After dinner in the evening, Chen Xiaoyu first told her parents that she was pregnant, and then called Ye Yuqing and others one by one.

After hearing that Chen Xiaoyu was pregnant, Ye Yuqing and others were very happy. After all, they were good sisters who lived and died together on the deserted island, and their feelings were extremely deep.

Of course, in addition to being happy, some other emotions inevitably arise in my heart.

Ye Yuqing is disappointed and envious, because she has long been diagnosed with lifelong infertility by the doctor, and it is impossible for her to conceive the crystallization of their love with Qin Lie in her life.

Lin Qiuzhu was jealous and jealous. After all, she had confessed to Qin Lie for so long, but Qin Lie still did not accept her, while Chen Xiaoyu even had children.

Su Xiaoxiao, who dared to love and hate, was even bolder, and directly shouted to Qin Lie that she would also give birth to a monkey for Qin Lie.

After the phone call, Ye Yuqing, Lin Qiuzhu and sister Su Xiaoxiao agreed that they would come to Lucheng to see Chen Xiaoyu the day after tomorrow.

Although Bai Xianglan has been released by her parents, she still has to keep filial piety to her grandfather for a hundred days. It is impossible to leave Taizhou in a short time, so she can only send blessings to Su Xiaoxiao by phone.

As for Yang Yourong, who is still participating in activities abroad, it is estimated that it will take ten days and a half to return.

And Sakurako Aoi has been busy with inheriting the family business for a while now, and she can't take time out, otherwise she would have come to Qin Lie day and night.

According to her father's request, Christina is still learning various royal etiquettes in preparation for officially becoming the canonized princess, and she will not be able to come to China for the time being.

On the morning of the second day Qin Lie returned to Lucheng, he drove Chen Xiaoyu back to his hometown.

But before returning to Haitang Village, Qin Lie went to Xiaowangzhuang Village and met Yang Jianzhong and his wife.

Now, Yang Jianzhong and his wife are Qin Lie's godparents. Of course, he will not forget to tell them about Chen Xiaoyu's pregnancy.

After learning the news, Yang Jianzhong and the others even gave Chen Xiaoyu a red envelope.

After chatting with Yang Jianzhong and his wife for almost an hour, Qin Lie was about to return to the village when he suddenly received a call from Han Yixian.

After all, the two haven't been in touch for a while.

"Hey, Qin Lie, have you returned to Lucheng?"

Han Yixian asked after the call was connected.

"You're well-informed."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

"Lingtong, I'm not in the circle of friends that I saw you posted."

Han Yixian replied.

"Oh, I forgot about that."

Qin Lie slapped his forehead.

When he went out in the morning, he deliberately posted a circle of friends, which probably meant that he had returned to Lucheng and was going to worship his grandfather.

"Qin Lie, is there anything tonight? Our Han family will hold a cocktail party at the Atlantis Hotel at 8 o'clock this evening to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of our Zhongsheng Group. If you have nothing to do, you can come over and let us have a few drinks."

Han Yixian invited.

He knew that Qin Lie was busy recently, and he didn't plan to invite Qin Lie specially, but just as Qin Lie came back, he called Qin Lie. As for whether Qin Lie was willing to come or not, it was up to him.

"Okay, I'll go there tonight."

Qin Lie had nothing to do, so he agreed.

"Okay, then it's settled, see you soon."

After confirming that Qin Lie was coming, Han Yixian hung up the phone, and Qin Lie drove back to Haitang Village and brought Chen Xiaoyu to his grandfather's cemetery.

According to custom, pregnant women should not come to the cemetery under normal circumstances, but grandpa is Qin Lie's closest person in this world. He believes that his grandfather has a spirit in heaven and will bless them. Naturally, there is no such taboo.

Of course, the most important thing is that his grandfather once told him that he hoped to see Qin Lie get married and have children in his lifetime, so that he would also have a grandson.

Unfortunately, Qin Lie failed to help the old man realize this wish. He could only take Chen Xiaoyu to see her grandpa after she was pregnant.

After a simple worship, Qin Lie asked Chen Xiaoyu to go back to the private manor he built in the village, and he spent another hour with his grandfather alone in front of the grave.

In the afternoon, Qin Lie went to inspect the factory.

Now, their cosmetics factory is completely on the right track, with a daily turnover of about 10 million yuan. Converted, the annual revenue can be almost 34 billion yuan, and the net profit is as high as 2 billion yuan. This is in the The entire cosmetic industry is already quite profitable.

But Qin Lie was far from satisfied.

After all, Tengteng Group's king pesticide can attract hundreds of millions of dollars a day. Compared with others, they are like children playing at home.

However, this is only temporary, because their turnover cannot grow at a high speed mainly due to the production of the main material blood rouge. As long as the production of blood rouge increases, they can expand the scale of production and attack the country and the world. City plunder!

Moreover, low-priced products such as facial masks, moisturizing creams, etc. will soon be launched to seize the market. By then, all the low, medium and high three-way markets will have their products, and Qingqing Beauty will become a giant in the cosmetics industry just around the corner!

Thanks to the fact that the factory was built in Haitang Village, and the benefits of the villagers working in the factory are better than those of official business, the development of Haitang Village is also changing with each passing day. buy a house.

The economy has developed, there is money in the pocket, the joysticks of the villagers are hardened, and the people outside the village will envy you when they hear that you are from Haitang Village.

As for the village chief Liu Guangming, he also shot guns and replaced guns. The previous one was a broken Jetta, and now it has been replaced by a Volvo.

In the past, if he went to the town or city for a meeting, he was a village official the size of a sesame and mung bean, and no one would ignore him, but now even the mayor would politely call Brother Liu when he saw him.

However, Liu Guangming and the others knew that they were able to have today's good days thanks to Qin Lie, and they were very grateful to Qin Lie.

In the evening, Qin Lie had a home-cooked meal at Faxiao Gao Lei's house, and then returned to the city.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted to take Chen Xiaoyu to the cocktail party, but after thinking about it, Chen Xiaoyu is pregnant and can't drink, and there must be a lot of people at the cocktail party. Saying it was more dangerous, he sent Chen Xiaoyu home first, and took Chen Jinhu and Qi Tianchang to the Atlantis Hotel.

After arriving at the entrance of the hotel, Qin Lie said that he was here to attend the Zhongsheng Group reception, and the hotel staff immediately took him to the banquet hall on the 16th floor of the hotel.

At this time, there were many guests in the banquet hall, and all of them were celebrities from all walks of life in Lucheng.

It's just that Qin Lie didn't know them well, so he didn't join in the fun. He just found a place to have a drink with Chen Jinhu and the others.

However, the tree wanted to be quiet, but the wind continued, and soon someone took the initiative to find Qin Lie.

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