The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 611 Zhao Xiaoying's Large-Scale Photo

Qin Lie turned his head to look, only to realize that the person calling him was Zhao Xiaoying.

"What's wrong with Miss Zhao?"

Qin Lie looked at Zhao Xiaoying and asked.

"I bought some grapes and gave them to Brother Qin to taste."

Zhao Xiaoying said, shaking the bag in her hand.

"Uh, you came to me at night just to give me grapes?"

Qin Lie laughed dumbly.

"Hee hee, in fact, sending grapes is just an excuse. I mainly want to ask Brother Qin to help me with something."

Zhao Xiaoying smiled mischievously.

"What help?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"I don't know what's wrong with my computer. It's stuck. Can you help me fix it? I'll be anxious to use it later."

Zhao Xiaoying replied quickly.

"I can help with this, but I said in advance that my computer repair skills are not very good, and I can't guarantee that it will be repaired."

Qin Lie told the truth.

Some common computer problems are not a problem for Qin Lie, but if there is a big problem, he will not be able to.

"It's alright, if it's really not repairable, it's fine."

Zhao Xiaoying replied.

"Then let's go, I'll show you."

Qin Lie didn't say any more nonsense and followed Zhao Xiaoying to her house.

Zhao Xiaoying's home is decorated in European style. The entrance is a very large crystal lamp. There is a classical European-style sofa in the living room, and oil paintings are hung on the wall, which looks luxurious and atmospheric.

But it was pretty cold inside.

"Do you live alone in your house?"

Qin Lie asked casually.

"I originally lived with my assistant, but her grandfather passed away yesterday, so she went home for the funeral, and now I'm alone."

Zhao Xiaoying replied.

"Then how do you eat alone? Do you order takeout?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"I don't order takeout, I think takeout is unhealthy, so I cook for myself."

Zhao Xiaoying said.

"You still cook?"

Qin Lie raised his brows and looked at Zhao Xiaoying in surprise.

"You look down on people too much. I started cooking and eating it when I was a teenager. Basically, I can cook all kinds of home-cooked dishes."

Zhao Xiaoying said with a proud face.

"Then you are really amazing."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

As far as he knows, many celebrities in the entertainment industry can't even take care of their own lives, not to mention cooking, and Zhao Xiaoying, as one of the four little actresses, can cook and eat by herself, which is definitely a standout.

However, it is not surprising that Zhao Xiaoying was originally born in the countryside.

"Where is your computer?"

Qin Lie returned to the topic.

"Upstairs in my bedroom."

Zhao Xiaoying said and took Qin Lie upstairs.

After a while, the two came to a room on the far left of the second floor.

Zhao Xiaoying's bedroom decoration is completely different from the downstairs, with pink as the theme, very girlish, just like the boudoir of a little princess.

And in the corner of the room was a computer desk with a not-so-new laptop on it.

"This is my computer, can you see if it can be repaired?"

Zhao Xiaoying pointed to the laptop and asked.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look first."

Qin Lie clicked the mouse, but the computer did not respond. He could only press the shutdown button to force the computer to shut down.

After the computer restarted, Qin Lie operated the mouse again, and the mouse arrow finally responded, but he could clearly feel that the computer was stuck one by one.

As usual, Qin Lie opened the hard disk of the computer first, but Qin Lie understood the problem in an instant.

"I said Miss Zhao, why did you save all the files to the C drive? It's a ghost if your computer can run."

Qin Lie said in disbelief.

Zhao Xiaoying's c drive has 150g of memory, but at this time, the system shows that there is only 10 megabytes of free space left, and the entire c drive is almost full.

"Ah, can't the file exist on the c drive?"

Zhao Xiaoying said with an afterthought.

"Yes, but you can't save everything to this disk. The C disk is mainly the system disk. If you store too many files, it will easily cause the system to crash and crash."

Qin Lie explained briefly.

"Then can my computer still be repaired? I have a lot of important data stored in it."

Zhao Xiaoying asked nervously.

"It can be repaired. It's not really a problem. Just clean up the contents of the C drive."

Qin Lie replied.

He knows very well that many girls are computer novices, and they don't understand almost anything except powering on and off. It's not too weird to pile up the C drive.

"Then you quickly help me get it done."

Zhao Xiaoying said quickly.


Qin Lie nodded, first clicked on Disk Cleanup, and cleared almost 10g of garbage, then opened the C drive and looked at it, there were still a lot of large files, and he didn't know what they were.

"Ms. Zhao, is there anything you don't need in your C drive? I can delete it for you directly, saving memory."

Qin Lie asked again.

"I don't know which ones are useful either, why don't you help me take a look."

Zhao Xiaoying replied.

"OK then."

After Qin Lie finished speaking, he clicked on the folders to view them one by one.

Some of these programs were directly transferred to the D drive by Qin Lie, and those installation packages and useless junk files were directly sent to the recycle bin.

When Qin Lie opened a folder named secret again, a series of preview images appeared directly on the screen.

But this is not an ordinary picture, all of them are Zhao Xiaoying's private photos!

The most important thing is that these photos are very large in scale, with very few clothes, and some of them are even naked, only covering key parts with their hands, while Zhao Xiaoying is posing shyly.

Looking at these photos that are enough to be treasured forever, Qin Lie's eyes instantly straightened.


Zhao Xiaoying was at the side at this moment. When she found out that her private photo had been turned out, she immediately screamed and hurriedly covered the computer.

"Cough, so what, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a photo in it."

Qin Lie coughed dryly and said embarrassedly.

"Can you go out first, I'll delete these photos first."

Zhao Xiaoying said to Qin Lie.

"Ok, Ok."

Qin Lie gave a reply and hurried downstairs.

Sitting on the sofa, Qin Lie unconsciously re-emerged the photos he just saw in his mind.

It is said that there are pictures and the truth. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that Zhao Xiaoying, who has always shown her innocent image, has such an unrestrained side.

This reminds Qin Lie of Guan Xi, who has long since quit the entertainment industry.

At the beginning, Guan Xi was also repairing the computer, and all the photos saved in the photos were leaked, which caused a big earthquake in the entire entertainment industry.

And today, because he repaired Zhao Xiaoying's computer, he accidentally discovered another side of her that no one knew about her. I have to say that these two things are almost the same.

Of course, Qin Lie just glanced at those photos, he didn't back it up, let alone publicize it.

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