me there, I'll go right over."

After saying this, Qin Lie hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Congcong looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"A friend of mine was beaten, I'll go check it out."

Qin Lie replied casually.

"I've been staring at the computer for the past few days, so I won't go with you. You can contact Lao Fan, and he can sort things out in general."

If it was normal, Wang Congcong would have gone to the scene with Qin Lie to see it, but the price of Bitcoin has fluctuated a lot these days. one room step.

"Okay, I see."

Qin Lie nodded and replied, and then said goodbye to Wang Congcong.

Qin Lie then took a taxi and started to the Shengshi Dynasty nightclub, and he also called Mr. Fan.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Lie arrived at the prosperous dynasty. At a glance, he saw Qi Tianchang who was beaten with a bruised nose and a bruised face. His hair was still wet, and it seemed that someone had poured alcohol on him.

"Brother Qin, you must call the shots for me!"

Seeing Qin Lie, Qi Tianchang was like an out-married bride seeing her maiden's family, and all the grievances in her heart were immediately vented.

"Tell me what's going on first and why the other party hit you."

Qin Lie asked with a cold face.

If Qi Tianchang had nothing to do, don't say he was in charge, Qin Lie would definitely take care of him first.

"Didn't you say let me relax, I came to the prosperous dynasty with the money, and then asked two princesses to accompany the wine."

"As a result, I was only halfway through drinking, and suddenly a man came in and said that one of the princesses was his horse, and he insisted that the woman accompany him. I disagreed, so I quarreled with him. If the guy said nothing, I would move I'm not a vegetarian, so I'll fight back."

"Who knows that this guy doesn't talk about martial arts, but when I saw that I couldn't beat him, I actually went to the next door and called a group of people to beat me up, and the money you gave was also taken away by them, saying that it was to compensate him for his medical expenses. "

Qi Tianchang angrily recounted what had just happened.

As the little prince in a nightclub, Qi Tianchang would go to various nightclubs or bars almost every day when he was in the magic capital, but because of his identity as Murong Huanyu's cousin, he has always bullied others, and he has never been bullied, let alone beaten. .

As a result, as soon as he opened Longcheng today, he was besieged and beaten while thinking of having some fun. Qi Tianchang was so angry that he wanted to burn the prosperous dynasty with a torch.

Of course, he just thought about it, but he knew that the prosperous dynasty was the top nightclub in the country, and the identity of the owner behind it was no trivial matter. If he dared to set fire to it, he would definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

Determined not to be provocative by Qi Tianchang, Qin Lie said directly: "Don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for you."

"Thank you Brother Qin."

Qi Tianchang had been with Qin Lie for a while, and he knew that since Qin Lie said so, it would definitely help him out of his anger.

After waiting for another five minutes, Fan Chang, the big golden tooth, arrived with someone.

After a few simple greetings, Qin Lie asked Qi Tianchang to lead the way into the prosperous dynasty.

After arriving at a box on the second floor, Qi Tianchang stopped.

"Brother Qin, those people are in this box."

Qi Tian often pointed to the doorway of the box.

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't waste any time, just pushed the door and entered.

In the dim box, a group of gangster-looking men were flirting with a group of scantily clad girls, and they were having a lot of fun.

Qin Lie turned off the harsh music and turned on the lights at the same time.

"Who the fuck turned off the music? Turn it on for Lao Tzu."

On the sofa, the man who had buried his head in the gully to suckle suddenly raised his head and roared.

"Brother Qin, he led someone to beat me!"

Qi Tianchang immediately pointed it out.

When Qi Tianchang recognized Wei Peng, Wei Peng also recognized Qi Tianchang.

"Hey, who am I supposed to be? It turns out that it's your son of a bitch. What's the matter? Are you unconvinced and looking for someone to take revenge on me?"

Wei Peng stood up and looked at Qi Tianchang very arrogantly.

Qin Lie ignored Wei Peng, but looked at Qi Tianchang and said, "Which of his hands can beat you?"

"Both hands hit."

Qi Tianchang replied immediately.

"Abandoning my hands, I can stop worrying about what happened just now, or I will be responsible for the consequences."

Qin Lie said in a flat and cold voice.

"Hahaha, let me lose my hands? Who do you think you are when you step on a horse!"

Wei Peng raised his head and laughed as if he had heard a joke.

"Brother Peng, what nonsense are you talking to this kid, just fuck him and talk about it."

"That's right, dare to come to trouble us, I really don't know whether to live or die."

The younger brothers around Wei Peng are gearing up for each other, and there is a tendency to act when they disagree.

"A group of scumbags dare to be so arrogant, who gave you the courage!"

At this moment, Fan Chang, who was standing at the door, stepped forward abruptly, his words leaking domineeringly.

"Boss Fan!"

Seeing Fan Chang, the expressions of Wei Peng and the others suddenly changed.

It is said that the shadow of the famous tree of people, Fan Chang is definitely a hero in the underground world of Longcheng, and ordinary people do not dare to offend him.

"Since you know me, then things will be easy to handle. Immediately follow my brother's instructions and discard your hands. Otherwise, when I do, it will not be as simple as discarding two hands."

Fan Chang said coldly, not to mention that he didn't know the gangsters in front of him, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to forgive them lightly for those who dared to touch Qin Lie.

"Boss Fan, we are Brother Fei's people. If you dare to touch us, Brother Fei will never be good at taking a break."

Wei Peng swallowed his spit and shouted sharply.

"Oh, it turned out to be my renegade subordinate, so I said how familiar it is."

After learning that these people were Fei Lian's subordinates, the corners of Fan Chang's mouth turned up.

Seeing Fan Chang's sinister smile, Wei Peng's back froze, and he quickly took out his mobile phone and called Fei Lian.

"Hey, big brother, Big Gold Tooth wrapped us up, come and save me!"

As soon as the call was made, Wei Peng immediately called for help, and during the whole process, neither Qin Lie nor Fan Chang did anything to stop him.

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