"Just what you said, I can guarantee that you have enough funds for research and development, and I hope you will not betray my trust."

Qin Lie initially used 30 million to win 60% of Tianlin Technology. After Qiao Guansheng, the original shareholder, withdrew his capital, he took over 20% of the shares in the other party's hands. Now he already holds Tianlin. Eighty percent of the shares in Technology are the absolute actual controllers.

He certainly hoped that He Linfeng's research would yield results, so that his investment would be rewarded.

"Don't worry, I will not disappoint you."

For He Linfeng, the research and development of super carbon fiber is not just to realize his dream, but to prove to everyone that he is not a loser.

Therefore, even if Qin Lie doesn't say anything, he will drive himself to a dead end, only to succeed, not to fail!

And the result of failure is only one, to apologize to death!

"Okay, I've said it all, go and do your job, I'll wait for your good news."

Qin Lie waved his hand.

"Mr. Qin, that... I have something else I want to discuss with you."

He Linfeng stopped talking.

"If you have anything, just say it."

Qin Lie replied.

"I would like to invite Jintang and Fuming to join our company. Both of them are experts in this field. If they join, our research and development progress will definitely make breakthroughs faster."

He Linfeng continued.

"It's a good thing, and I welcome it."

Qin Lie said immediately.

Although he has no business experience, he also understands that technical personnel have always been the core of a company, and the more such people, the better.

"Both of them can join our company, but they have conditions. First, the annual salary is two million. Second, each of them needs 15% of the company's shares."

He Linfeng continued.

"The annual salary is 3 million for each of them, but each person can only get 5% of the shares, and it is a dry share, and only has the right to dividends, but I can guarantee that as long as you develop the most advanced supramolecular in the world. Carbon fiber, I will reward each of them ten million."

Qin Lie pondered for a while and then gave his conditions.

As long as these people are good enough, he will never be stingy with money, but he will not easily give up the company's equity to others.

"Jintang, Fuming, what do you think of this condition that President Qin proposed?"

He Linfeng turned to look at his two old friends and asked.

"Yes, we agree."

Yang Jintang looked at each other and replied in unison.

"Okay, then it's settled. I'll have someone draw up a labor contract for you alone."

Qin Lie is a cheerful person, so he is ready to sign the two.

"Mr. Qin, don't worry about the contract first. The two of them haven't gone through the resignation formalities. It won't be too late to sign the contract when they resign from Shenying."

He Linfeng continued.

"That's fine."

Qin Lie didn't think there was anything wrong with this, but a strange color flashed in Ye Yuqing's eyes.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Du, please wait a moment in the reception room outside. We have some business secrets to discuss with Mr. He."

Ye Yuqing interjected.


The two responded and left Ye Yuqing's office together.

"Mr. He, do you know much about those two people just now?"

Ye Yuqing looked at He Linfeng and asked.

"Of course, we are college classmates, and we have been friends for more than ten years."

He Linfeng replied.

"Then do you think they really want to join our company?"

Ye Yuqing then asked.

"Mr. Ye, what do you mean by that?"

He Linfeng asked with a frown.

"It doesn't make any sense, I'm just curious. They are all backbones in the Condor Group, and their treatment is definitely not bad. Why did they suddenly change jobs, and they chose a small company like us."

Ye Yuqing couldn't help but question.

Qin Lie told her before that Tianlin Technology was mainly suppressed by Shenying Group. However, Tianlin Technology had just received Qin Lie's investment and the backbone technicians of Shenying Group came to defect, which inevitably made her start. suspicion.

"Mr. Ye, I understand what you mean, but I can explain it to you clearly. The reason why they quit is because, like me, they were very unhappy at Shenying."

"Don't look at the salary and benefits of the Condor Group, but the internal struggles of large companies are very fierce, even in the scientific research department, especially the results they have put a lot of effort into recently have been stolen by people in the same laboratory. That's what made them decide to jump ship."

"And there are three reasons why they choose our company. First, we have been friends for many years. We are very familiar with each other, and there will be no barriers in our work."

"Secondly, they think that our company has development potential, and the icing on the cake is never as important as giving charcoal in the snow. As long as our company successfully develops the top super carbon fiber in the future, then they are veterans, and the company will definitely not lose to them."

"Third, and most importantly, the treatment I gave is generous enough, not worse than those of big companies at all. As long as the money is in place, I believe that few people will care about the size of the company."

He Linfeng quickly answered Ye Yuqing's doubts.

"Mr. He, although the explanation you just gave is reasonable, the R&D department is the top priority after all. I think it's better to investigate them. What do you think?"

Ye Yuqing recognized the explanation given by He Linfeng, but out of prudence, she still had to do a background check on the two of them. This is also the practice of major companies when recruiting, in order to prevent commercial spies from infiltrating the company and causing business Confidentiality leaked.

"No problem, just check it out."

He Linfeng still trusts his two friends very much, but he doesn't believe they have ulterior motives.

"Qin Lie, I'll leave this to you. Find out their details. If there is no problem, the annual salary can be increased by 500,000 yuan."

Ye Yuqing said to Qin Lie.

Her company also has a research and development department. For those technical talents, she is like a baby bump, and the treatment has always been the best, but Yang Jintang and Yang Jintang came from the competitor Shenying Group after all. Before they are determined to be enemies or friends , they'd better be cautious.

"it is good."

Qin Lie naturally had no opinion on this.

After a few more chats, He Linfeng said goodbye and left.

"By the way, Qin Lie, let me tell you something, I plan to buy Tai'an Pharmaceutical at a price of 600 million. At that time, we only need to modify the production line a little to realize the streamlined production of Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc. ."

"In addition, the main drug of Tai'an Pharmaceutical is a drug for the treatment of ed. They have a fixed marketing network. In this way, it will save a lot of trouble for our products to be distributed nationwide after they are launched."

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