After finishing the call with Qiu Bai, Qin Lie called Huang Yiyi's husband Yang Gang again.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hey, who is it?"

At this time, Yang Gang was playing a game with his new love when he was suddenly interrupted by a phone call, which made him very upset.

"I'm Qin Lie."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"Qin Lie?"

Hearing the name, Yang Gang was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and asked respectfully, "Master Qin, what's the matter with you?"

"Do you know where Huang Yiyi is?"

Qin Lie asked coldly.

"I really don't know. Huang Yiyi and I are divorced. We have nothing to do with each other now."

Yang Gang immediately clarified.

In the past, Huang Yiyi looked pure and beautiful, and was deeply liked by Yang Gang, but for a young man like Yang Gang, women have long been tired of playing, so he actually started to raise his lover in a golden house two years ago.

A few days ago, Huang Yiyi offended Qin Lie, but it scared the Yang family very much. Although the matter ended with Huang Yiyi's apology, Yang Gang was still worried that Qin Lie would settle accounts in the autumn, and simply divorced Huang Yiyi. You can find other women openly and honestly.

"You better not lie to me, or I will destroy your whole family!"

Qin Lie replied with a chilling voice.

"Young Master Qin, don't worry, I wouldn't dare to lie to you even if I ate a bear's heart and a leopard's guts."

Yang Gang replied with sincerity, he didn't know why Qin Lie was so angry all of a sudden.

"If there is news about Huang Yiyi, remember to call me as soon as possible. If you let me know that you are covering up Huang Yiyi, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Qin Lie believed that Yang Gang didn't have the guts to deceive himself, so he didn't waste any more time with him, and hung up the phone after saying this.

At this time, in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel in Modu, a man and a woman were lying naked on the bed.

The man was Yang Gang.

"Brother Yang, come quickly, everyone can't wait."

The woman's face was charming, and she entangled Yang Gang like a water snake.

"Go aside!"

Yang Gang pushed the woman away, then called Huang Yiyi's phone, only to find that Huang Yiyi's phone was off.

Then Yang Gang opened WeChat and turned on the voice: "Huang Yiyi, I won't stop you if you want to die, but don't drag Lao Tzu into the water!"

After saying this, Yang Gang sent the message out.

However, he soon discovered that he was actually blocked by Huang Yiyi!


Seeing that Huang Yiyi could not be contacted, Yang Gang was also very angry.

"Brother Yang, what happened, why are you so angry?"

The woman beside her asked curiously.

"Don't ask, it's none of your business."

Yang Gang replied, and threw the phone on the bedside table, making the woman kneel on the bed.

Just as he was about to ride his horse and whip, the phone suddenly rang again.

Yang Gang thought it was Qin Lie's call, and hurriedly picked up the phone, but after looking at the screen of the phone, he realized that it was not Qin Lie who called.

"Hey, who is it?"

Yang Gang asked after answering the phone.

"Yang Gang, it's me."

On the phone, there was a familiar voice, and Yang Gang instantly determined that it was Huang Yiyi.

"Huang Yiyi, you're tired of riding a horse, don't implicate me, okay, I'm going to be killed by you!"

Yang Gang almost roared out.

"Brother Gang, I was wrong. I beg you to send me abroad on the basis of our past relationship. I won't bother you again in the future."

Huang Yiyi said in a panic.

After being kicked out by Yang Gang and losing custody of the child, Huang Yiyi has always held a grudge against Su Xiaoxiao. In her opinion, it was because of Su Xiaoxiao that she ended up where she is now.

In the end, Huang Yiyi, who was psychologically distorted, decided to report the recovery Xiaoxiao by throwing sulfuric acid, and doubled the pain he suffered and returned Su Xiaoxiao, so there was what happened in the hotel.

When she escaped from the hotel, Huang Yiyi was still very excited, but after calming down, she was also afraid.

She is not a fool, she knows very well that Su Xiaoxiao's backer, Qin Lie, is a ruthless person who even her husband dare not provoke. If Qin Lie catches her, her end will be miserable.

But Huang Yiyi didn't know who to turn to for help at this time, so she could only call her ex-husband Yang Gang, hoping that he could help him out of his past relationship.

After all, the husband and wife were blessed for a hundred days in one night, not to mention that she gave birth to a son to Yang Gang.

"Go fucking dreaming, listen to me, your life and death have nothing to do with me, so don't contact me in the future!"

Yang Gang refused Huang Yiyi without thinking, but he didn't forget what Qin Lie said to him before.

"Brother Gang, please help me, or I will die."

Huang Yiyi begged again, she didn't want to die yet.

"It's better for you to die than me to die, don't say I know you in the future!"

After saying this, Yang Gang hung up the phone directly.

Huang Yiyi didn't expect Yang Gang to be so cold-blooded and heartless, and for a while, she couldn't help but fall into despair.

In the hotel, Yang Gang, who hung up the phone, was about to continue his work, but after thinking about it, he called Huang Yiyi again.

"Where are you now? I'll send someone to pick you up."

Yang Gang asked after getting on the phone.

Huang Yiyi thought that Yang Gang was going to send herself abroad. She was overjoyed and quickly replied: "I am now at 1102, Building 3, Heming Garden, Longcheng. I rented it with someone else's ID card."

"Okay, you are waiting for me there, I'll send someone over right away."

After getting Huang Yiyi's hiding place, Yang Gang hung up the phone and called Qin Lie directly.

"Hey, Young Master Qin, Huang Yiyi called me just now and said that she was hiding in 1102, Building 3, Heming Garden. Would you like to send someone to take a look."

Yang Gang still doesn't know how Huang Yiyi offended Qin Lie, but from Qin Lie's words, it is not difficult to guess that it is definitely not a trivial matter, so he chose to betray Huang Yiyi without hesitation in order to protect himself.


After getting the news, Qin Lie immediately prepared to contact Fan Chang.

"Young Master Qin, what Huang Yiyi did has nothing to do with me, so please don't trouble me."

Yang Gang then clarified, for fear that Qin Lie would retaliate against him again.


After dropping these two words, Qin Lie hung up the phone and rushed to Heming Garden while contacting Fan Chang.

Fan Chang's subordinates were very close to Heming Garden, and they arrived at Heming Garden in less than ten minutes.

At this time, Huang Yiyi was standing in front of the window, constantly paying attention to the movement downstairs, and praying to Yang Gang's people to pick her up quickly.

When he saw several people getting off a black SUV, a look of joy appeared on Huang Yiyi's anxious face.

She had already planned to remain anonymous when she fled abroad, so that she could still live a life of ease and freedom.

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