The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 641 Bai Xianglan's Grandfather

Xu Fanzhou was born with a golden key in his hand, and he was surrounded by a lot of servants since he was a child.

But since getting to know Qin Lie, he has been devastated one after another.

Take Qin Lie's siege at all costs last time. Qin Lie didn't die, but the people he arranged for him were all killed and injured. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been put into an urn by now.

The failures over and over again made Xu Fanzhou hate Qin Lie to the core, but the Chu family and the Murong family sent warnings to their family one after another, telling them not to secretly attack Qin Lie again.

"Dad, can you help me kill this Qin Lie, if he doesn't die, I'll be uncomfortable for a day!"

Xu Fanzhou asked with gritted teeth.

"It's easy to make him a little shrimp, but the Chu family and the Murong family behind him are not easy to deal with. We can't act rashly at the moment, otherwise, if things get bigger, even I can't bear it."

Xu Ying shook his head.

As a powerful business tycoon, he doesn't care about Qin Lie as a rising star at all, but the Murong family and the Chu family are giants, and he can't even offend him, otherwise he would have killed Qin Lie long ago. .

"Then why can't I just keep him jumping around in front of my eyes? Sooner or later he will be a scourge."

Xu Fanzhou asked unwillingly.

"Don't worry, I definitely won't let him live, but we can't do it ourselves, we must kill people with a knife."

Xu Ying narrowed his eyes and said negatively.

He knew very well that the current Qin Lie might not be able to threaten their Xu family, but over time, Qin Lie would inevitably become a big problem for their family. Of course, the sooner such a person is removed, the better.

"Borrowing a knife to kill? Whose knife do you want to borrow?"

Xu Fanzhou asked in confusion.

"Lend Xiao Xingyuan's knife."

Xu Ying replied without concealment.

"Xiao Xingyuan has no grievances with Qin Lie, he would be so kind to help us kill Qin Lie?"

Xu Fanzhou frowned and asked, he still didn't understand his father's intentions.

"There is no hatred now, but we can make them mortal enemies. And with Xiao Xingyuan's temperament, Qin Lie will definitely be killed at that time, so we won't just sit and reap the benefits."

Xu Ying smiled sinisterly.

"Dad, do you have any good plans?"

Xu Fanzhou asked impatiently.

"The secret cannot be leaked!"

Xu Ying deliberately kept it mysterious.

"Dad, why are you hiding this from me? I'm your own son."

Xu Fanzhou said unhappily.

"Who made your boy so useless, and tell you what if it breaks my affairs again?"

Xu Ying scolded that he hated that iron could not become steel.

He had high hopes for his son, but Xu Fanzhou had more success than failure. If it wasn't for his biological son, Xu Ying would have strangled him long ago.

"Dad, just tell me, I promise it won't be a bad thing."

The more Xu Ying didn't tell him, the more Xu Fanzhou wanted to know the inside story.

Originally, Xu Ying didn't plan to reveal his plan, but he couldn't stand Xu Fanzhou's stubbornness, so in the end, he simply told Xu Fanzhou again.

"It seems that Jiang is still old and hot, Dad, your plan is really wonderful!"

After listening to Xu Ying's poisonous plan, Xu Fanzhou was full of admiration for his father.

"Learn more from Laozi in the future, don't know how to play with women all day long."

Xu Ying shouted in a low voice.

"Yes, I will definitely learn from my father humbly in the future."

At this time, Xu Fanzhou was in a good mood, and he lost his rebelliousness before speaking.

The father and son chatted for a while, and seeing that it was late at night, they each returned to their rooms.

However, Xu Fanzhou did not sleep, but changed his clothes and drove his McLaren to the nightclub to party.

For him, life is full of joy, and there is no woman who can't sleep at night.


Qin Lie didn't know that Xu Ying and his son planned a new conspiracy against him, and he slept until dawn.

After he had breakfast, Bai Xianglan and Kong Lianxing also arrived at the hotel.

After a few simple greetings, the group went to St. Mary's Hospital in Taidong.

St. Mary's Hospital is the top private hospital in the country, with top-notch medical facilities and medical equipment. Similarly, it is also known as the hospital for the rich, and the poor cannot afford it.

However, Bai Xianglan's grandfather Kong Liansheng was born with lung cancer, and he was terminally ill. Even if the hospital's medical conditions were very good, he could only help him hang his life, and there was no way to recover.

Soon, the group came to the 303 intensive care unit.

"Miss Bai, Miss Kong."

When the nurse at the door of the ward saw Bai Xianglan and the others, they immediately greeted them respectfully.

"Is my grandfather still stable?"

Bai Xianglan asked with concern.

Although her grandfather had always forced her to let her marry Kong Yunze, but since childhood, her grandfather had always loved her very much. Now that her grandfather was tortured by a disease, she, the granddaughter, was also very distressed.

"It's not very good, the old man didn't sleep much last night, he just lay down."

The nurse replied.

Hearing this, Bai Xianglan gently opened the door. Seeing that her grandfather was still sleeping, she did not disturb her, and turned around to prepare to let the old man sleep for a while.

However, at this moment, a voice full of vicissitudes sounded behind her.

"Don't go out, come and say a few words with me."

Seeing her grandfather get up, Bai Xianglan hurried to the side of the hospital bed and helped him lean against the head of the bed.

"Grandpa, won't you sleep for a while?"

Bai Xianglan asked.

"Don't sleep, can't sleep."

Kong Liansheng waved his hand, then coughed twice, then said, "Pour me a glass of water."


Bai Xianglan hurriedly poured Kong Liansheng a cup of cool white water, and Kong Liansheng only took two sips to moisten his throat and stopped drinking.

"Three grandpas."

Kong Lianxing walked in from outside and called out to Kong Liansheng very obediently.

"The star girl is here."

Seeing Kong Lianxing, a smile appeared on Kong Liansheng's dry bark cheek.

"Grandpa, my parents have something to do with them. They may come to see you later."

Bai Xianglan continued.

"It doesn't matter if I come or not, I'm half buried in the ground anyway."

Kong Liansheng said indifferently.

"Don't say that, the doctor has said it, your condition has begun to improve slowly, and you will definitely live a long life."

Bai Xianglan immediately comforted Kong Liansheng.

"Hey, you don't need to say nice things. I know my body the best. I've already run out of fuel and I won't be able to live for a long time. But I'm in my 80s, and my life and death have long since looked down on me, right? For me, every extra day I can live is a gain.”

"My only wish now is to see you and Yun Ze get married before I die, otherwise I will really die."

Kong Liansheng looked at Bai Xianglan and once again made clear his wish.

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