The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 629 Follow Me To Taizhou Tomorrow

"Okay, okay, can you tell me the key point, I just asked you to introduce me to this person's information, not to flatter you and look at your idiot."

Seeing that Kong Lianxing was about to blow this cloud into the sky, Qin Lie, who was about to vomit, couldn't bear to interrupt her forcibly.

"I'm not flattering Brother Yunze, I'm just stating a fact, and you will definitely agree with my point of view after you really get to know Brother Yunze."

Kong Lianxing said very seriously.

"If he is as good as you say, why don't you marry him?"

Qin Lie asked back.

"Although Brother Yunze is a very perfect man, he is a big brother in my heart, and of course I won't marry him."

Kong Lianxing retorted.

"Okay, okay, what are you talking about, you'd better tell me his personal information quickly."

Qin Lie said impatiently.

"Do you know the Taidong Kong family?"

Kong Lianxing asked suddenly.

"Are you talking about the Kong family, one of the eight great families?"

Qin Lie replied.

"Since you know the eight great families, it's easy to say."

"Brother Yunze and I are both descendants of the Kong family, but I am a sideline of the Kong family, while Brother Yunze is a direct line of the main line of the Kong family, and his father is the current head of the Kong family, Kong Shangdong."

"Since he was born, Brother Yunze has been loved by thousands of people, but he has never indulged himself. Instead, he is strict with himself. Provincial champion."

"After that, Brother Yunze was admitted to the genius class of Longcheng University. It only took him a year and a half to complete all the courses in the entire university, and he graduated early with honors in all subjects. Later, Brother Yunze went to Harvard to study abroad. , and in just three years, he got the toughest MD degree from Harvard University.”

"After graduation, Brother Yunze declined all invitations from abroad and returned to China to join the First People's Hospital of Longcheng."

"He started as an intern, without any family connection, and was promoted to the director of Cardiology in just two years. Many difficult surgeries were performed by Brother Yun Ze just like a family, and now there are many more operations in China. Visiting professor at a top medical university."

"It is no exaggeration to say that among his peers, he is definitely the best, and anyone can only be reduced to a green leaf in front of him."

In Kong Lianxing's heart, Kong Yunze is like a god-like figure, so perfect, so outstanding, no one in this world can compare to him.

"If you don't exaggerate, then this Kong Yunze is really excellent."

Qin Lie stroked his chin.

Just being the top student in the college entrance examination has proved that this person is very talented, not to mention that he is a Harvard Medical Doctor. Qin Lie is ashamed anyway.

In particular, the identity of the other party's Confucian direct son made Qin Lie unable to catch up.

"Don't worry, what I said is true. Brother Yunze has won countless honors over the years. I just said a few things. If I say the same thing next to each other, I'm afraid I can't finish it all day and night."

"And let me tell you, Brother Yunze is very caring. He often does charity work. Over the years, there are at least four or five hundred poor children, orphans and widows, and disabled people who have been funded by him. He was also named as one of the top ten in Thailand last year. One of the outstanding young people."

Kong Lianxing went on to say that his words were full of admiration and admiration for Kong Yunze.

"Thank you for telling me this, it's getting late, I'll go first."

Qin Lie now has a general understanding of Kong Yunze, and naturally he will not stay with Kong Lianxing for a long time.

"You don't go yet."

Kong Lianxing suddenly stopped Qin Lie again.

"What's the matter?"

Qin Lie stopped and asked.

"The person my sister likes is you, but now the family is putting a lot of pressure on her. If you are still a man, go to Taizhou to find her and tell her family clearly, don't let her be a woman for everything. Carry."

Kong Lianxing said to Qin Lie very solemnly.

"Didn't you want to break up my sister and me and let her marry Kong Yunze? Why did you change your mind so quickly?"

Qin Lie's mouth twitched and asked with a smile.

"Before I thought you were not worthy of my sister, but through the chat just now, I found out that you are actually a good person. Of course, the most important thing is that I hope my sister will marry love, rather than being forced to marry someone by my family. The person I don't like, even if this person is Brother Yunze I respect the most."

"But if you let me know that you dare to treat my sister badly, or bully my sister, I will definitely take someone to cut you off!"

Kong Lianxing has a very good relationship with Bai Xianglan. She sincerely hopes that Bai Xianglan can live happily, otherwise, she would not use herself as a bait to test Qin Lie.

"Don't worry, I will definitely treat her well."

Qin Lie solemnly replied.

Before, he didn't want to provoke Peach Blossom debt again, but now he can no longer deceive himself. He absolutely cannot let Bai Xianglan marry another man, and he will regret it for the rest of his life.

"Then you will go back to Taizhou with me tomorrow. I believe that my sister will be very happy after seeing you."

Kong Lianxing continued.

"it is good."

Qin Lie agreed immediately.

After agreeing to come to find Kong Lianxing tomorrow morning, Qin Lie said goodbye and left.


"Why don't you just have a meal, why are you back so late?"

Seeing that Qin Lie came back in the middle of the night, Ye Yuqing, who had not slept, asked.

"A little accident happened..."

Qin Lie didn't hide what happened today, and by the way, he told Ye Yuqing that Bai Xianglan was forced to marry and that he was going to Taizhou.

"Go, I support you, Pandan is a good girl, don't let her down."

Ye Yuqing's eyes are so vicious, she found out the clue when she was on the desert island, but as a smart woman, she can't tell the truth.

"Thank you, Sister Yuqing."

Seeing Ye Yuqing being so considerate, Qin Lie only felt moved in his heart, and at the same time made him feel a little more indebted to Ye Yuqing.

"Don't go out with me. I've already said that no matter what you do, my sister will unswervingly support you. As long as you have me in your heart, it's enough."

Ye Yuqing was a woman who had lost her husband, and the rest of her life after the previous plane crash made her look down on everything.

For her, he is content with a man who loves and loves her deeply, and she will not ask someone to occupy this man.

Qin Lie was moved by Ye Yuqing's true feelings. He knew that it would be meaningless to say more. It might be better to love her and give her enough happiness.

Just when Qin Lie was about to take action, his phone suddenly rang.

At a glance, Qin Lie recognized that the call was from Cao Guowei.

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